VonBruinwald, on 10 March 2019 - 03:54 PM, said:
The Jihadi Javelin you fear is a one-shot mech, it doesn't matter if that alpha is 240 or 480, you've already argued it has the potential to "oneshot fresh assaults from the front", it can't one-shot the same 'mech twice in a match. It has one volley, on one mech, one opportunity, to seize a kill, or let it slip.
If you're arguing to balance top down because of it's potential that's fine but we should also look to nerf those ATM48 S.Nova's and the laser vomit builds that can act multiple times per match, we've also got to nerf those pesky Piranhas which have a higher potential than those Javelins you fear.
Snovas are at least big and slow, and ATMs in general have to deal with the various counters to missiles that exist. The Fishbot is nasty but the fact that it takes longer to do its job is in fact very important because it gives you much more opportunity to fight back.
My stance of RLs is that they need to be reworked into a multi-shot weapon with lower damage per shot/salvo (still very high damage per ton, but not 40 alpha strike for 1.5 tons kind of high). Whether this means allowing RL ammo to be carried, or making RLs shoot individual rockets one at a time (likely higher damage per missile) with a cooldown between shots, or whatever else can be debated. Whatever happens they just have to be multi-shot in some form or another.
Otherwise they'll never be more than a gag weapon similar to the Direstar 11 ERPPC build. I don't want any item or mech to be limited to those kind of gimmicks (some things will always be more popular/common than others but it shouldn't be this extreme).
PS: Specifically about the "240 damage not being much different from 480 damage" point, having the RL20 do 80 damage per shot like Kon suggested might actually allow you to fire only 2x RL20 at a time to kill or almost kill fresh mechs (160 damage, only a tiny bit of Ghost Heat) so that you'd have a pretty realistic chance of getting more than just one kill with the build.
Edited by FupDup, 10 March 2019 - 04:08 PM.