A Javelin has a maximum tube count of 44: This means that at most, its alpha strike is ONLY 88 damage.
There is another Javelin with fewer launchers with a tube count of 40...but that's just 80 damage.
So the argument is kinda laughable at best.
It CAN however, fire the first 2 launchers (assuming the 10P Javelin) twice, and its other four launchers an additional 2 times (total of 4)...
The first and second volley could do 88 damage.
The third volley could do 48 damage
The fourth volley could do 16 damage. (Edit: forgot to take the total rockets (8) and double for the damage, so 16 not 8 here).
Total: 240 damage in 4 Alpha strikes (not 1)...and then its completely worthless.
So...I'm so scared of what it can do, considering what laser vomit can do...considering what PPC Gauss can do... considering what laservomit+MACHINE GUNS can do...
Edited by Koniving, 10 March 2019 - 07:31 PM.