on whilst in a match, hitting a series of keys and then somehow setting a trigger key in the process.
*First of all, I don't utilize keyboard recording intentionally, just haven't really felt like utilizing it.
This first started cropping up about a month or so ago, and it was rampant for sometime and it was understandably frustrating. It's pretty eerie when your mech starts walking and turning on it's own sometimes firing. Trying to be rational, I attributed it to my error; Except my MR-mouse recording key is all the way up on the top left of the keyboard about 1/2 inch diagonal of the escape key.
I never reach up that far, don't even really hit escape while playing (again don't use the recording feature)
Just last match it came back and it had been about 2 weeks or so since last occurence.
Further, my mech was out of my control as soon as we dropped on Frozen city Incursion, seemingly countering my every attempt to move forward. I finally just gave up on attempting to control my Nightstar and just let the keyboard do whatever 'it' wanted. It moved very bizarrely, as if someone was actually inputting the controls turning moving forward, going through a series of movements (you know as if W,A,S,S,D,W,A,A etc - because I tried to get up on all chat)
At this point (like not even 3-4 minutes in) it's like 0-6 reds and my Nightstar has been doing a wonky jig in the base.
Here's the kicker - I got on the mic and say something to the team, apologizing that i'm in an assault that is a total liability and can't even control it.
I decide to try and counter steer and my every move is negated. At which point I start walking backward. Oddly that works, but I'm still pretty frustrated by now. All of a sudden it let's up and I can control my mech just in time to walk out of the gate and be the 12th kill for a 12-0 roll.
WTF. Again, being rationally minded it's my keyboard recording turning itself on at conveniently random intervals at my most timely inconvenience.
However, it literally kicked on right when I dropped. Have had this happen before and it's frickin bizarre as hell.
My keyboard is a G. SKILL km780
I downloaded the user interface for it several weeks ago when I got sufficiently fed up with it, in an attempt to avert and ensure that the key log profiles were clear. And they are...every time. So there is that oddity.
I guess my next question is one of paranoia generated by frustration, is it possible to commandeer a usb interface if one is sufficiently determined/skilled?
sigh. so weird. Go ahead and mock, but I would love to hear some knowledgeable feedback or similar experiences. Tin-foil hat engaged.
Edited by JackalBeast, 13 December 2017 - 10:36 PM.