About the only thing that keeps this game fresh is NOT playing it for an extended period like you have done. Therefore you might get some enjoyment out of it.
There are couple of new maps, but not nearly what you were told to expect. Remember Russ Bullocks "A new map every 2 months" statement? Well that hasn't happened but the apologists for PGIs constant verbal production skills will find a way to defend anything.
The biggest change is that they removed the 3 mech mastery "pillar". Now you only have to master one mech through a relatively convoluted, 91 point skill "web". Can't call it a tree....well maybe a skill bush or skill shubbery would be a better description.
They will have refunded a bunch of HSP (historical skill points) which you can use to skill up your mechs along with GXP and SP and maybe DDT, ADD and OCD. God help me I can't recall it all. If you are patient enough to slog through that and re-skill a few mechs, then the game hasn't changed much at all.
Oh, except that there are several new game modes, which when distilled to their essence, are still "deathball up and kill the other team". The sole standout mode being ESCORT mode, which most people despise, a few masochists excepted. In this mode your team either attacks or defends a braindead AI intelligence VIP Atlas as it wanders the map looking for a place to die.
Hopefully they have improved the AI for the new Mechwarrior stand alone game that they have announced, which if you are experienced in dealing with PGI you will not believe word one of their promises and not drop a dime on UNTIL it's released.
Therein lies our sole salvation; that somehow PGI actually makes a good stand alone game, that they deliver on everything they promise, and that it's better than anything they've done in the past.
Should be easy, right?
Edited by TLBFestus, 23 December 2017 - 10:37 AM.