Madness happens when I'm not looking... Time for another catch-up post...
Big Tin Man, on 03 January 2018 - 12:13 PM, said:
All I want to know if what the "Santa Girl" decal looks like. I got the mech, I got enough lootbags to be content, I got all the other decals but I still need 24 more FP's above 250 to get that one.
Hi there,
Big Tin Man. Did you do
the "MechWarrior Advent" #23 Daily ( If so, you already have the "Santa Girl" Decal. If not, think of "Elf Girl" except in a "Santa's Hot Wife" kind of clothes. I think you'll find you could enjoy that Decal. Just don't forget to thank
Tina Benoit, because she personally designed them.
Eternal Claymore, on 03 January 2018 - 02:42 PM, said:
Lol! I guess I went all no life to get those 200 stocking stuffers in time for no reason.
Not true,
Eternal Claymore. First off, if we had not been given this time extension, then you have succeeded in finishing what you originally intended within the time limit... Congratulations! Second off, this extension means you can reach out and get some more... You should get to that already.
Heck, as of when I'm posting this, it has thankfully been at least 12 hours since when I got my Final (
325 earned, of 325 that I could possibly get) Stocking Stuffer. At least now I can calm down and relax a little, all while helping to keep the queues loaded with players. See you out there, perhaps?
sub2000, on 04 January 2018 - 12:49 AM, said:
if PGI has any brain left, they should stop doing QP and especially FW events, and just stay doing normal achievement events collectable either in QP or FW.
For reference look at the ghost town MWO will be when the stocking event stops.
sub2000, but PGI's New Events System is currently unable to handle ignoring the difference between Quick Play and Faction Warfare (CW/FW/FP)... Expect changes to that situation 'Soon'
TM, if ever...
Until then, let's hope that PGI fixes Faction Warfare's Invasion Match Score handling. That should be more easy to do, as all they need to change is to make the server not dock Match Score until you're no longer able to launch a Mech on to the BattleField anymore during a given Match. Once you are completely quote-unquote "Dead", however, then they can take off about 20% of your Match Score earnings, but they should NOT touch it before that. Doing that particular fix will put an end to "Gaming of the Match Score systems" where Pilots sacrifice their Teammates in order to hide and keep their first or second Mech alive for maximum Match Score earnings. Pilots should be able to feel unrestricted on how they use their Mechs as needed during a Match, without this insanity of a fear of being penalized because they lost part of their Drop Deck. Unless this is fixed, that toxic behavior will continue to pervade and damage the very atmosphere of Faction Warfare's Invasion Matches.
Heck, changes made there could even be potentially adapted in the future for Scouting and Quick Play. It seems like sometimes the Match Score earnings there don't seem to properly reflect the effort given. At least they could reduce the percentage of Match Score lost for dying, if nothing else.
By the way, MWO won't outrightly become a 'ghost town' when this Event is done. There are people who can only play seasonally, and many are going to have things come along that reduce their time to be on MWO. The only thing that could kill MWO completely would be a major error from PGI that caused everyone to want to get up and leave, or the online player count dropped below 120... I think that's something I would rather not think about, however.
~Mr. D. V. "
Dailys, Extensions, Endings... I just hope I can recharge before the Next Event!!!" Devnull