November Juliet, on 08 January 2018 - 10:16 AM, said:
Just out of curiosity, would you say you used your team as pug armor? Because zero deaths in a 44-24 game tells me you didnt deem to scratch your paint job partner. Also the 3.1k 228 teammate looks like they did a fair bit of heavy lifting for you as well even though this person lost two mechs.
I was generally rather aggressive in this match. If I'm honest, our opponents just weren't all too great, they seemed to want to cap the base more than anything. The first time they had a few mechs in the mid zone but sent a lance and a half worth of assaults to our base, but we went back and helped kill those. I had already racked up some damage and kills trading up front before going back. After we dealt with those capping assaults with me killing a cataphract while moving into position then shooting a highlander in the rear and shutting down we moved back up to the front. We had a bit of a battle up front again but then they sent mechs to the back again. Up front I helped out my team by blasting any mechs that would attack them, one guy even thanked me, at the base I took the spine out of an Archer and the team had fun pummeling an Annihilator.
At this point we realized the enemy wouldn't stop trying to cap and we were down to 1/3 base cap left, so we decided we'd defend, the enemy sent another wave through the G8 gap and we pincered them. I took out a mech and damaged another before getting to the opening of a gap, only to watch an STD engine Cicada get melted down. At this point we split up into a hunting party and a defending party. I was aggressively trying to kill enemies so I went with the hunting party where I racked up my last 5 kills of the match, mostly against fresh enemies near their base cap.
In general I didn't really use anyone as pug armor, most of us just understood how to use cover and make use of high alpha trading builds and we would kill enemies before they would get into range or kill anyone who tried to hurt any of our nearby allies or just plain out trade them.
I didn't watch what the 228 guy was doing, but I was partnered up with an EBJ with ERPPCs in the hunting party. I'd open someone up and he'd finish them off with a shot or two while I was cooling off. Was a pretty nice synergy, killing those enemies faster means we both take less damage and in the end I get to kill enemies longer.
I was rather accurate with my damage, I'd shoot people in the back, I'd beam off XL engine side torsos, I'd open up CTs, I even shot a guy in the rear of the hip while his legs were turned sideways to me while his torso was facing me to avoid having to spend two shots on the guy going through his CT armor. This would explain my 12 kills even with less damage than the other guy.
I really don't know how we managed to lose as many people as we did, we were killing enemies so quickly.
As for my paint, it was definitely scratched, though I spread enough as to not be crippled. I don't really believe in wasting a good mech, so I try to squeeze as much damage and as many kills out of each mech as possible, sometimes this happens and I never die.