I would get a Lanner if early adopter rewards came back.

Scouting Mode: Max Clan Tonnage Changed To 55
Started by InnerSphereNews, Jan 23 2018 11:28 AM
123 replies to this topic
Posted 01 February 2018 - 07:13 AM
Posted 01 February 2018 - 08:51 AM
Arkhangel, on 31 January 2018 - 12:45 PM, said:
All in all they really just need to change the Scouting points setup anyways to actually reflect that getting Intel is more important than killing everyone. I mean, it's called 'Scouting' ffs. actually have that MEAN something.
How about getting 7 or 8 intel will give each team member the equivalent of an adequate match in terms of c-bills, XP, and match score, plus the first team that gets to 10 intel alters the win requirements for the game?
Just spitballing some rules:
1. A mech can only grab a maximum of 5 intel. That means you need at least two fast mechs to complete the main objective quickly. If a mech is killed after acquiring intel their intel still counts towards the team total.
2. The team that gets to 10 intel first gets a bonus to c-bills and XP. You can gain more intel above the 10 required for more c-bills and xp, but the 5 intel per mech still applies. If both sides lose enough mechs that neither team can complete the main objective (the remaining mechs can't acquire enough intel to get their team to 10), the match ends in a draw. If the defenders kill all enemy mechs before the enemy gets to 10 intel and they have enough mechs to complete the objective, the match ends and the defenders automatically collect the remaining intel up to the number still outstanding or the number of intel slots remaining on alive defenders, whichever is lower.
3a: If the attacking team gets to 10 intel first and gets to the dropship at the appointed time each attacking mech at over 90% health gets a bonus. If all team members are alive at the time of extraction they get a group bonus.
3b: If the defending team recovers 10 intel first the enemy dropship is called in early as normal, but the number of enemy that must be in the landing zone at the appointed time is equal to the number of defenders alive, not just one mech. That means if all four defenders are alive, all four attackers must make it to the landing zone when the timer expires. If two defenders are alive then two attackers must make it to the landing zone. If the above is too complex to code I'd suggest on the defenders getting 10 intel they'll receive the landing zone location and a sensor sweep for the enemy locations.
Posted 05 February 2018 - 02:04 AM
I had wondered why this took so long after IS got their new tech, LE's brought them much closer to Clan, no reason to have kept the scouting limited for clan at this point and huntman does what Streakcrow used to anyway.
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