Cathy, on 07 February 2018 - 01:35 PM, said:
It's good this is happening, but P.G.I rarely agree with what the community thinks is needed, or says yes, and goes off on a tangent, and a year later, the end result looks nothing like the thing we hoped for.
Question is can P.G.I deliver this time,
I think MTD's video is excellent and raises many of the points that many of us have been raising for a long time, and the fact that PGI is finally acknowledging these issues is great. But lets not fool ourselves here. If we as a community have learned anything from the CW round tables and even to a bit lesser extent the comp play round table, PGI is occasionally willing to play lip service to the wants/needs/demands of the community; but even on these rare instances when it has done this, it does so grudgingly, with no enthusiasm at the moment and after the fact even less so.
In the case at hand, Russ acknowledged the video so people stopped bugging him about it on twitter. His only indication that the video inspired any forthcoming action was the statement that he would discuss it with Chris. That's it. This is NOT community engagement, this is not him listening to MTD's message and taking some drastic steps to address the concerns raised in the video. Rather, it is, at best, merely him asking his twitter followers to stop bugging him.
I suspect that the content of the upcoming podcast will be very similar to interviews, town halls and round tables of the past: Russ will listen to some VERY politely worded questions (so politely worded that their actual implications are lost on him) with barely contained impatience and give non committal answers. There will be no follow-up actions other than more "lip service" regarding balance efforts and perhaps even a few buffs to some true under performing weapons or systems that they will magnanimously grant, so that they can say with all honesty: "we listen to our community". Anything more than that would be unprecedented.
Edited by Bud Crue, 07 February 2018 - 03:12 PM.