The Zohan, on 29 January 2018 - 12:42 AM, said:
Simply because its true. Do I need to remember you about these so called "round tables" and who got to say anything in it? And what we got out of these? And the "oh we detected some mechs overperform and to bring it back in line we nerf [insert whole line of weapons/chassis in here] so they are closer to the median" statements - while the nerfs seem to be random and unrelated, a good chunk of said data stems from the top teams and how they exploit things. Balancing by the top 5% is a bad idea in so many ways. Same is true for the opposite side of the spectrum of course.
Also lets not forget how they catered to some (or mostly, one) big group in the past allowing them to change sides and event rules.
It isn't true, though.
1. There was only ever one Competitive round table and, had you watched it, you would have seen what a farce it was. PGI just used that forum to announce MWOWC17 to the teams, announce the comp queue, and discussed f*ck all about the gameplay. When one person tried to move the conversation that way he was shut down by PGI, who said they would hold a second discussion later for that. Predictably, that never happened.
2. The other round tables were FP-oriented, and comp players do not really do FP. Mercstar, who dominated the discussions, are not a comp unit. They weren't even a single unit unto themselves back then, either. And you know what? PGI didn't really listen to them much, either. When they did, it wasn't the ideas that were bad, it was PGI's interpretation and execution. Escort got pitched around as an asym mode, but not how PGI implemented it.
3. I don't recall most comp players calling for nerfs to one item. I distinctly remember calls for buffs to other competing items. Buffs to MGs, buffs to IS lasers, buffs to PPCs, buffs to ACs, buffs to Small lasers other than the cSPL, buffs to isXL...but PGI always went the other way because the Brown Sea and certain Twitter critters demand "LONGER TTK NAO!" Extending HGauss range to 220 meters was the only direct competitive feedback implemented in recent memory, and that was only half of the suggested buff to 270 meters.
And don't abuse the word "exploit." An exploit is taking advantage of a known heat bug to keep firing without penalty while at 99%. Comp players do not do this. All they do is recognize a strong build and use it optimally. That is the game PGI made, and if it is making it un-fun through certain optimal combos savaging everything else then that is what PGI has to fix.
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 29 January 2018 - 07:55 AM.