Gas Guzzler, on 06 February 2018 - 10:37 PM, said:
People who have no idea what they are talking about say that sure, but that doesn't make them right. You think that because a couple people on the forums can't figure out how to play the Dire that suddenly I should just listen to them? Why? What makes their opinion more valid than mine? Certainly not their in-game stats.
The Dire IS viable now, because it can produce a 94 damage alpha at range and be heat efficient enough, but if you get what you want and murder large, one-shot kill capable alphas, then it will be garbage.
The Dire Whales problems stem from the fact that anything it can do, a shiney new 90 tonner can do better, with better hardpoint locations, while walking faster, adding a C-bill bonus, jump jet potential, etc. etc. Even if it who shall not be named didn't exist, there's more clan assaults that outclass the Dire Wolf in all of the intangibles, which is what the Dire Wolf is weak at. KDK-3 and MADIIC to name a couple. If the Dire Wolf was an IS mech with armor quirks, people might actually play it.
But that's another discussion. I don't think Gauss needs heat, because that just makes it another auto-cannon. It really needs a longer CD. Like 100% longer. 8 seconds minimum. IS Gauss should cylce FASTER than clan Gauss. Because they're heavier with no auto-case. IS gauss 8 second CD, clan 9. Gauss should not be allowed to CHARGE within .5 seconds of any energy weapon. Gauss not be allowed charge while an energy weapon is firing. No energy weapon can follow a gauss shot in under .5 seconds. That will force everyone to fire Gauss FIRST and energy half a second behind that, giving a much larger window to twist or retreat to cover. Firing gauss second will lead to a much longer differential because you'd have .5 seconds + charge up instead of just .5 seconds. The same rules would apply to HGR.
As for head shots, no one has provided any evidence at all to make me believe they're even an issue. REGULAR GAUSS USED TO BE ABLE TO HEAD SHOT TOO AT A MUCH LONGER RANGE, but no one complained about it then. Why is HGR suddenly "ZOMG HEADSHOT OFFENDER!" when it's got a much shorter optimal and many other weaknesses regular old gauss never had during its head shottting days? I call total and utter BS.