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Stop Gen Rushing In Siege Mode.

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#81 Johnathan Von Tanner


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 10:05 PM

View PostB0oN, on 06 February 2018 - 12:49 PM, said:

Who cares, remind me again real quick ...

No body, This thread is 99% ******** but its entertaining.

#82 justcallme A S H


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 10:21 PM

View PostPat Kell, on 06 February 2018 - 08:14 PM, said:

Sorry guys, while I absolutely despise gen rushes, if we are down after wave 1 or 2 significantly and the only way I can see to get a victory is to gen rush, I will call it 100% of the time and not lose an ounce of sleep over it.

Yeah that is different though. If you're down 24-12 (or whatever), then it's logical of course. Anyone would do it.

Repeatadly just throwing mechs @ objectives right outta the gate and coming in the with plan to do so no matter what happens... That is a bit different and the jist of the point here :)

#83 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 10:42 PM

View PostKubernetes, on 06 February 2018 - 03:35 PM, said:

And if you’ve ever wondered why FP spuds are so terrible, look in this thread. Tier 5 skills with a Tier 1 ego.

More like ‘I’m the ultimate IS overlord of this game’.

View PostPat Kell, on 06 February 2018 - 08:14 PM, said:

Sorry guys, while I absolutely despise gen rushes, if we are down after wave 1 or 2 significantly and the only way I can see to get a victory is to gen rush, I will call it 100% of the time and not lose an ounce of sleep over it.

I think what people are missing here is that all these "good" players think that they should be able to line up in easily defendable positions and have an equal number of enemy pilots charge at them or poke and trade with them in an effort to show who has the higher level of gunnery skills on the team. That is just silly. While I will charge that line most of the time, if it fails and I can't see a way of dislodging them, I will use the threat of a base rush to dislodge them in an effort to make the fight a little more equal or just get a win and teach them that sitting at long range and not protecting the objective causes losses.. This game isn't just about your ability to move your mouse onto a picture on your screen and click a button, it's about being able to monitor the intent of your enemy, protect your base, deal damage, effectively receive damage, work as a team by supporting them or even taking hits for them. And that's just barely scratching the surface.

While I hate gen rushing, I will absolutely do it if the enemy leaves it wide open and lines up in a place that would be suicide for us to charge. Making that decision doesn't make a team a bad team, it makes them an adaptable team, able to more effectively deal with a wide variety of situations. KCom has long been known as the team that will find the enemy, group up and charge them wherever they may be. It took longer than I expected but eventually teams started bringing long range decks against us and moving to areas that they could effectively use those weapons. This was a good strategy and it earned some teams victories against us. A bad team would of kept doing the same thing and not learning the reason for the losses. We tried to adapt. We have started bringing some longer range decks sometimes and we have kept the option open to gen rush if charging the enemy is a losing proposition. Most of us are not good at the range game and we have really no desire to fight that kind of match as we find it boring and frustrating all at the same time. If you won't let us shoot you in the face because you sit at long range and are constantly re-positioning away from us, we will shoot the gens in the face. If you don't want to lose, come stop us.

If people really truly want to get better at this game, they need to understand that it's about more than just being able to shoot someone's CT at 1500 meters. I've seen people do 3 and 4k damage while effectively shooting people at 800+ meters and still lose the game, both to gen rushes and straight up attrition. I can't tell you how unimpressed I am when I see people do that much damage and still lose. I know what it takes to get that kind of damage and I have gotten that much damage before and lost. It wasn't because "my pugs sucked", it was because none of us worked as a team and I was the most skilled at using "my pugs" as meat shields. Work together with your team, help them all survive longer and your matches will go much better. You may not do 3K+ damage every match but your pugs will do better because you have learned how to properly support your team.

End of rant, sorry so long

Again nobody here mind if you genrush with massive kill disadvantage since it’s now the only way to win. At very least becuase in your case it means 2 waves of mechs died brawling.

Edited by denAirwalkerrr, 06 February 2018 - 11:22 PM.

#84 His Mistress Voice


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 12:05 AM

You clearly should have written this in The Daily Whine thread instead of starting a new one.
(Forum software tried to help you there but you ignored it :) )

Okay, you got more people reading and even answering your post, but it is still nothing more than a WHINE. Mimimimimimimi......

And E-penis comparison „my Tier is better than yours, my kdr, wlr, etc.“

But one thing is sadly true, What real difference does it make if you win or loose a planet? Anything to say to this PGI?

Edited by His Mistress Voice, 07 February 2018 - 12:08 AM.



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 12:49 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 06 February 2018 - 02:33 AM, said:

We do objectives rushes if the map and/or game mode sucks to get quickly a new match.

Why should we poke/fight it out to the end when we are playing on a map which prefers clanner tactic like polar highlands?

Why should we not go on objectives when we have attack mode on boreal? its hard enough to win this for a casual unit like we are.

Incursion on Frozen? No fun in any way. A quick base rush -> win -> next match

Why should we NOT go on objectives when we are facing a best-of-clan-premade? If THEY dont care to protect their gens because they want to play the snipey-snipe game to farm maximum damage, then it is not my problem....

Do you really expect we are doing what the enemy want???

Then you didnt get the essential point of war: NOT doing what the enemy expects or want you to do.

And you cant tell people why they want to win because you dont know. For cbills, for xp, for LP, for KMDs, planet tags? You cant say and you dont have to dictate other people to overthink their goals in FP.

Its like i demand that clanners should not use long range weapons anymore because i feel uncomfortable to play against them. That makes no sense.

I can appreciate where you are coming from.

Incursion in CW is no fun because the base is so weak, and vulnerable, it is almost impossible to stop a determined team from destroying it. At most a team set up and prepared to focus the base will usually win in two waves or less.

The only real defense is to counter rush, or rush the rush.

Usually my unit is not set up for rushing and not knowing the opponent before you can set up your deck is frustrating.

That is not the players fault. Health of the base should be increased dramatically or give us the option to switch up decks when we see who we are facing.

All that said and back to Ragnar's point, your excuse about not being able to counter Clans on Polar is not a good example. Not at all.

Do Clan's have a range advantage? Yes. Look at where that is however and it is mostly mid range. Large pulses that reach out 700m, and medium lasers as well.

500 to 700 metres. That is the sweet spot where a Clan pilot can trade with an IS pilot while doing more damage.

On Polar however, er large Battlemasters and Grasshoppers will out trade Hellbringers.

Clan has better PPC's and IS have better LRM's.

Saying that you are objective rushing on Polar because Clan...is exactly Ragnar's point. Skilled players don't blame tech base. Not when there are (granted only a few) mechs that are quirked to high heaven to allow them to compete. It's better to be firing three, and two compared to the ghost heat limited Clan as well.

So if you can't compete, fine do what you need to have fun. If you are going to justify it by saying you are limited not by your skill, but by Clan range, you are wrong because you have access to the same Battlemasters and Grasshoppers (Rifleman and Quickdraws too) that the rest of us having absolutely no problem trading at 1000+ with IS mechs.

#86 Bishop Six


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 01:14 AM

View Posttker 669, on 07 February 2018 - 12:49 AM, said:

I can appreciate where you are coming from.

Incursion in CW is no fun because the base is so weak, and vulnerable, it is almost impossible to stop a determined team from destroying it. At most a team set up and prepared to focus the base will usually win in two waves or less.

The only real defense is to counter rush, or rush the rush.

Usually my unit is not set up for rushing and not knowing the opponent before you can set up your deck is frustrating.

That is not the players fault. Health of the base should be increased dramatically or give us the option to switch up decks when we see who we are facing.

All that said and back to Ragnar's point, your excuse about not being able to counter Clans on Polar is not a good example. Not at all.

Do Clan's have a range advantage? Yes. Look at where that is however and it is mostly mid range. Large pulses that reach out 700m, and medium lasers as well.

500 to 700 metres. That is the sweet spot where a Clan pilot can trade with an IS pilot while doing more damage.

On Polar however, er large Battlemasters and Grasshoppers will out trade Hellbringers.

Clan has better PPC's and IS have better LRM's.

Saying that you are objective rushing on Polar because Clan...is exactly Ragnar's point. Skilled players don't blame tech base. Not when there are (granted only a few) mechs that are quirked to high heaven to allow them to compete. It's better to be firing three, and two compared to the ghost heat limited Clan as well.

So if you can't compete, fine do what you need to have fun. If you are going to justify it by saying you are limited not by your skill, but by Clan range, you are wrong because you have access to the same Battlemasters and Grasshoppers (Rifleman and Quickdraws too) that the rest of us having absolutely no problem trading at 1000+ with IS mechs.

Our unit has very different performances on each tactic. We are really not bad in pushing and brawling, we are ok in poking and we are bad in long range matches. We tried it many times and even if we won, we had no fun. For us it is just too boring.

Polar should just be an example, every match is different like every enemy. This exampleshould show you why a team decide to go on objectives.

So i have 4 Long-range-mechs and these ones i use in FP if it is absolutely necessary. Still, i stay with my former comment, people should not dictate other players why they want to win that match, because they cant know.

I'm rich, i have really enough mechs, i did the general for Steiner but stayed loyal. So, what do you think i am playing for?

Other players have other reasons.

Yesterday we had a match against EVIL on HPG - Domination. We were casual premade of 10 with many guys never played together before. One guy suggested to go into basement and wait for EVIL there. We said "Why not? Let's try it!" The following 20 minutes EVIL guys flamed us via chat for being potatoes and so on. They wanted us to farm in the usual way.

Another match yesterday with almost the same teammates we played against a pug team. After the 1st wave it was 12-1, we had the circle. Enemies chatted to us to "end it fast..why we farm them bla bla"

So EVIL is angry we are not doing what they want, pugs are angry because we are NOT going on objectives, other people are angry IF we go on objectives.

What i learned is, that the "pro" units are angry if you dont do what THEY want. And they always want to farm to 48 kills, no matter which game mode. I dont want this and i play to disturb their plans. End of story.

And to the guys here who are define pilots over damage: You are absolutely wrong in so many ways and i won't give points for my argument because it is clear why it is wrong.

#87 iLLcapitan


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 01:36 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 07 February 2018 - 01:14 AM, said:

So EVIL is angry we are not doing what they want, pugs are angry because we are NOT going on objectives, other people are angry IF we go on objectives.

I'm still waiting for one of the original Evil members to confirm that this Baron guy actually represents this unit. While he may not realize it, he himself represents the new mediocrity in Evil. But hey, he 'trains' the new guys lol.

#88 Johnathan Von Tanner


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 01:42 AM

View PostiLLcapitan, on 07 February 2018 - 01:36 AM, said:

I'm still waiting for one of the original Evil members to confirm that this Baron guy actually represents this unit. While he may not realize it, he himself represents the new mediocrity in Evil. But hey, he 'trains' the new guys lol.

Yeah what happened to 5 48-0 in a row EVIL?



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 01:50 AM

View PostPat Kell, on 06 February 2018 - 08:14 PM, said:

Sorry guys, while I absolutely despise gen rushes, if we are down after wave 1 or 2 significantly and the only way I can see to get a victory is to gen rush, I will call it 100% of the time and not lose an ounce of sleep over it.

I think what people are missing here is that all these "good" players think that they should be able to line up in easily defendable positions and have an equal number of enemy pilots charge at them or poke and trade with them in an effort to show who has the higher level of gunnery skills on the team. That is just silly. While I will charge that line most of the time, if it fails and I can't see a way of dislodging them, I will use the threat of a base rush to dislodge them in an effort to make the fight a little more equal or just get a win and teach them that sitting at long range and not protecting the objective causes losses.. This game isn't just about your ability to move your mouse onto a picture on your screen and click a button, it's about being able to monitor the intent of your enemy, protect your base, deal damage, effectively receive damage, work as a team by supporting them or even taking hits for them. And that's just barely scratching the surface.

While I hate gen rushing, I will absolutely do it if the enemy leaves it wide open and lines up in a place that would be suicide for us to charge. Making that decision doesn't make a team a bad team, it makes them an adaptable team, able to more effectively deal with a wide variety of situations. KCom has long been known as the team that will find the enemy, group up and charge them wherever they may be. It took longer than I expected but eventually teams started bringing long range decks against us and moving to areas that they could effectively use those weapons. This was a good strategy and it earned some teams victories against us. A bad team would of kept doing the same thing and not learning the reason for the losses. We tried to adapt. We have started bringing some longer range decks sometimes and we have kept the option open to gen rush if charging the enemy is a losing proposition. Most of us are not good at the range game and we have really no desire to fight that kind of match as we find it boring and frustrating all at the same time. If you won't let us shoot you in the face because you sit at long range and are constantly re-positioning away from us, we will shoot the gens in the face. If you don't want to lose, come stop us.

If people really truly want to get better at this game, they need to understand that it's about more than just being able to shoot someone's CT at 1500 meters. I've seen people do 3 and 4k damage while effectively shooting people at 800+ meters and still lose the game, both to gen rushes and straight up attrition. I can't tell you how unimpressed I am when I see people do that much damage and still lose. I know what it takes to get that kind of damage and I have gotten that much damage before and lost. It wasn't because "my pugs sucked", it was because none of us worked as a team and I was the most skilled at using "my pugs" as meat shields. Work together with your team, help them all survive longer and your matches will go much better. You may not do 3K+ damage every match but your pugs will do better because you have learned how to properly support your team.

End of rant, sorry so long

Thank you for you outlook and taking the time.

Your sentiments pretty much reflects what Hobbles said the other day to a bunch of discussing it on comms.

I personally enjoy that there is more than skirmish. Switching to gens to try and grab a win is something we have done at BCMC. Although, there have also been times where Hobbles told us to just concentrate on mechs and do our best. Most importantly learn from it.

Some might be surprised that we have chosen to not go for the win and play it out the best we can.

A lot of that comes from how many of us echo Tanner's sentiment that a lot of the meaning has been sucked out of the game. So the fight and engagement is where we really get our motivation these days. Like our fights between our two units. We have been talking about those for days now.

Recently I have had the pleasure to meet and drop with members of unit that get a lot of flak for their focus (or perceived) on objectives. Did this for a few reasons.

One of them being a new member who was in the unit, and the praise he had for the leader and his mind. That he learned how to really play from him, and what an incredibly nice and legitimately kind the guy was and how enjoyable spending time with those guys was.

Another being one of their members being gracious enough despite some hostility, to invite me over to play and hang out with them. Personally never slap away an extended hand.

Biggest one though was feeling really uncomfortable with the anger and animosity. Not because I am a saint, but because I started getting a knot knowing I said or typed stuff that doesn't belong in this game. As someone who grew up playing organised sports and understanding sportsmanship, this stung.

What I am taking away from it is how much projection and conjecture there is going on, on both sides of this. I was shocked to hear guys opinion thinking that we were chasing stats. Now our guys at the upper echelon talent wise are probably more aware than most, but none of our big guns that I have been dropping for...like a year and a half now, where ever stat w@#$$s.

From our end there is the no talent argument. Clearly that is not always the case. As to why folks gen rush, I am gathering that the folks I recently hung out with are focused on the W. They seem to look at units as in the way. I heard from them that they care about the bar. They want to get a planet and they are playing within PGI's rules. They seem to have pride in seeing that tag up there. Come into our channel at any given time and ask us how many planets we have.... you'll have to give a minute or two while we check.

Hey, you and your guys know us. We know and have dropped with and against most of you. Could you describe any on our current roster as players farming damage, not helping our team to win?

While I might not be able to have much of an impact on either side of this divisive issue I can at least get some understanding. The arguments of noskillz/statlover for me are now rhetoric that derail conversations while nothing gets done.

So there needs to be no bad guys here. I know Ragnar has a big personality and maybe can come across as too much testosterone, but he's a really nice guy. Same goes with folks I hung out with on the other side. So much so I plan on doing it again.

Yet this gets lost and there is no point.

I want this game mode to be good and I enjoy playing it. My only real wish and hope would be getting PGI to fix incursion somehow. Either with more base health or tighter chokes to push through, I don't know. While not being a fan of losing a base rush on siege, it is not something I get too upset with because it is absolutely possible to stop it. While we have lost to base rushes, we will stop previous ten or more people try.

Incursion however feels like an exploit that PGI has left open. It is going to devolve into a default Icefarret vs. Assassin game at this rate. There feels like very little strategy and interests me even less than Bushwacker vs. Huntman in scouting did.

Edited by tker 669, 07 February 2018 - 01:51 AM.

#90 Johnathan Von Tanner


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 02:07 AM

View Posttker 669, on 07 February 2018 - 01:50 AM, said:

Incursion however feels like an exploit that PGI has left open. It is going to devolve into a default Icefarret vs. Assassin game at this rate. There feels like very little strategy and interests me even less than Bushwacker vs. Huntman in scouting did.

There is a reason gens in siege have boxes around them. Incursion has no place in CW, Its just a cheap ****** throw back to early CW, Anybody ever wonder why they call the left trench on boreal jenner alley?



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Posted 07 February 2018 - 02:25 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 07 February 2018 - 01:14 AM, said:

Our unit has very different performances on each tactic. We are really not bad in pushing and brawling, we are ok in poking and we are bad in long range matches. We tried it many times and even if we won, we had no fun. For us it is just too boring.

Polar should just be an example, every match is different like every enemy. This exampleshould show you why a team decide to go on objectives.

So i have 4 Long-range-mechs and these ones i use in FP if it is absolutely necessary. Still, i stay with my former comment, people should not dictate other players why they want to win that match, because they cant know.

I'm rich, i have really enough mechs, i did the general for Steiner but stayed loyal. So, what do you think i am playing for?

Other players have other reasons.

Yesterday we had a match against EVIL on HPG - Domination. We were casual premade of 10 with many guys never played together before. One guy suggested to go into basement and wait for EVIL there. We said "Why not? Let's try it!" The following 20 minutes EVIL guys flamed us via chat for being potatoes and so on. They wanted us to farm in the usual way.

Another match yesterday with almost the same teammates we played against a pug team. After the 1st wave it was 12-1, we had the circle. Enemies chatted to us to "end it fast..why we farm them bla bla"

So EVIL is angry we are not doing what they want, pugs are angry because we are NOT going on objectives, other people are angry IF we go on objectives.

What i learned is, that the "pro" units are angry if you dont do what THEY want. And they always want to farm to 48 kills, no matter which game mode. I dont want this and i play to disturb their plans. End of story.

And to the guys here who are define pilots over damage: You are absolutely wrong in so many ways and i won't give points for my argument because it is clear why it is wrong.

That's funny, you want people to accept that they don't know the why's of what you do or how you play. Then you turn right around and project your nonsense interpretation of what 'pro' units are angry with.

Oh and great beta male passive aggressiveness there with the whole pro dig, bravo (see what I did there?).

Tell you what since I know a lot of Evil guys and drop with them, and since it also infuriates my own unit as well, that the problem isn't not farming how they want but how camping and sitting around doing nothing is boring.

Oh, and did it work? Cause my experience is Evil may not like it, but they will have the discipline to out wait you. So the point they were making to you was that, that nonsense will not work. If you are telling me that sitting in the basement, waiting...doing nothing is fun. If you have been around long enough, you should know that it doesn't work. Ah...now down this line we go.

So if you are doing this cause you know you will not win, and say ef it and charge down there anyways...why? What other possible reason could you do nothing and sit still wasting time if not to intentionally aggravate other people? Basically you are admitting to being a troll in this case.... oh unless you are saying you had no idea that camping out in that basement wasn't a solid plan because you are actually that bad.

Either troll or terribad, and you go about ranting stat this and good pilot that. You'd have more credibility, by demonstrating knowledge of the game. Honestly though I am betting you knew the idea was crap, and am leaning that you wanted to peeve them off.

What you could have done though is play your best, used whatever knowledge you have or try something new (and not trollish). You could have set a goal for yourself. I remember working towards making it close, and making Evil work to kill us. That didn't involve hiding but trying and failing until we knew where and what worked. I remember being satisfied at a 31-48 score and thinking how far we'd come. Oh and I am not the best pilot. BCMC's worst in fact.

You'd be blown away by much you can do with positioning and experience. If a giant old fat guy like me can get some success, there's literally nothing in your way to at least get good enough you don't have to hide and try to annoy your opponents instead of fighting them.

But I am not a defeatist so like you have said I can't know what could be going on in your head, right?

#92 Yondu Udonta


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 03:40 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 07 February 2018 - 01:14 AM, said:

Our unit has very different performances on each tactic. We are really not bad in pushing and brawling, we are ok in poking and we are bad in long range matches. We tried it many times and even if we won, we had no fun. For us it is just too boring.

I don't get it, how does camping in the basement equate to fun? It's even more boring than walking a 32.4kph ANH on Polar.

#93 Bishop Six


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 03:50 AM

View Posttker 669, on 07 February 2018 - 02:25 AM, said:

That's funny, you want people to accept that they don't know the why's of what you do or how you play. Then you turn right around and project your nonsense interpretation of what 'pro' units are angry with.

Oh and great beta male passive aggressiveness there with the whole pro dig, bravo (see what I did there?).

Tell you what since I know a lot of Evil guys and drop with them, and since it also infuriates my own unit as well, that the problem isn't not farming how they want but how camping and sitting around doing nothing is boring.

Oh, and did it work? Cause my experience is Evil may not like it, but they will have the discipline to out wait you. So the point they were making to you was that, that nonsense will not work. If you are telling me that sitting in the basement, waiting...doing nothing is fun. If you have been around long enough, you should know that it doesn't work. Ah...now down this line we go.

So if you are doing this cause you know you will not win, and say ef it and charge down there anyways...why? What other possible reason could you do nothing and sit still wasting time if not to intentionally aggravate other people? Basically you are admitting to being a troll in this case.... oh unless you are saying you had no idea that camping out in that basement wasn't a solid plan because you are actually that bad.

Either troll or terribad, and you go about ranting stat this and good pilot that. You'd have more credibility, by demonstrating knowledge of the game. Honestly though I am betting you knew the idea was crap, and am leaning that you wanted to peeve them off.

What you could have done though is play your best, used whatever knowledge you have or try something new (and not trollish). You could have set a goal for yourself. I remember working towards making it close, and making Evil work to kill us. That didn't involve hiding but trying and failing until we knew where and what worked. I remember being satisfied at a 31-48 score and thinking how far we'd come. Oh and I am not the best pilot. BCMC's worst in fact.

You'd be blown away by much you can do with positioning and experience. If a giant old fat guy like me can get some success, there's literally nothing in your way to at least get good enough you don't have to hide and try to annoy your opponents instead of fighting them.

But I am not a defeatist so like you have said I can't know what could be going on in your head, right?

As a non-english-native-speaker i have to read this later, i guess i cant describe my thoughts in a proper way.

View PostYondu the Ravager, on 07 February 2018 - 03:40 AM, said:

I don't get it, how does camping in the basement equate to fun? It's even more boring than walking a 32.4kph ANH on Polar.

Do not make an overinterpretation from this single situation:

"One guy suggested to go into basement and wait for EVIL there. We said "Why not? Let's try it!""

#94 Yondu Udonta


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 04:02 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 07 February 2018 - 03:50 AM, said:

Do not make an overinterpretation from this single situation:

"One guy suggested to go into basement and wait for EVIL there. We said "Why not? Let's try it!""

But surely you know a waiting game is boring no?

#95 MovinTarget


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 04:27 AM

Some people/units want to win by dictating the terms of engagement. They want to force a brawl or trade, or objective rush. Then there are those that simply want to beat you at your own game...

Then there are others that want to oversimplify all of the above! ;)

#96 Bishop Six


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 04:32 AM

Well i dont know if i cant describe my opinion in a correct way or if some people dont want to understand what i am trying to say, but i feel missunderstood.

And i dont want to discuss things on that basis. So we have in general the same goal: more players, fun for everyone. That is what i am trying to do. I dont care about tier, damage, kdr and such things and i think i know that game and its mechanic good enough to say my opinion.

But if i disturb your discussion about making the game experience better for everyone, than i did a mistake to say my view of perspective to people which know way more about MWO than me as a casual noob.

So sorry for that inconvenience, fortunately i almost never play FP and you casnt find me on leaderboard and such things. I'm out, have fun! :)

#97 MovinTarget


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 05:00 AM

More "fun"

Sounds great until we try to define it because just about everyone here has a different idea of "fun"

Hence the forum salt.

The real problem is that thete is currently only one MW/BT game that is available and generally accessible, so trying to give everyone their "fun" where if you want general sci-fi or fantasy, there are any number of flavors to choose from...

#98 Arcanoz


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 06:44 AM

View PostiLLcapitan, on 07 February 2018 - 01:36 AM, said:

I'm still waiting for one of the original Evil members to confirm that this Baron guy actually represents this unit. While he may not realize it, he himself represents the new mediocrity in Evil. But hey, he 'trains' the new guys lol.

nahh...my personal trainer is Vortex..the one and only

#99 ccrider


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 07:16 AM

Oh....my.....gorsh............just kill those topic already. Kill it with fire and send it to k-town. Then k-town every new thread that mentions gen rushing. I thought that the version from a few days ago that defended the opposite viewpoint was enough for ya'll? I am taking no side in this, get along with (nearly) everyone in the game and even I am sick of this topic.

Look, as a unit, we have a win record that shows exactly how we play. We will brawl push every map, mode and opponent. We forget caps in conquest and lose to Skittles sometimes, but its fine if giant robots exploded. We end siege attacks that we are down on, not with a gen push but a "ball up, kill as many as we can and go out like ballers" call. Is what it is. Thing is, I never comment if the other team wins by a method I don't use. I just admit we weren't good enough to win our way that match, tell people to let it go and queue up again. No point dwelling on it. This argument is the same as me saying don't cap conquest, or stay out of circle cause we pushed slow *** robots too far and someone back capped the circle or yelling at a team for sniping on polar when we just want to onion brawl. It was our fault being too into explosions, you know? So let the topic of how others play die, and just learn to enjoy what you enjoy with your buddies. Game gets more fun that way. :)

Edited by ccrider, 07 February 2018 - 07:17 AM.

#100 Natural Predator


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Posted 07 February 2018 - 07:49 AM

View PostiLLcapitan, on 07 February 2018 - 01:36 AM, said:

I'm still waiting for one of the original Evil members to confirm that this Baron guy actually represents this unit. While he may not realize it, he himself represents the new mediocrity in Evil. But hey, he 'trains' the new guys lol.

How would you know? Haven’t seen you in FW in six months. Put your money where your mouth is. All I’ve ever seen of you in 400 meters behind everyone with er large lasers. But hey the fact the denairwalker agreed with me doesn’t matter. I dare you to call him a scrub.

Edited by Ragnar Baron Leiningen, 07 February 2018 - 07:53 AM.

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