Pat Kell, on 06 February 2018 - 08:14 PM, said:
Sorry guys, while I absolutely despise gen rushes, if we are down after wave 1 or 2 significantly and the only way I can see to get a victory is to gen rush, I will call it 100% of the time and not lose an ounce of sleep over it.
I think what people are missing here is that all these "good" players think that they should be able to line up in easily defendable positions and have an equal number of enemy pilots charge at them or poke and trade with them in an effort to show who has the higher level of gunnery skills on the team. That is just silly. While I will charge that line most of the time, if it fails and I can't see a way of dislodging them, I will use the threat of a base rush to dislodge them in an effort to make the fight a little more equal or just get a win and teach them that sitting at long range and not protecting the objective causes losses.. This game isn't just about your ability to move your mouse onto a picture on your screen and click a button, it's about being able to monitor the intent of your enemy, protect your base, deal damage, effectively receive damage, work as a team by supporting them or even taking hits for them. And that's just barely scratching the surface.
While I hate gen rushing, I will absolutely do it if the enemy leaves it wide open and lines up in a place that would be suicide for us to charge. Making that decision doesn't make a team a bad team, it makes them an adaptable team, able to more effectively deal with a wide variety of situations. KCom has long been known as the team that will find the enemy, group up and charge them wherever they may be. It took longer than I expected but eventually teams started bringing long range decks against us and moving to areas that they could effectively use those weapons. This was a good strategy and it earned some teams victories against us. A bad team would of kept doing the same thing and not learning the reason for the losses. We tried to adapt. We have started bringing some longer range decks sometimes and we have kept the option open to gen rush if charging the enemy is a losing proposition. Most of us are not good at the range game and we have really no desire to fight that kind of match as we find it boring and frustrating all at the same time. If you won't let us shoot you in the face because you sit at long range and are constantly re-positioning away from us, we will shoot the gens in the face. If you don't want to lose, come stop us.
If people really truly want to get better at this game, they need to understand that it's about more than just being able to shoot someone's CT at 1500 meters. I've seen people do 3 and 4k damage while effectively shooting people at 800+ meters and still lose the game, both to gen rushes and straight up attrition. I can't tell you how unimpressed I am when I see people do that much damage and still lose. I know what it takes to get that kind of damage and I have gotten that much damage before and lost. It wasn't because "my pugs sucked", it was because none of us worked as a team and I was the most skilled at using "my pugs" as meat shields. Work together with your team, help them all survive longer and your matches will go much better. You may not do 3K+ damage every match but your pugs will do better because you have learned how to properly support your team.
End of rant, sorry so long
Thank you for you outlook and taking the time.
Your sentiments pretty much reflects what Hobbles said the other day to a bunch of discussing it on comms.
I personally enjoy that there is more than skirmish. Switching to gens to try and grab a win is something we have done at BCMC. Although, there have also been times where Hobbles told us to just concentrate on mechs and do our best. Most importantly learn from it.
Some might be surprised that we have chosen to not go for the win and play it out the best we can.
A lot of that comes from how many of us echo Tanner's sentiment that a lot of the meaning has been sucked out of the game. So the fight and engagement is where we really get our motivation these days. Like our fights between our two units. We have been talking about those for days now.
Recently I have had the pleasure to meet and drop with members of unit that get a lot of flak for their focus (or perceived) on objectives. Did this for a few reasons.
One of them being a new member who was in the unit, and the praise he had for the leader and his mind. That he learned how to really play from him, and what an incredibly nice and legitimately kind the guy was and how enjoyable spending time with those guys was.
Another being one of their members being gracious enough despite some hostility, to invite me over to play and hang out with them. Personally never slap away an extended hand.
Biggest one though was feeling really uncomfortable with the anger and animosity. Not because I am a saint, but because I started getting a knot knowing I said or typed stuff that doesn't belong in this game. As someone who grew up playing organised sports and understanding sportsmanship, this stung.
What I am taking away from it is how much projection and conjecture there is going on, on both sides of this. I was shocked to hear guys opinion thinking that we were chasing stats. Now our guys at the upper echelon talent wise are probably more aware than most, but none of our big guns that I have been dropping a year and a half now, where ever stat w@#$$s.
From our end there is the no talent argument. Clearly that is not always the case. As to why folks gen rush, I am gathering that the folks I recently hung out with are focused on the W. They seem to look at units as in the way. I heard from them that they care about the bar. They want to get a planet and they are playing within PGI's rules. They seem to have pride in seeing that tag up there. Come into our channel at any given time and ask us how many planets we have.... you'll have to give a minute or two while we check.
Hey, you and your guys know us. We know and have dropped with and against most of you. Could you describe any on our current roster as players farming damage, not helping our team to win?
While I might not be able to have much of an impact on either side of this divisive issue I can at least get some understanding. The arguments of noskillz/statlover for me are now rhetoric that derail conversations while nothing gets done.
So there needs to be no bad guys here. I know Ragnar has a big personality and maybe can come across as too much testosterone, but he's a really nice guy. Same goes with folks I hung out with on the other side. So much so I plan on doing it again.
Yet this gets lost and there is no point.
I want this game mode to be good and I enjoy playing it. My only real wish and hope would be getting PGI to fix incursion somehow. Either with more base health or tighter chokes to push through, I don't know. While not being a fan of losing a base rush on siege, it is not something I get too upset with because it is absolutely possible to stop it. While we have lost to base rushes, we will stop previous ten or more people try.
Incursion however feels like an exploit that PGI has left open. It is going to devolve into a default Icefarret vs. Assassin game at this rate. There feels like very little strategy and interests me even less than Bushwacker vs. Huntman in scouting did.
Edited by tker 669, 07 February 2018 - 01:51 AM.