FireStoat, on 14 February 2018 - 10:15 AM, said:
This is actually a very good point, and I hope we're not straying too far away from the OP's topic. As an example of what you're saying though, Riot Games has a number of in house staff members and testers for League of Legends that DO play at a high tier of ability. One of their staff members, Phreak, has been with the crew from the start and while his gameplay isn't competitive, he's displayed that he has a sharp understanding of mechanics and his rudimentary play skill is very top notch.
I used to play LoL exclusively and at a relatively high level - I loved their approach to balance. The fact that all of their employees (at least when I played) were encouraged to play at least a few matches every day was amazing. It wasn't too uncommon to be in a match with a 'red' (Riot employee). Everyone from the balance/QA team to the artists to the freaking accountants played the game and most had a passion for it. Their philosophy on balance is one I fully bought in to, even when I didn't agree with individual changes they made.
Great read if anyone is interested:
Lot of lessons could be applied to MWO, but MWO is a different beast with far more complexity (so many effing builds) and a much lower playerbase.