FupDup, on 23 February 2018 - 06:55 PM, said:
By that logic Gauss, ERLL, ERPPCs, AC/2s, etc. should also have a min range deadzone.
Maybe if you had different versions of those guns, like an AC2 with higher damage and velocity, at the expense of a minimum range limitation, or same said of gauss.
Think about it like this,
Std laser family ----> SL = ML = LL = ERLL
They all have the same characteristics, just suited to different ranges.
Std autocannon family ----> AC2 = AC5 = AC10 = AC20
Same weapons, but again adjusted to fit different ranges.
MRM family ----> MRM10 = MRM20 = MRM30 = MRM40
Same weapons, adjusted to be at different tonnage investments.
Std PPC family ----> LPPC = PPC = HPPC
Same weapons, adjusted to be at different tonnage investments.
removes minimum range, loses long range, maybe costs a little bit of heat.
removes minimum range, costs a lot of extra heat, gains longer range.
If you want to remove the minimum range from LPPC, you should also remove it from the PPC and HPPC as well to be consistent because they are all supposed to be the same type of weapon. And if you do that and remove the minimum range, than you lose a lot of the distinction that comes with the SNPPC and ERPPC. Why ever mount SNPPC again if LPPC can do the same thing with more range? So I think the minrange should stay.
Yeonne Greene, on 23 February 2018 - 07:09 PM, said:
One of the problems with PPCs is that, to run them effectively, you have to dedicate everything to them because of the heat, and that includes with your changes. If you bring other weapons with them, which you have to do to cover the dead-zone, you are running them ineffectively barring a few very specific use-cases. If you remove the dead-zone, then you can run them competitively with the [c]ERPPCs because you can dedicate your build to them without having to worry about that dead zone making it easy for something like a Piranha or Assassin to neutralize you.
And I think that's fine. If you want to bring relatively low heat pinpoint alpha weapons, then you should suffer a dead zone that makes you vulnerable to PNA / ASN. If you don't want to be vulnerable to that, then go pay the extra heat for ERPPC, or the range for SNPPC, or get rid of your PPFLD and take lasers instead.
Khobai, on 23 February 2018 - 07:34 PM, said:
LPPCs shouldnt have high DPS though. Because PPCs arnt DPS weapons. Again thats what pulse lasers are for.
The SNPPC should be the closest PPC type weapon to a DPS weapon, and even that shouldnt be a real DPS weapon either.
This I agree with. I just don't think PPCs should be fast-firing weapons. I just don't see them as the type of weapon that should be sitting out in the open shooting over and over again like a pulse laser. I think their role is to deal more concentrated damage than a laser, but less often.
The6thMessenger, on 23 February 2018 - 07:50 PM, said:
With LPPCs, DPS is the most sensible option without making it a lot more meta, and it serves lights which are the target mechs in the first place as they have a faster playstyle.
And to me it makes more sense to give LPPC a damage boost, because a cooldown boost means that these mechs (lights mostly) need to expose more, sit out in the open, and deal damage, and I think that goes against the role for PPCs. If you want constant exposure DPS, go mount LL or LPL instead. Let the PPC (and LPPC) be the sneaky short-exposure PPFLD weapon, which is a different playstyle altogether. (which is another point - making LPPCs into a DPS weapon is shifting them into the same playstyle as LPL, when really shouldn't we be moving toward differentiating the playstyles, making them more unique?)
And even if *you* personally are firing your LPPCs off cooldown every single time, that doesn't mean that the majority of people are. In fact, with a cooldown boost, I doubt the vast majority of players would see any improvement at all, because they just aren't firing fast enough to make use of it to begin with.
Khobai, on 23 February 2018 - 07:34 PM, said:
Yes which is why all ISDHS need to be turned into true double heatsinks. That would allow IS to be able to use PPC type weapons better.
That doesn't make PPCs better versus lasers though. It just makes IS as a whole overpowered. =P