Tarogato, on 26 February 2018 - 04:47 PM, said:
Except that global hitpoint inflation has a greater effect on PPC builds than any other build. PPC/poptart builds are some of the most limited in terms of alpha and DPS potential. 20 PPFLD, which used to feel adequate and very effective, now feels like a pillow cannon. Just feels futile against the sheer amount of extra armour and structure on the battlefield of today compared to the battlefield of yesteryear. Whereas laservomit hardly cares because of the shear damage it outputs, and dakka generally doesn't care because it can just keep shooting and that's its job anyways... PPCs with their piddly 20-limited alpha potential just feel left behind. I mean to be fair, a few other types of builds have fell behind similarly, like your ERLL and LPL Ravens and Panthers, and other similarly anemic builds that barely scraped by in the past, but feel powerless on the battlefield of today.
Isn't that kind of the point? I get that Dakkas and Laser-Vomit are power-houses, but compare the dakkas and laser-vomits. Laser-Vomit -- or rather Clan Vomits, just needs damage nerf, period. Dakkas however, spread-damage, has long exposure time when barreling down an enemy, sounds about right.
The 20 PPFLD, or the 18 damage erll snipers, while i agree might need buffs, such as the ERLL -- just give it 10 damage and LPL 11 damage, that's kind of expected with the low amount of tonnage right?
Honestly though, i think IS needs it's PPC series have +1 ghost-heat requirement -- except Heavy PPC, that means LPPC can fire 4 before GH, SNPPC/PPC/ERPPC can fire 3 before ghost-heat, to at least compete with C-ERPPC, HPPC and others.
Tarogato, on 26 February 2018 - 04:47 PM, said:
You've alluded to this several times earlier in the thread - you think we have some sort of agenda. Like, "we want ONLY THESE weapons to be viable, because they are conducive to the comp attitude". Couldn't be farther from the truth.
I agree with the RAC and LRM parts, but my issue is about the changes just reinforcing the hit-fade meta, not breaking it -- such as increasing LPPC damage to serve more to it's hit-and-fade role, the attempt in increasing gauss-ppc GH limit, the other changes which just actively makes other non-meta weapons such as LRMs and RACs unable to compete in the first place.
I mean, lets increase the laser duration globally so that they are more starey, that RACs could get out more damage and compete? What about increase UAC volleys instead of decreasing it -- that sort of thing.
If we couldn't bring up the non-meta weapons such as LRMs and RACs due to their mechanics (because PGI wouldn't), maybe it's best to bring down the other weapons. The hit-and-fade meta works with minimizing exposure while maximizing damage, hows about increase the exposure since there are weapons that requires exposure to be competitive.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 26 February 2018 - 05:09 PM.