- UrbanMech UM-R68
- Griffin GRF-5M
- Kit Fox KFX-G
- Linebacker LBK-H
- Victor VTR-9A1
- Jenner JR7-F(C)
- Griffin GRF-1S(C)
- Catapult CPLT-A1(C)
- Zeus ZEU-6T(C)
- Panther PNT-10K(C)
- Blackjack BJ-1(C)
- Dragon DRG-5N(C)
- King Crab KGC-000B(C)
- Mist Lynx MLX-Prime(C)
- Shadow Cat SHC-Prime(C)
- Orion IIC ON1-IIC-A(C)
- Warhawk WHK-C(C)
- Arctic Cheetah ACH-Prime(C)
- Stormcrow SCR-Prime(C)
- Timber Wolf TBR-C(C)
- Highlander IIC HGN-IIC-C(C)

- New system implemented to auto-ban disruptive players

Rate of Heat Loss Quirks:
All Rate of Heat Loss quirks have been replaced with "Heat Dissipation" quirks.
Final Values of the Rate of Heat Loss quirks have been normalized dependent on engine availability.
- 13%
- Locust - all variants
- Urbanmech - all variants
- Piranha - all variants
- Mist Lynx - all variants
- Kit Fox - all variants
- Cougar - all variants
- 10%
- Commando - COM-2D
- Adder - all variants
- 7.5%
- Commando - COM-1B, COM-1D, COM-3A, COM-TDK
- Blackjack - BJ-1, BJ-1DC, BJ-2,BJ-3, BJ-A
- Vindicator - VND-1R, VND-1X
Rate of Heat Loss Design notes: It was brought to our attention that the previous "Rate of Heat Loss" quirk designed to offset the forced external heat sinks of lower engine capped 'Mechs was bugged and was not properly functioning. We have decided to shift these quirks over to the functional "Heat Dissipation" quirk in order to provide the intended boost to 'Mechs with a sub 250 engine class cap, while also consolidating the bonus into the same quirk provided by the skill tree. This means that the total bonus for both the native quirk plus skill tree investments is displayed as a singular value, and no longer tracking through two separate quirk entries.
As part of the shift from the non-functional "Rate of Heat Loss" to the functional "Heat Dissipation" enhancement, we have reviewed and normalized the enhancement to reach a common baseline dissipation rate for 'Mechs that are receiving this corrective enhancement.
- Streak Missiles (All launchers.)
- Increased the frequency of torso based locations being targeted by the streak missiles as opposed to arms and legs.
Streak Design notes: The previous location tracking on streaks saw them biasing Arm and Leg locations over torso based locations. This often resulted in Streaks being highly efficient at seeking out Leg based locations on lighter 'Mechs, often destroying Leg locations in only a handful of volleys, while on heavier 'Mechs the Arm and Leg Bias saw streaks often seek out locations that were rarely targeted through conventional means. This change is designed to level out the location-based distribution to be much more evenly distributed between the missiles seeking torso based locations as opposed to Arm and Leg based Locations. This will result in more fairly distributed damage for lighter 'Mechs reducing the number of missiles that seek out leg based locations while increasing the Streak Launchers utility against Heavier 'Mechs by seeing an increased frequency in which they will naturally target torso based locations.
- MRM 30
- Heat increased to 9.5 (from 9)
MRM Design notes: We feel that the combination of relative tonnage efficiency, natural heat, and ability to fire up to 60 damage volleys without penalty have skewed the 30's just a bit above the rest of the MRM line up. We are providing it with a 5% increase in heat to provide it with a bit more give and take when compared to alternative MRM launcher types.

- Rubellite Oasis - bad weapon collision on a lot of man-made objects
- Alpine Peak Grid G14 - Blinking light seen floating in the sky
- Escort - Alpine Peaks - VIP 'Mech gets stuck at K9/J9 against a mountain
- Viridian Bog - Cell E6 'Mech can get stuck
Server Improvements
- Some minor logging improvements to track down some overflow messages on the server
- Increased the buffer size for our client connections to reduce the number of dropped packets
- NEW Optimized queries on the friends table to address some slowdown warnings for users with very large friend/block lists
- These changes will have no discernible effect on the client, except that if they rarely get a mysterious "Unknown Failure" or another similar kind of error in the frontend, it should happen less often