What Will Your Solaris Build Look Like?
Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:01 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:12 PM
Personally I'm probably going to use my QP builds that are slightly modified for more damage/dps at the cost of sustainability.
2v2s will probably be similar to 1v1s except DPS will be a lot less viable, especially against a pair with great teamwork. Ultra-high alphas will be reigning supreme. Expect people to bring LRM boats as well as they will probably be thinking they can LRM the enemy to death from cover while his teammate is locked in combat with the enemy.
2v2s will probably be seeing FW builds for the most part.
EnochsBook, on 20 February 2018 - 01:18 PM, said:
I figure the first week will be full of cheese builds before they get nerfed.
My 11-A-DC with 2 RAC/5s, 4 RL15s, and 2 Flamers says hi!
Edited by Athom83, 20 February 2018 - 03:19 PM.
Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:17 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 04:24 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 05:08 PM
Edited by roekenny, 20 February 2018 - 05:09 PM.
Posted 20 February 2018 - 05:14 PM
EnochsBook, on 20 February 2018 - 02:21 PM, said:

That's how it goes, though there's counters to flamers such as gauss + MG based builds or just having LBX. I remember in scouting my group had decided to bring flamers but came across a Bushwacker with 2 flamers and 2 LBX10s and just couldn't beat him since we had flamers + SRMs, so he could continue firing at max DPS while we had to hold off.
Posted 20 February 2018 - 07:28 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 07:42 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 10:25 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 11:11 PM
Posted 20 February 2018 - 11:51 PM
Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:07 AM
- Assassin
- Hellspawn (only one variant worthy of competing)
- Centurion (already have 3 separate variants ready to go, all of which strong builds)
- Enforcer
- Hunchback
- Trebuchet (7K)
- Bushwacker (going to see alot of these tbh. you'll see the Snub/AC, SRM bomber and dual RAC5s common enough)
- Griffin (few worthy variants)
- Shadow Hawk (SRM/AC going to be strong in 1v1s)
Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:11 AM
solaris is going to allow spectators
people will literally just copy the top solaris players
Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:18 AM
Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:34 AM
But it all depends on the maps. If maps are bad or mediocre there will be only a small number of loadouts that will ultimately dominate.
If theres a lot of ridges and enough space you'll have mobile high hardpoint pokers, preferably with ecm that will just wear down anything with subpar hardpoints. If maps are rather small, fast brawlers preferably with with jjs will use no face time tactics. Well, the better pilots will.
If they manage to make maps open to a variety of loadouts then it will be more interesting.
If I cant snipe and fight at medium+ distances then for me personally it would get rather boring too quickly. But since community and also sadly the devs hate sniping or long range mech combat, I can imagine what the maps will look like. Tiny arenas with one dimensional encounters and prolly basically just 1 single (slightly altered depending on player preference) loadout that will be the most effective in that specific scenario. Youll see a wide variety but those trying to dominate and play competitively will use one single loadout.
As I said. Maps will either make it pretty awesome and exciting or turn it into something mediocre at best or plain bad.
Looking at mwos maps there are some pretty good maps. But a number of not that great maps as well. Id give it a 50/50 chance that solaris will be good. That said, long range is hated by community and by devs too so I would give it a 20/80 chance.
80 % chance it will be too one dimensional.
Posted 21 February 2018 - 01:05 AM
Really depends on how the maps turn out. If they're wide open, it's gonna be boring AF Gauss Vomit, I guess.
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