OK! So, the last two IS packs (Hellspawn, Thanatos) were really poorly received, and a disappointed customer will not become a returning customer. The goal is not asking for all mech packs to be super duper Pay2Win on release though, it's to ensure that on a scale from Bad, Mediocre, Decent, Good, and Great, each mech pack should be at least Decent to ensure paying customers are not disappointed. It goes without saying, the Hellspawn/Thanatos are Bad-to-Mediocre depending on variant.
Let's get started: Which of these two Fafnir models would you rather pilot? Vote here

I hope you voted the left, because while both models have distinct, impossible to shield side torsos, the right model has 25% wider STs than the enormous STs on the left. The right is PGI's current model.
However, is using the left model sufficient to make the Fafnir a decent mech? If the right model results in a bad performing mech, the left model only results in a bump to mediocre performance. I believe Armor quirks will still be needed on top to achieve decent performance.
For the left model, the STs will be easier to shield, but will still need +30 armor quirks so that WITH TWISTING, you can preserve your ST against two laser alphas. Half of the third alpha will take your ST off even with max skill survival tree.
For the right model, the STs will need +50!!! armor quirks so that WITH TWISTING, you can preserve your ST against two laser alphas. Half of the third alpha will take your ST off even with max skill survival tree.
Other quirks if added can make the Fafnir better than a decent mech, but other quirks don't matter at all without minimally durable STs.
Please vote above, and reply here if you agree or disagree with my assessment. Thanks for reading!