Thanks everyone for your feedback. And no, this isn't a troll. I like the game and almost ALL of the players.
I feel better now that I know tier 3 is better than tier 4. Too much World of Tanks, World of Warships and Warthunder I guess! As for WoT, I too have had the 25 game losing streak and have the same complaint.
As for my abilities, I've been playing the stock load outs for the Cheetah and Kaiju and not liking them much. Also I've been trying to skill up all my new mechs, so I need to start taking that into account.
With the event on, I do see some terrible team work out there. Maybe switching weight class will get me with some new team mates.
At the end of the day, given what I know about statistics, how in the world do I lose so many in a row? Even weighted dice don't come up 7's 11 times in a row!
The only thing I can think of is that I don't play with a squad or with friends. That may mean that I am playing against teams that DO, and that's a big advantage for them. I used to play Warbirds as part of a squadron every Wednesday night. When we had 15 players in coordinated attacks we decimated the map. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
I got a lot of great tips to increase my skill thanks to your input.
Edited by Shmoken, 20 March 2018 - 07:30 PM.