Wolfclaw, on 20 April 2018 - 08:05 PM, said:
Is that honor gone now?
What honor, what are you taking about? You are just a bloodthirsty murderer. Shooting both legs off makes an enemy mech fall down, but the pilot safely ejects. Shooting CT leads to an engine explosion, this is how you kill the pilot. Killing is more honorable? What twisted notion of honor is this? We are all brothers in the Solaris arena, why do you have to kill your fellow gladiators? Are C-Bills given for a win not enough for you unless sprayed with blood? Stop arguing against legging, the most humane way to end a fight. Stop committing the most horrible sin under the guise of honor. Ask forgiveness for those you murdered. Repent! Otherwise you are going to burn in Hell for your senseless slaughter.