Well, we HAVE the new weapons now!
This is a 100 tonner with everything one could ever wish.
Plus aesthetically beautiful, I remember designing like 10 versions of it in Mechwarrior 4 mercs with all mechpacks.

It's probably the best looking mech of the entire franchise bar none, and it's also very strong and versatile.
And in canon it was already built in 3012

LOTS of Jumpjets specially for 100 tonner (probably quirked due to the plane-like design; it even had little "wings" in the original published Battletech pictures

), all three weapons types represented on official variants (Imagine the hardpoints on the one with tons of Rocket Launchers!), profile perfect for spreading damage, huge frigging guns... up to an XL400 rated engine, tons of cannon variants and configurations...
PLUS really cool lore, an unit of purely Marauders II, a hero Marauder II, AND a mercenary bounty hunter Marauder II. See more:
There's even a clan version! (yes, of the 100 tons one) - Arguably this was the original and first one made, since it was produced for Wolf's Dragoons mercenary unit exclusively at first and fully with clan tech. (So there's even a justification for making it a clan assault instead, not that I'm proposing that... but I would be up for that as well!)
Need another reason why this 'mech is unique and different?
The design philosophy is not the same as other IS 100-tonners.
Atlas, Fafnir, King Crab, Anhilator... all existing IS tops are built for durability first. Ingame their armor and structure quirks reflect that. They are slow and cumbersome.
The Marauder II however is more built for agility and firepower. It would not need armor quirks since it can compensate with offensive power (much like the Dire Wolf for clans), jumping, and high-mounted weapons (the ones in and above cockpit height). It's quirks would be on mobility and attack, not so much in structure and armor.
It also features prominently and very consistently ERPPCs/PPCs/Heavy PPCs as main weapons rather than gauss, heavy gauss or heavy ACs like the other IS assaults (Fafnir and Anhi) or missles and lasers (Atlas).
There is no valid reason why this 'mech isn't out yet. If you want to avoid confusion with the IIC version, just call it "Marauder 2" instead of "Marauder II", or go for "Marauder Mk II". Really it shoudn't even be an issue due to how obviously different they are, and the fact this would be an IS mech.
Really, people have been asking about this for years. It even was the most voted option when PGI itself did an opinion pool on what mech to introduce.
Edited by NimoStar, 07 May 2018 - 05:43 AM.