You know what im really tired of hearing? "The common denominator is you, git gud" non-argument. That's those same people who when confronted with economic issues, say **** like: "well your just not working hard enough, just get a better job or invent something like I did!" Like yea, that sounds nice for your exceptionalist, rags to riches, Clint Eastwood pull yourself up by your own bootstraps cowboy fantasy you buy into......but it's not reality and its pretty much just burying your head in the sand and ignoring any and all nuance of the problem being discussed..........."of course it's fine that less than 50 people in the world control more wealth and resources than the bottom 3.8 BILLION problem here, because Almighty Infallible Market forces based on our circular reasoning said So! Working as intended!"
I can handle 6 or 8 or 10 bad matches in a night or in a row even......but 25 out of 30? 3 days in a row of just trash *** teams where seemingly my team is ALWAYS the one that ends up with a disco, or a whole lance worth of heavies and assaults that do 150 damage or less per person, and people that don't bloody pay attention for UAVs, that cower like wet kittens? Wtf, am I supposed to do about that? What am I supposed to do if God forbid I want to skill up a mechs that isn't a heavy or an assault? What if I want to be blasphemous and run not necessarily a troll or noncompetitive lore build, but even something just experimental? I know I'm not a great pilot, but I do belong in tier 2 where it says I am.....provided I actually bring a fully skilled mech with a competitive loadout in a chassis that I like or that is inherently good. I understand there are times where it IS "my fault" if I am in a heavy or assault in a game still hanging in the balance, holding a prime firing position or holding down a corner with a couple teammates holding back a push, and if I die too quick or don't place shots well or lose too many trades it can trigger a "snowball effect". But like last 2 nights I'm trying to level this firestarter I bought and yes I'm playing poorly in it, trying different builds, and have made a few embarrassing mistakes in matches or accidentally ran somewhere I shouldn't and paid for it because apparently firestarters have been utterly ruined by the re-scale and engine desync.......but still it's not MY goddamn fault 5-6 other people suck *** too and the other team somehow has 9 heavies and assaults and they set up nice firing lines and none of their people get too far out of position with their powercreepy 70-90 point alphas.
I try to call out open parts on targets I see, I'm always reliable at pointing out and shooting down UAVs, if I see our team being to passive or going into a place on a map commonly known as a death trap I say something, but I can't MAKE them push somewhere now can I? I'm not a good drop caller, I don't have strategies for every map and game mode or the patience to try and direct everyone and I suck at playing for myself and enduring the stress of reacting to the enemy and helping my team adjust, occasionally I have an epiphany and speak up but mostly I'm just a good flanker, harasser in a medium or some other non-prioroty mech. But you know what? All of that and usually worse is also true of like what.....20 out of any given 24 players in a match anyway regardless if they are on the good or bad team? Most everyone who belongs in t1 and 2 and maybe even 3 can at least aim sort of ok and spread damage and not run off and die aimlessly. So miss me with your stupid common denominator unlogic. What, like you really think out of the thousands and thousands of matches I've done that I'm only as good as 144 damage and no kills with 2 assists? Or that every good game I've had must just be riding the coattails of my betters? GTFO with that. What about all the other actual mathematical factors involved and how it weighs them?
Edited by Rando Slim, 31 May 2018 - 09:13 AM.