1St Time In An Awesome Since Closed Beta.....still Not Awesome.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:03 PM
Then comes the sale and I see the Awesome is part of the sale. I say to myself, "Surely after 5 years with all the tweaks, buff and quirks PGI has lathered on IS mech, Surely the Awesome has to be at least decent by now."
So I buy an Awesome 9M, loaded up with 3 LPLs and 3 ER MLs which I felt was a pretty damn strong build especially since it ran rather cool on the test maps and hop into a match.
1st Match - I do a total of 75 damage before just being slaughtered. Ok, ok, it must have just been a bad match. These things happen, lets try again.
2nd Match - I do a total of 125 damage before being ripped apart yet again. Ahhh....errrrr...ummm....yeah.
Ok PGI what have you been smoking for 5 years? This mech is in serious need of much, much more than you gave it.
Oh well, live and learn. At least I shouldn't lose too many C-bills when I resell it since it was on sale.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:16 PM
Awesome needs Orion level armor quirks ASAP
IS assaults in general are pretty awful these days. I felt bad, just 1v1ed a banshee in my executioner in quickplay. Neither of these assaults are meta mechs, but clan lasers and equipment meant I tore his dominant side off before he even got my armor past orange. MASC helped to soak his lasers a lot but still.
Edited by LordBraxton, 29 May 2018 - 07:18 PM.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:28 PM

Game date: 4/20/2018.
1685 damage in a pretty baby.
Nerf nao!!!
Edited by IIXxXII, 29 May 2018 - 07:29 PM.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:44 PM
IIXxXII, on 29 May 2018 - 07:28 PM, said:

Game date: 4/20/2018.
1685 damage in a pretty baby.
Nerf nao!!!
you probably got a lucky roll and got matched with the tier 5 underhive, because you are tier 3 that is possible and likely
this is not evidence of anything
Edited by LordBraxton, 29 May 2018 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:49 PM
LordBraxton, on 29 May 2018 - 07:44 PM, said:
you probably got a lucky roll and got matched with the tier 5 underhive, because you are tier 3 that is possible and likely
this is not evidence of anything
It was on my other account where I'm a few games from being @ tier 1.
You're right about it not being evidence of anything other than being in the right place at the right time.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of ppl have seen me in game rolling in a pretty baby, its not uncommon for me to break 800 damage consistently with a lurm build.
Its good for lurm too lazy to bother aiming to say if its excels in other roles.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 07:51 PM
It's got sweet PPC quirks, but the is PPC family is so garbage that it doesn't matter.
You can try SRM boating, but then you're back to the armour/hitbox problem.
Sure, it can Lurm effectively, if you count that as a playing type.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 11:11 PM
Viktor Drake, on 29 May 2018 - 07:03 PM, said:
Piddly 45 damage alpha? My 65 ton Thunderbolt has more firepower than that. At least use the 8Q for energy boating, for better quirks, and one more energy hardpoints.

Awesome is a meh chassis currently--wish PGI had kept its hyper PPC quirks. Those times were fun.
Edited by El Bandito, 29 May 2018 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 29 May 2018 - 11:17 PM
Posted 30 May 2018 - 02:35 AM
You can do 300 - 600 dmg easily even in bad heavies and assaults just by trading well. Or by not facing multiple mechs. Awesome is not competitive though. Its just way too easy to hit. Giant hitboxes. Id stay at range and use no face time ppcs. Trying to go up agsainst front tier heavies and assaults isnt a good idea in that mech.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:16 AM
Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:32 AM
Why do you think the Awesome is inferior? Did a torso get popped too easily? Was there excessive heat problems? Was your ct burned out in time? Were you taking on too many enemies at once? What position were you when you died? You can not come to the forums and say this mech is under powered without something to back it up.
On the other hand many older chassis do not even come close to the newer ones. I personally would like to see more choice with the Warhawk, and Executioner.
As for me I never piloted a Awesome but I do know they are a rare sight.
Oh and the Annihilator is not a weak mech, The problem is too many IS pilots keep going out in the open with the thing, standing still, and firing away. Not poking, not using cover, and not using shielding. I have seen them do this with other IS assault mechs. Every time I find my mark two up against a Annihilator I cringe. The thing is as tough as nails, with heavy Gauss, you get too close, and the thing will cleave you in two.
PPCs got over nerfed and they glitch too much. Too much heat not enough return. You can thank the people complaining about get sniped at range with ppc for that. Not to mention its not a single component weapon, its part splash damage. This brings the total single component damage down to 10 with a hell of allot of heat. At least on the clan side the weapon works that way.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 03:59 AM

Posted 30 May 2018 - 04:55 AM
Also in decent hands an Awesome could outmaneuver an Atlas and some of the heavys (catapult - the no.1 mech) - heck the Awesome guys were the ones that invented damage rolling

but today after speed decoupling, skill tree and the so called volumetric scaling - of course its a bad mech - he didn't had good hitboxes to start with
Posted 30 May 2018 - 05:39 AM
Posted 30 May 2018 - 06:56 AM
Truth be told I would not mind if a exact duplicate of the Mark twos were given to the IS, with one key exception, that the variants they are given have IS tech attached to them. As a unit member reminded us the Mad Cat Mark II was actually more pronounced in the IS then the clans lore wise. We got our 255 ton drop deck back, so I may have my desires for customization options, but for the most part I am good. Though ballistics still ticks me off somewhat. Unless I am mistaken, hitboxes have nothing to do with the art. They can adjust them any which way they please. Though I am not 100 percent on that.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 06:57 AM
Other variants do MRM/80 or lurming fairly good. and PB can do decent mixed loadouts despite its awkward hardpoint locations.
Sure they are never gonna be the top contenders but they can do some decent stuff.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 07:05 AM
Lances107, on 30 May 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:
Truth be told I would not mind if a exact duplicate of the Mark twos were given to the IS, with one key exception, that the variants they are given have IS tech attached to them. As a unit member reminded us the Mad Cat Mark II was actually more pronounced in the IS then the clans lore wise. We got our 255 ton drop deck back, so I may have my desires for customization options, but for the most part I am good. Though ballistics still ticks me off somewhat. Unless I am mistaken, hitboxes have nothing to do with the art. They can adjust them any which way they please. Though I am not 100 percent on that.
It's not hating on clans to say that PGI is stupid as all hell. How on Earth are mechs designed to be superior in every way to their IS counterparts ever expected to be balanced with their IS counterparts? Even the placement of their hardpoints is superior in general. And PGI is too stuck on following original artwork to fix the hit boxes on mechs like the Awesome that are just way too angular.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 07:08 AM
Viktor Drake, on 29 May 2018 - 07:03 PM, said:
Then comes the sale and I see the Awesome is part of the sale. I say to myself, "Surely after 5 years with all the tweaks, buff and quirks PGI has lathered on IS mech, Surely the Awesome has to be at least decent by now."
So I buy an Awesome 9M, loaded up with 3 LPLs and 3 ER MLs which I felt was a pretty damn strong build especially since it ran rather cool on the test maps and hop into a match.
1st Match - I do a total of 75 damage before just being slaughtered. Ok, ok, it must have just been a bad match. These things happen, lets try again.
2nd Match - I do a total of 125 damage before being ripped apart yet again. Ahhh....errrrr...ummm....yeah.
Ok PGI what have you been smoking for 5 years? This mech is in serious need of much, much more than you gave it.
Oh well, live and learn. At least I shouldn't lose too many C-bills when I resell it since it was on sale.
Be happy that you bought an Awesome...you could have bought a Huggin
Posted 30 May 2018 - 10:43 AM
Bush Hopper, on 30 May 2018 - 07:08 AM, said:
Be happy that you bought an Awesome...you could have bought a Huggin
Ehh, it's alright if you feel like being lazy and just pestering the enemy with a RAC5 all match. Nice, lazy C-Bill grinding while not being useless. Absolutely inferior to the Mist Lynx and Arctic Cheetah with any other real build though. In fact because of the much greater amount of more powerful lights than back when I bought it ni 2014 it does a lot better with bigger ballistics than anything else. Rockets help as a compliment.
I regret having bought it years ago when it happened and woud've preferred the MC I used on it spent on a Pirate's Bane or a Gray Death or even just mechbays but it isn't like I bought an Anansi or St. Ives Blues. It is bad but there are worse purchases.
Posted 30 May 2018 - 10:53 AM
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