Bluttrunken, on 01 June 2018 - 10:00 PM, said:
I think it's time to remove all quirks
Doing that would make something like 90% of IS mechs highly uncompetitive.
Great idea if you want clans to dominate all modes including Solaris, otherwise not a good idea.
Realistically, to prevent such radical overnight changes everything needs to be adjusted gradually with the goal of making quirks go away as much as possible.
One option: a lot of mechs (mostly IS but also some clan) could get rid of their quirks if PGI would give them some more hardpoints instead. Look at the Vindicator for an example, it has one missile hardpoint so gets a ridiculous missile cooldown that makes it super effective in Solaris with one specific missile based loadout. Give it three extra missile hardpoints and minimal quirks and suddenly it's got more build options - SRM brawler for example.
El Bandito, on 01 June 2018 - 10:37 PM, said:
PGI has very little imagination in that regards.
Yep were cursed by having a minimally viable game created by unimaginative owners - things could be so much better...
Edited by Dogstar, 03 June 2018 - 10:11 AM.