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Quick Play And 8V8

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Poll: Quick Play and 8v8 (4180 member(s) have cast votes)

Should MWO:S7 switch Quick Play to 8v8

  1. Yes (1992 votes [47.66%])

    Percentage of vote: 47.66%

  2. No (2015 votes [48.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.21%

  3. Maybe - Let me explain in the thread. (173 votes [4.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.14%

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#161 Serial Number


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:43 AM

Absolutely yes. 8v8 with old frozen city, river city and forest colony would be amazing.

#162 Scarecrow24th


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:50 AM

I will not spend any money on new 'Mechs if 12 vs 12 plays are replaced by 8 vs 8. I am against 8 vs 8. A big deal, Nope. I am really angry about what is decided here!

#163 Paywar


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:02 AM

Hey, I played destiny 2 before playing mwo. Bungie also changed pvp from 6v6 to 4v4 which is much smaller. The result?


Just before I quit d2, they changed pvp event called "Iron Banner" into 6v6 and I had so much fun than in 4v4.(I never play destiny 1)

I relatively fresh to mwo but I am having so much fun playing QP.

So please don't change it.

#164 Xetelian


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:17 AM

+Small wait times
+Tighter match making grouping
+The good meta players will see an increase in their W/L
-Each DC and AFK will be a huge detriment
-Non-meta, casual and new players will find their W/L lower
-Certain mechs that are meta and powerful will be even MORE powerful
-Maps are too big for this
-cBill and XP payouts will go way down

I'll edit and post more if I can think of any.

At this point I'm voting no.

#165 Black Fish


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:24 AM

Considering game-play, both have their own pros and cons, however when we look at it in terms of system load, and more importantly the size of the playerbase I say 8v8 has a big advantage over 12v12 in terms of balancing. We have to keep in mind the size of the popularity in the game both at high and low times...

#166 Ritter ohne Furcht und Tadel


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:29 AM

Bigger Maps and 24 vs 24 !!!!

Posted Image

Edited by Ritter ohne Furcht und Tadel, 07 June 2018 - 01:30 AM.

#167 50 50


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:33 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 06 June 2018 - 04:02 PM, said:

1) Enter queue as group of 10.
2) System decides to switch to 8v8.
3) Might as well paint the livingroom while waiting.

That problem is avoided completely if you limit groups to a lance so we can have 'modular grouping'. (Thanks for the term MT)
The game is designed around lances.
The drop ships hold a lance.
There are separate drop zones for each lance.
The team roster is split into lances.
We have three of them to make up the company of 12 players.
If the match maker has the flexibility to allow the smaller team sizes then it allows for players to still get a game at times when the population might be low without actually restricting the team size.

We have seen how 4v4 can play out with scout mode.
We have seen how 8v8 can play out with the WC and comp scenes like MRBC.

People seem worried about the map sizes but we have already seen that it doesn't make much difference and it brings greater value to the role of a scout and generally players head to the center in most maps anyway.
That might actually change a little as smaller groups mean different tactics.

Having a lower tier player get mixed in with a higher tier might still happen but may be significantly reduced due to needing less people in a match. This likely happens at the moment because there are simply not enough players in a particular tier to meet the full 12 v 12 so the match maker relaxes it's restrictions so we can get a game.

Can't help it if someone disconnects or simply has a bad game, but if wait times are significantly reduced and you drop and go again in a few seconds, try again and try and do better.

But consider this, particularly if groups were limited to 4.
What would stop Scouting mode being added to the quick play queue?
How would modes like Incursion or Escort play out in 8v8 or 4v4?
What if for Faction Play groups had to consists of players from a single faction? Could we add more depth to those factions and bring back more of that inter-faction conflict instead of just Clan vs IS?

If the system is dynamic and allows modular grouping as a way to combat wait times we don't put restrictions on the system and actually prevent a full 12v12 from occurring, we simply create flexibility in the system to automatically cater for fluctuations in the playing population while at the same time adding variety to the matches because of how it plays out with different team sizes.

#168 MechWarrior414712


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:41 AM

TBQH the team sizes could be dynamic, ranging from 6v6 up to 12v12. Server picks a random size for the next game, etc. Adjust rewards with player count of course.

#169 Mighty Spike


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:43 AM

View PostDouble Trouble, on 07 June 2018 - 12:43 AM, said:

Absolutely yes. 8v8 with old frozen city, river city and forest colony would be amazing.

Posted Image

and also hoping for better fps.As i byed my new videocard geforce gtx960 2years ago had constant 60 fps now it goes constant down 20-25 30 15 15..

#170 IshanDeston


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:46 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 01 June 2018 - 01:22 PM, said:

From a player organization perspective, 8v8 means less management headaches getting 8 players together rather than 12, deck building would have a much higher impact in terms of what ‘Mechs are fielded and how they’re played. The ability to be carried through to victory is less likely due to the fact that in an 8v8 scenario, every ‘Mech matters more.

And if we talk about organized group play, go ahead and make it 8v8 but PUGs need 12v12... you can't quality control your teammates in Solo Quickplay, you can't match your mechs to each other and you can't rely on the quality of your Assault pilots to be able to know they have to hold the tide while your Light pilots go off script taking 1/4 of your total teamstrength away from your team while the team is being hammered by 100% of the enemies team strength.

Its a terrible idea all around.

So go ahead and make Group play 8v8, i am sure all the people that always complain about how they have a hard time finding games to play with their friends will be happy... but solo quickplay needs to stay 12v12. Ideally we would even go higher than 12v12 so we can have some tactics and it won't matter if 3 people decide to chase after one squirrel because they don't trust the light pilot to do their job.

I have better things to do than to herd cats on VOIP, when all i want is to jump on and play a match or two or three.

View PostPaul Inouye, on 01 June 2018 - 01:22 PM, said:

So the big question is, and the reason for this poll, would you like to see Quick Play switch to 8v8?

Hell no... matter of fact... i think it would make me stop playing. I didn't like it last time and i don't want to go back to it. I don't need all the added stress for increasing the individual importance of each player in a PUG group from 1/12 of the total team strength to 1/8...

I don't assume myself to be the gods gift to mechwarrior to carry the potato placed on my team... especially not when the 2 light pilots think they should go sneaky sneaky and disappear for the first half of the match and taking 25% of the total team strength with them. Making up 16% loss of team strength can be difficult enough if you end up with an evenly matched team for a change... i doubt we can make up 25%....

And i also do not want all the toxicity this will introduce into the game when 12% of the total team strength is being provided by a LRM supernova standing 900 meter away from the enemy, behind cover shouting "get me locks!" I can already hear the vitriol it will cause if you have that LRM boat Atlas on your team. Or when you play conquest and one of your light mechs is a Panther or a Cougar running 80kph.

I do not need this stress in my life, if i wanted that stress i would stay late at work and make some money, not spend it on a video game to listen to people ***** at each other, because their individual contribution to the team makes up more than 1/10 of the total team power.

Edited by IshanDeston, 07 June 2018 - 01:52 AM.

#171 Anastasius Foht


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:53 AM

There is no point to make 8vs8, current maps and game mods designed for 12vs12 + current wait time while searching is less than 1-2 minute in general at any time of the day. Imagine that horrible expirience 8v8 polar conquest if you playing Fafnir for example, team have a choise to left you alone with your 40 kmh speed or lose, imagine number of stupid loses in assault mode by base capture in big maps. 4 less mechs to accomplish objectives means only domination + skirmish mode remains PLAYABLE. I can accept 8vs8 if its become optional (but this divide player base again - not sure if its your goal).
Imagine you are LURM assault - in 8v8 is possible that you are one of 2 only assaults - this means if enemy team have 2 "normal" weapons assaults (Dakka+LaserBoat for example) they get HUGE advantage. Also this style, 8v8, promote only burst dmg builds (like 60+ MRM boating), you dont worry about ammo, you don't worry about enemy snipers with ER lasers (they don't have enough time to make enough damage with ~30 alpha 3ERLL and not enough of possible teammates who can support your shots from that distance) you don't worry about enemy LURMS, not enough suppresion damage before brawl (lol LURMS in 8vs8 gonna extinct, usually lurmers deals damage when rest of team fights, even not talking about Rubelite or Solaris maps presence). Light mechs gonna be super annoying in 8v8 - too easy to hunt down any slow/sniper assault, this leads to huge change in meta game. Also game result is almost decided if your team lost 1 mech first, its autodefeat if you lost 2, in 12v12 you can still win in such situation. Since your team have 3 assaults tops - its autolose if one of them is bad / not in his real tier - current system is more forgivable, leaving place for tier 1 players whose real tier 3, but if he fails - its still possible to win a match.
8v8 - more individual/team skill needed to win, less damage/kills/points per game (less C-bills/Exp), too many builds and mechs become "Unoptimal", too high number of matches results decided by MM before match starts (that leads to endless bu**hurt of player base), huge empty maps - more time to even find enemy, not talking about making objectives, etc etc. Overall - bad idea that forced by "I'm only play assault mech" forum warrios without of really think about it. Meta get changed to ECM+ Dakka+Laser Vomit+Mrm/Srm boats ONLY with mechs not slower than 75kmh, ECM get huge advantage with 8v8 mode.

#172 Astennu


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 01:55 AM

I know its not realistic but if it where me i would want more then 12 vs 12. So 8 vs 8 not something i would like to see.
I understand why you would want to try it but i like massive battles.
Same as World of warcraft when they killed 40 man raid's i was done with the game. I know others liked it but i did not like it anymore.I love massive battles. And the dynamics to get people to play together and work as a team.

I would love a 24 vs 24 option for MWO but thats not realistic with this engine.

Its try each mech matters more. But there are so many disconnect's / AFK players 11 vs 12 is hard enough 7 vs 8 would be worse let alone if 2 are afk then its a instant lose.

I would like 12 vs 12 to stay dont know if i would like the game as much if you where to switch to 8 vs 8.

#173 Sparky424


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 02:19 AM

I don't see the problem, matter of I would like to see more players and larger maps

#174 enosfer


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 02:44 AM


If you want it - we need two different playmode - 8v8 and 12v12.

#175 Pelmeshek


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 02:55 AM

Choice between douche and tuяd IRL. Where variant to kick idiots and back to work for game optimisation?

Edited by Pelmeshek, 07 June 2018 - 02:55 AM.

#176 D V Devnull


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 03:01 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 06 June 2018 - 04:16 PM, said:

Right now it's checking interest.

If that's the case, why wasn't there a front-page announcement of this thread six days ago? This should not have been hidden as it happens to have been. Public notice of this query should have been much more broad than it is, and not just some random link from Twitter that most would fail to find. Not everyone uses Twitter, even in 2018's climate... :(

By the way, I voted "Maybe - Let me explain in the thread." because I think 8v8 should be a Choice, and not an absolute rule forced on everyone. Matches of 12v12 size should not be totally removed from Quick Play, and many have said why up above in earlier posts. Both 12v12 and 8v8 should be Matchmaking Options for Quick Play, just as the Server Choice is currently in that pop-out dialog. However, I further agree with others that it should be dynamic in the backend, and that a warning should be posted that a smaller match will be formed if it can't do 12v12 fast enough. (Say, a maximum wait of 2.5 minutes before it breaks down from 12v12 to 8v8, perhaps? Maybe program the Matchmaker to apologize if it has to break down to 8v8?) That way, people have to consider the variables of larger battles still having a chance of occurring, and therefore outfit once for both. There are other Pros and Cons to flatly changing it as well, as opposed to making it an option, but those have already been discussed above to enough of an extent that I don't need to be speaking further about it. :huh:

I can tell you personally, if I had the Choice, I would turn on BOTH 8v8's AND 12v12's Checkboxes. Then I would enjoy the varied, broad, dynamic, and rather unusual matches that followed. I understand it would be harder to set up a dynamic system, but I think it would be much better for business in the long run. B)

~Mr. D. V. "That's just my thoughts on this heavy matter. Choice is far better than not having any." Devnull

[Minor Edit by Post Author for Formatting and Reflow Issues...]

Edited by D V Devnull, 07 June 2018 - 03:04 AM.

#177 Kwibl


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 03:05 AM

I'd probably return to the game with 8v8. 12v12 really killed my interest in herding cats in robots.

#178 Channu


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 03:05 AM

I voted for maybe.

If it doesn't take a lot of development time - do it. Otherwise... don't.

In my opinion MWO has a bunch of things that need to be done first. Let's start with the biggest one...

Faction Play

Just look how cool this star map is. You have drop decks, two new games modes, new maps and .... no tutorial on how all of this works. New players are absolutely confused on how faction play works and because of that a lot of new players will just go back to quick play.

The tutorial should contain:
  • Difference between freelancer, loyalist and mercenaries. It should answer questions like: "What happens if I break a loyalist contract?" "Can I switch from mercenaries to loyalist?"
  • An introduction to scouting and invasion (how to destroy gens and omega)
  • Explanation of the star map / conquest system
  • Mentioning that you can't mix clan and IS mechs in your drop deck
The war feels very stagnate. Most of the outcomes are a tie. Instead conquering all worlds, it should depend on the win ratio of the faction they gain / lose x amount of planets.

Solaris 7

Spectating matches would help this game mode's popularity a lot. So that new players would get an idea on how to play 1v1
and 2v2.


You have awesome camospecs, decals, bolt ons and cockpit items. Show them in the store and advertise them. Don't hide them in the mechlab! Gamers like this stuff. Especially when they're on a discount.


All in all the amount of maps and different types of maps are quite satisfying but they still feel kind of boring sometimes. I really like how water effects cooling and on Terra Therma those destructible rocks and fires that effect your heat.

Here are a bunch of things I'd like to see in maps:
  • Interactive elements: opening / closing doors, moving platforms ( up, down / rotating)
  • Partially destructible cover (buildings, rocks, big trees falling over)
  • Low G / High G maps
  • Deep water effecting movement speed (depending on weight class)


You already made changed to matchmaking in a good direction. It still needs a hard reset to work. Preferably a seasonal reset to assure good matchmaking.

Missing Features

  • Ingame match history
  • Saving loadouts
  • Melee module / weapon for mechs. MAKE THEM PUNCH!
  • Testing mechs before you buy them

Thank you for your attention.

#179 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 03:20 AM

I voted no.

I can't approve of this in premise that it will remove development time for items that have been in need of attention for many cycles: Faction play for one requires a large overhaul or rethink in its format.

However, if a dynamic system akin to the match making in World of Tanks were to be added I feel it would bring a fresh and challenging environment. As a few have already mentioned a system that scales or is perhaps random where 8v8 on specific maps/modes and 12v12 on all (or perhaps new maps/modes) are possible in the QP queues would POSSIBLY provide a fun shake-up of gameplay.

So never say never, it does open up possibilities but perhaps not in the current game engine.

Edited by xX PUG Xx, 07 June 2018 - 03:52 AM.

#180 Kossi


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 03:23 AM

8v8 no because of:

-there will always be potatoes who only runs objectives and in the meantime their team is dead so they'll do about 30 damage (if they are lucky) and die
-it might work if game modes would only be skirmish & domination but with the present tier system no because every potato has grinded to T1

About the tier system:

-when it came it really worked but the waiting times were ridiculous (7-10min) so I don't want any reset either
-if they would remove the tier system that would be fine because I think the amount of potatoes wouldn't be any higher in a team and we would get matches instantly

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