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Quick Play And 8V8

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Poll: Quick Play and 8v8 (4180 member(s) have cast votes)

Should MWO:S7 switch Quick Play to 8v8

  1. Yes (1992 votes [47.66%])

    Percentage of vote: 47.66%

  2. No (2015 votes [48.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.21%

  3. Maybe - Let me explain in the thread. (173 votes [4.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.14%

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#141 Ch_R0me


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 10:41 PM

I voted Yes for three reasons :
A) Because it's a thing from old MwO, and everyone knows that old MwO was better ;)
B) There would be a less strain on client, meaning more FPS
C) MM would find games & assign us faster.

#142 78star


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 10:42 PM

Why not be able to chooses if you want to do 8v8 vs 12v12?

#143 Nerokar


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 10:43 PM

I say no.

I play mechs often because of their estetics. I choose my loadout because I want to play a certain type of a battle.
So the geometry of a chassis is a secondary creteria for me. Weapon Effectiveness is a secondary creteria for me.
With smaller team size I may become to a burden for the team.

If you switch to smaller sized QP, it forces Metaplay even more then now.
Every one disconnect or "get my beer brb"-like afk impacts even more then now.
And that all could lead to more toxity ingame...

Give teams the 8v8... they want a competition. Let us, the QP solo-player have our uncomlicated fun...

#144 JediPanther


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 10:59 PM

I put yes because:

1. 8 vs 8 worked fine before pgi decided 12 vs 12.
2. More team work will be required. There is a lot of things on the 'support' side that don't get used now such as tag,narc due to just high alpha spaming for the win with ppfd.
3. An option for 8 vs 8 or 12 vs 12 would be great. Those who have older pcs can go on 8s while those with better pcs can go 12s.
4. Faster wait,drop times,loading, etc.
5. FW is dead and solaris is quickly losing its appeal to those that have played it a lot. Others with no interest in it probably haven't done but a few curious drops in it before going back to gp or qp.
6. Jenners will be able to fight longer with less alphas to shoot off those 14 point arms.

#145 Curccu


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:09 PM

View Post78star, on 06 June 2018 - 10:42 PM, said:

Why not be able to chooses if you want to do 8v8 vs 12v12?

Because that would split player base more again and because population isn't large that is a bad thing.
meaning longer queue times, worse mm.

#146 ThomasAH


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:13 PM

View PostBrain Cancer, on 06 June 2018 - 04:18 PM, said:

It takes eight robots exactly the same amount of time to get to the same spots twelve do now, considering most of the map is utterly ignored anyway on a majority of the maps.

Plus, 8v8 would legit allow the reintroduction of Classic Frozen and Classic Forest Colony to go with the larger versions.

8vs8 would allow, but not enforce, smaller map sizes.

Regarding the needed UI and mech spawn changes: Using 9vs9 might be a good compromise here, having three lances with three mechs each at the current spawn points. And this might reduce the annoying "stepping on each other's feet" during the initial seconds of the match when people turn towards the center and move instead of moving forward or waiting a bit first.

#147 Scarecrow24th


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:29 PM

This is your community, but with this action it will go backwards, it would be better to separately offer 8 vs 8 player Map Plays so that other players are not forced to vote for No Votes, which they do not want!

You've come online as Mechwarrior, offering 12 vs 12 plays, and that's what Mechwarrior Online is all about, this feeling will never be there again when there are no divisional battles and Mechwarrior Online will not live up to its title! and if that does not exist anymore, then you have taken out an important element that Mechwarrior Online has shown at the beginning of his time.

What is done here with the player community, this is not a poll because here is decided without the players have a real choice! The survey will not reach all Mechwarrior players, so this poll is also a slap in the face for other Mechwarrior fans who do not attend.

Do not do more work if the criticism is higher then what you have invested in work!

#148 Flitzomat


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:35 PM

I voted yes.

But in order for the Matchmaker to work, please consider a hard Tier reset. Rather than the accumulating score choose a system like Jarls list.
Top 10% -> t1
10-30% T2
30-50% T3
50-80% T4
80-100% T5

If you go for a hard reset every now and then (instead of never) there will also be the chance to drop. Just don´t do it every season, otherwise too many might want to drop on purpose to roll over lower Tiers.

View PostScarecrow24th, on 06 June 2018 - 11:29 PM, said:

You've come online as Mechwarrior, offering 12 vs 12 plays, and that's what Mechwarrior Online is all about, this feeling will never be there again when there are no divisional battles and Mechwarrior Online will not live up to its title! and if that does not exist anymore, then you have taken out an important element that Mechwarrior Online has shown at the beginning of his time.

most I know came here when it was 8vs8 and you still can play 12vs12 in Faction play. Don´t get your point

Edited by Flitzomat, 06 June 2018 - 11:37 PM.

#149 fluxeor


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:40 PM

Leave Quick Play as 12v12, but add an 8v8 option (maybe a toggle or new quick play mode.. yes, that would probably add another queue but it'd also not piss off those of us that actually enjoy 12v12 QP and not Faction)

#150 Hrunting


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:40 PM

There is no need to waste the development time, money or energy.

1. It WON'T change quick play player numbers or expand the base.

2. It WILL unbalance what passes for balance in the current 12v12 quick play mode. Thus necessitating More development time, patch time, fix time,

3. It WILL favor higher skilled players and make harder the new player experience.

Who wants "better" quick play when we could have better, Comp and Faction play instead? How about incentivizing Solaris and Faction play? How about weekly Solaris rankings and winnings? How about a daily Faction play challenge that never ends or a daily faction play bonus?

Don't waste time with mucking with Quickplay!!!

#151 Scarecrow24th


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:45 PM

I think it's not good what Piranha Games here and that in the forum decides that communication is missing for players because firstly not all players can participate in this survey because the survey exists only here in the forum and only players are asked the English can, but does the survey when the players log into Mechwarrior Online in all languages ​​!!! Then you will still not reach all Mechwarrior online fans.

And secondly, the divisional battles have made Mechwarrior Online and many players like me have wished to lead 12 vs 12 plays! If players do not take away the options that were good, it would be better to add new elements but not if they are taken out and replaced.

There are good suggestions for Mechwarrior Online which would be better if you want to respond to it and not if important decisions in the forum are decided in a poll, what about the players who are not in the English forum on the way, they do not get the fair opportunity with and there are players who do not even get that in the forum so a poll has so much impact on the game.

There are more players playing Mechwarrior Online than they can make a right decision here because they are not in the forum, but also their voice is an opinion and if there are more players who do not like what is being done here in the forum because 12 vs 12 plays are taken out, these players also go or are very upset about it.

Edited by Scarecrow24th, 06 June 2018 - 11:48 PM.

#152 Luminis


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:49 PM

I've been opposed to 8v8 for a long, long time but voted yes.

Smaller matches might eventually pave way for better matchmaking. Pipe dream, I know, but one of my biggest gripes with MWO is that the low population basically makes it impossible to create enough buckets to get 24 relatively closely matched players into the game and reducing the number of players helps with that.

Also, performance. Compared to other, visually more impressive games, MWO runs bad. Real bad. I'll appreciate a change that makes it run a little more like a game with MWO's looks should run on contemporary hardware.

Snowballing / carrying: My biggest concern, previously, was the increased impact a DC/AFK/potato has on a team of eight vs. a team of twelve. On the flip side, this also increases the impact a single good player has on the team, so I feel like it's worth trying.

But the biggest reason for me is, it's different. There might be other options to spice things up, such as churning out maps more frequently or buffing underused Mechs and weapons into viability, but we all know how realistic that is, so I'm all for the one thing that could realistically happen.

#153 pZiuz


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Posted 06 June 2018 - 11:59 PM

Absolutely no for 8vs8!
8 vs 8 would benefit only new players who tend to rush in frontline and get wrecked by the opponent force.
Maps are already too big. Almost every map has waste of space, even for lights mechs. People tend to get in the middle of the map and bash each other until there's a winner...
I would turn the focus on using the space of maps more efficiently rather than making the teams smaller...
Actually, it would be cool to see even bigger matches.

#154 Scarecrow24th


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:00 AM

Currently there are 787 players deciding what to do in Mechwarrior Online, there are certainly more Mechwarrior online players who can not decide because they are not in the forum on the road or only participate in it if it is available in all languages or if this important decision is also displayed as a poll if you want to log in to Mechwarrior Online. Here, other players who have no choice will be forced to accept what a small community in the forum has decided. That's not fair! Just imagine if Star Wars Battlefront only had an 8 vs 8 Map Plays, then Star Wars Battlefront would not be what it promised !!!

#155 El Bandito


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:02 AM

View Post78star, on 06 June 2018 - 10:42 PM, said:

Why not be able to chooses if you want to do 8v8 vs 12v12?

Cause more buckets = slower MM.

View PostScarecrow24th, on 07 June 2018 - 12:00 AM, said:

Currently there are 787 players deciding what to do in Mechwarrior Online, there are certainly more Mechwarrior online players who can not decide because they are not in the forum on the road or only participate in it if it is available in all languages or if this important decision is also displayed as a poll if you want to log in to Mechwarrior Online. Here, other players who have no choice will be forced to accept what a small community in the forum has decided. That's not fair! Just imagine if Star Wars Battlefront only had an 8 vs 8 Map Plays, then Star Wars Battlefront would not be what it promised !!!

If those players cared about MWO as much as us then they should have been checking the forums, dontcha think? Don't worry, the 8v8 vote will be circluated among units through other means soon enough. Most players in Mercstar, for example, were already notified by our board. Besides, PGI never promised that even if 8v8 got overwhelming votes, that they will actually do anything.

Edited by El Bandito, 07 June 2018 - 12:05 AM.

#156 Besh


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:09 AM

8v8 would be totally brutal these days . People fondly recalling the old Days seem to have forgotten all the changes and additions ( Tech/'Mechs ) to the Game . It will NOT make for better/more balanced/less Stomp Games . It will make the experience wayyyyy more extreme mostly . Reasons have been stated abundantly in posts before this, though I can ofc elaborate .

So I vote NO !

Edited by Besh, 07 June 2018 - 12:14 AM.

#157 Horseman


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:21 AM

View PostEl Bandito, on 07 June 2018 - 12:02 AM, said:

If those players cared about MWO as much as us then they should have been checking the forums, dontcha think? Don't worry, the 8v8 vote will be circluated among units through other means soon enough. Most players in Mercstar, for example, were already notified by our board. Besides, PGI never promised that even if 8v8 got overwhelming votes, that they will actually do anything.
Steam release. Even two years later this gets us players who have no freaking idea this forum even exists.

#158 Peter2k


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:30 AM

View PostHorseman, on 07 June 2018 - 12:21 AM, said:

Steam release. Even two years later this gets us players who have no freaking idea this forum even exists.

Are there games that don't have a forum?
Even the indie games and early access games that I have in my steam list have a forum, all big games have a forum.

Hell the game is laced with things to click on that gets you right to mwomercs, usually the store.

No interest in coming here does not equal a lack of knowledge.

Edited by Peter2k, 07 June 2018 - 12:32 AM.

#159 Dithmenos


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:38 AM

8vs8 increases the significance of a single player and that may stop players from going solo and ignoring the own team. I think, 8vs8 would be an improvement, especially for the better tiers.

#160 El Bandito


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 12:40 AM

View PostHorseman, on 07 June 2018 - 12:21 AM, said:

Steam release. Even two years later this gets us players who have no freaking idea this forum even exists.

Steam has its own MWO forums, and I bet you real money that they will be talking about 8v8 over there soon enough, if not already.

View PostDithmenos, on 07 June 2018 - 12:38 AM, said:

8vs8 increases the significance of a single player and that may stop players from going solo and ignoring the own team. I think, 8vs8 would be an improvement, especially for the better tiers.

I think 8v8 will actually help people to more confidently go off on their own, as the chances of meeting the enemy along the way will be less. Which is good, as it will break down the current lame deathballing, since 8 people can guard less passages than 12 people. I still remember ninja-ing alone in the old Frozen City during 8v8 days. Was great.

Edited by El Bandito, 07 June 2018 - 12:43 AM.

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