Quick Play And 8V8
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:06 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:17 PM
I am looking forward to 24 vs 24, 32 vs 32, or 64 vs 64.
If you change QP to 8v8 I will never play this game again.
There is a lot of competition in this market, I will simply play another game.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:19 PM
But dang, sure isnt an overwhelming majority... PGI should set it up to allow voting when logging in the game itself...
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 07 June 2018 - 05:30 PM.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:28 PM
Naduk, on 07 June 2018 - 04:55 PM, said:
at the end of the day, the question is largely irrelevant, the button says "quick play"
this means, get me in my mech shooting at something as fast as possible
i propose something completely different
why not let the match maker decide whats appropriate
instead of trying to solve these age old problems with hard rules, give the match maker more options instead of limits
lets say the match maker is trying to deal with a few players who are potential edge cases and its having a hard time filling a 12 man for them
then dont keep trying to fill a 12man, just get them a game
instead of waiting
give them a 8 man game or a 4 man game or a 1v1 if things are that desperate
what is the true core problem with match making in MWO is its focus on mechs killing mechs
if you play battletech or even look at what you are doing with MW5 or even watch Death From Above
you will see that Mechs are sent to take out objectives and sometimes other mechs are sent to stop them but not always do they kill each other
instead of worrying about if quick play should be 8v8 or 12v12
you should be designing missions suitable for 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 8v8, 12v12
this way, the match maker could simply just place its perfect groups of warriors against each other in order of convenience instead of trying to put square pegs into round holes
then once you have that setup
you could do away with killing being the objectives as a whole and give each lance their own mission
this is how you could truly truly capture the feel of Company Vs Company mech combat
because in the world of battletech, a single mech is valued as an entire army of classic troops and is given important tasks
you send them in small groups to capture and control a large variety of objectives and take ownership of the planet or area
but i digress
allowing the match maker the freedom to build games instead of being so limited in match size could then have added benefits for the current game as this change would drastically improve the group play experiences as well
i would lobby for an additional change that the group play searches be allowed to search for all group game types including faction and scouting
there is nothing more frustrating about this game than when you convince your mates to come play Mechwarrior
they all log in
you all group up
then you spend 45mins trying to find a game in each of the modes desperately searching for a game
you get nothing but waiting around
everyone gets disheartened because of no drops and they all log off or go to quick play
and every time it gets harder and harder to convince them to try again
change group-quick play to drop deck mode
let it search for all games types
Russ has always known the great enemy is buckets
instead of feeding the monster by creating lots of separate Queues
kill it completely by allowing the match maker to place people who do not care what match they play (the very definition of quick play) to fill the ranks of all buckets
No Qp is by far the most popular, you want to kill FP go ahead few will cry
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:31 PM
Timber Ghost, on 06 June 2018 - 04:23 PM, said:
Lets have a retro weekend. 8v8, all the maps up until HPG.
Its events like this that MWO sorely lacks compared to other mainstream game titles. All our current "events" are, are content earnings, not really a change of pace.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:45 PM
Manicus, on 06 June 2018 - 06:05 PM, said:
If you’re turning a corner to face 12 mechs:
1- you’re doing it wrong. That’s what scouting is for
2- turning a corner to face 8 mechs is still instant death
That's kind of a strawman.
1) Scouting? In solo quickplay? We're not talking group queue here. If you want scouting, you do it yourself.
2) it's not "turning a corner to face 12 or 8 mechs." In a 12v12 match, if you're moving out of cover, there will be on average 50% more people firing at you. Move into view of 2 mechs in 8v8, it's 3 in 12v12.
Its not just actual numbers though.
Its solo quickplay player *fear*.
In 12v12, players are dramatically more risk adverse, more cowardly, less willing to push and be aggressive, because of that fear. It was amazing how fast people got really cowardly when 12v12 started, brawling becomes more difficult as a result. Nobody wants to risk being in view, so fights tend to be so much more wackamole like.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:54 PM
Banishing it to the salt mines of faction play wouldn't make FP any more appealing, it would just kill off one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:56 PM
Fox the Apprentice, on 06 June 2018 - 04:14 PM, said:
I do not think it will split the solo que bucket at all.
8v8 will happen much more easily than a full 12v12, we know that for sure.
and 12v12 will be for committed people.
And that can be switched instantly, I mean, c'mon

If you see you aren't getting drops, just change your que option?
Posted 07 June 2018 - 06:18 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 06:40 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 06:48 PM
However, I'd be open to the possibility of the matchmaking system switching automatically to 8v8 during "off" hours.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 06:56 PM

Edited by Imperius, 07 June 2018 - 07:05 PM.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 06:59 PM
Dopebear, on 07 June 2018 - 04:00 PM, said:
Imagine being so desperate and blind that you take 4chan this seriously.
Same place a certain T5 team killing multiaccounter(in the triple digits) likes to hang out at and brag about it Complete with videos and screenshots.
Besides, people listen when you mention hackers in vans. Alt-socking important polls certainly has happened before, it's not like someone would, oh make Kim Jong Un Time's man of the year or something thoug- oh wait that happened.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:10 PM
You have a lot of bad mechs because of "balance" changes made in the past. If one side has too many of those mechs they get rolled. As an added bonus people on your team will verbally abuse you for playing a mech you just spend 20 bucks to get. Piranha doesn't seem to care that 1) they just sold you inferior crap and 2) their players feel the need to take out their bad night on you
There are a bunch of OP mechs with one shot kill attacks posted on Smurfes. I have seen people kill 4 mechs on the other team before anyone else on that team gets into firing range. If one side gets their OP Sniper in position one side will lose 4 players and its now 12-8 match. I am not telling you anything you have not been told hundreds of times.
I just don't see how 8v8 improves any of this. Keep selling customers garbage and you will be floating 6v6 to keep your servers active.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:14 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:15 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:17 PM
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:19 PM
GBxGhostRyder, on 07 June 2018 - 04:49 PM, said:
I don't think changing to 8v8 rather than 12 v12 is going to fix the issue of player retention or more balance. For 5 years I have played MWO and enjoyed it from many aspects of the game so I will list below what I would think might be fun and enjoyable to play.
#1 Make drops for QP 12v12-3 assaults 3 heavy's 3 mediums 3 lights or 8v8 break it up 2 assaults 2 heavy's 2 mediums 2 lights.
The matchmaker has enough issues as it is.
#3 Make more game modes that are immersive and challenging.
They've been doing that, yes. Note Escort and Incursion.
I don't really see the point of this. Over a series of 20 games, I'll see most of the maps. HPV, Mining Complex, Grim Plexus, and lately Polar Highlands will usually win when they come up, but I've seen times that they don't. Plus, I see plenty of matches in which none of those are an option.
I think that the maps that were removed were removed for a reason.
Uhhhhhh, if you want more rear-torso armor on your mechs, then put more armor on your rear torsos. You can distribute your armor to the front or the back however you wish. Hell, in my Locust-PB, I usually run with my torso armor about evenly split, between front and rear. I take a good deal of my damage on the way out, while doing a scouting/squirrel run through an enemy formation.
Most people run with 80% of their torso armor on the front because that's where it's needed. Going for someone's more fragile rear-armor has been a major part of the game since the tabletop, back in the 80's.
If you're talking about putting more rear armor on the trial mechs, then ... uhhhh, no. The mechs are built that way because they're more useful that way. If you want a mech that's different, then buy it and load it out however you wish. I'd recommend putting most of your torso armor on the front, though, in almost all situations.
I assume that you're referring to the *** ****** ****** ******* Piranha? They'll fix it when it switches over to CBills, I imagine. It's kind of ********, but it makes sense, from a business perspective. Your paying customers get that little bit of an edge, getting to use mechs while they're still a bit overpowered and aren't properly balanced.
As for non-machine-gun weapons, that's what ghost heat is for. If you boat too many large lasers, LRM's, PPC's, etc, and you fire them all at once, you're going to have some serious problems.
Err, do you mean to say that every single weapon of a certain type can only be fired one at a time? That's crazy-pants.
So, you want someone with 12 ER small lasers (say in a Nova) to take ... how long exactly to fire all of their small lasers? And you want the cooldown times to be long enough to allow them to fire all 12?
You do realize that you're proposing a complete redesign of the entire game-system, balance, feel ... from the ground up, right? It sounds almost like you want this game to play as slowly as a turn-based strategy game. How much money are you going to give to PGI, with which they can accomplish this work?
Hare Brained Schemes has a game that you should check out, man. It's a lot of fun.
Errrrr ... place on the front of the Steam page ... errrr ... wha?
Edited by Looming Dementia, 07 June 2018 - 07:36 PM.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:19 PM
We FINALLY have maps that are really big enough for 8v8 too (arguably only Polar is actually big enough for 12v12). Many of the original maps (Frozen and Forest) were hardly big enough for 4v4 when we were using them for 8v8.
Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:27 PM
As for CW no one wants to touch that dumpster fire. Hell make CW 8v8.
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