Damn... pardon my taking quite some time to come back to this thread. There's been a lot happening to me offline.
Anyway, against all odds, I managed to still finish this Event even when I thought I couldn't. I have no idea how, I have no idea why, I just know I did... Maybe I'm insane, I don't know... Either that, or someone giving me a royal nudge IRL had an effect that I didn't expect... Who knows?
Looking back across the Challenges in my head,
they were definitely a great mix. Unfortunately, they cost a whole hell of a lot more

(C-Bills) than one could/would be awarded for their trouble, particularly if you had to buy Mechs at all. And because I missed several 50% Off Mech Bay Sales due to my

(MC) Wallet getting too small, I even got forced to spend out for a Mech Bay at Full Price... Ouch.
Frankly, I get that it was effectively Free Stuff for putting in the effort to finish. However, it wasn't enough to make up for the drain introduced by any Mech Purchases, and it didn't cover outfitting in manners that would cause a player to keep what they built in their bays. Frankly, I know the feeling about it being near-impossible to part with something that you've really made your own, so my Bays are Full at the moment, no spares to speak of.
Finally, I got so warped by the Anti-TeamWork Behavior of the Community during this particular Event that it caused me to sell off several Mechs. It took some real hounding from someone who knew what they were telling me to even have a chance at recovering most of those right at the end. I might have ended up losing them permanently otherwise, just because of a bunch of 'Bad Apples'... This caused me to burn out temporarily, forcing me to take almost a month to come back and place my review for this Event, albeit I thought I would NEVER have done one.
So, with everything factored in that should have been, and those things that started to over-skew my Rating shoved aside, I'll give this Event the Rating of...
...with a Recommendation that if this kind of Event is done again, a Mech Bay Sale should mandatorily come with it, and the

C-Bills) Rewards should be at least 50% to 100% larger in order to compensate for the drain from Extra Mech Purchases. If we're going to be testing the Community and the Game Balance, shouldn't we unstop ALL the possible bottlenecks, and not leave people with a bad feeling after trying to do the Event? Heck, I'm reasonably sure I would have spent out for more Mech Bays if they had been On-Sale!!!
~Mr. D. V. "
Finally recovering enough from burnout to Post A Review..." Devnull
Edit by Post Author, about 27 Minutes Later, in order to correct their long post for something that was not fit in from their personal notes.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 06 July 2018 - 02:53 PM.