I think most people here see the alpha situation of heavy and assault mechs.
Let's see it from the perspective of light and medium mechs for a second which are for a reasons the underdogs numberwise.
An alpha of 70+ is enough to take out a ST or even CT of a light mech. This also hold true for some mediums. Sure, you can roll damage but you are not always in a 1 vs 1 situation and let's be honest you can also be caught with your pants down. It may be fun for a heavy or assault mech to cripple or outright destroy a low weight mech but I can assure you, it isn't for the pilot of the light or medium.Heck, ever got taken out by a dual heavy gauss in a light? It is no fun.
Therefore I am for changing the "high alpha meta" we have now more to a kind of "DPS meta". For example that the damage output of alphas is around 30 points of damage (maybe higher for "scatter" weapons like LBX and LRMS SRMS etc).
Of course, some of the heavy and assault jocks will now yell bloody murder, however, there are quite some advantages:
1. Facetime is suddenly available / Lights and meds get more playable
This means that a light and medium mech can suddenly act more freely like drive-by-shooting or even try a brawl simply because they do not need to fear that one well-placed alpha cripples them.
2. Diversity in playstyle
More facetime means that finally there can be other playstyles than peek-a-booing and alphaing like mad. Even brawling may become a thing once more or lead charges into an enemy line simply because the alphas of 2 mechs won't blast you to kingdome come
3. Diversity of loadouts
Currently boating trumps everything. However, when you can fire only e.g. 30 point alpha it also gets attractive to mix weapons more because you can "stagger" your volleys. So you may want a long-range weapon to soften up the enemy and backup weaponry as well.
4. Movememt vs Firepower & Armour
Finally you can re-position and moving properly (not just running from cover to cover) gets more important. Like dogfights in WW2 planes. At the moment while agility is important to some degree it gets easily trumped by firepower and armour to generate and absorb such huge alphas. This again would support speedier mechs like lights and mediums and make them more relevant
And there are even more advantages.
Now, what drawback has it? You cannot one-shot people anymore. Is it so bad to have no Call of Duty with mech skins?
Edited by Bush Hopper, 14 June 2018 - 12:14 AM.