Doomich, on 26 June 2018 - 09:07 AM, said:
Dude, stop thinking that the thing we're talking about is a shot in a random direction after the first lmb click.
Start reading the previous pages and be informed
Here it is suggested to limit the free huge damage: the more you try to inflict damage in the minimum period of time, the more accuracy you lose.
And in this case, weapons have huge options for balancing
Just think about the right values
1. Don't try to think i'm more stupid then you are. I've read that crap. Try to think wider.
2. Any free options to do something bad to the balance will be exploited. Live with that.
3. Don't even think to balance weapons in the first place. That's a dead end. Balance mechs.
We do not need another WoT with several tanks (out of 100+) viable for competitive play (maybe something has already changed, but i do not care anymore).
CarloArmato, on 26 June 2018 - 09:20 AM, said:
One of the following:
* Nerf deathstrike agility: overall a bad choice, due to the fact it won't fix the issue with newer mech which can fit the same build.
* Increase laser duration, while keeping the overall DPS the same (or slightly lower it). This will reduce the damage dealt over laser burn and give more time to response to an incoming alpha strike. If you wish to face tank a 2 second long heavy large laser, it's your choice because after that laser / alpha, you are free to move and shoot for other ~7 seconds.
* Buff every other weapon in the game: instead of nerfing something that still requires good aim to be used properly, why not buff everything else that would actually give more game variety and content? Most of the suggestion made in
Community Panel's Weapon Balance seems fair enough to me.
If you simply consider overall damage output, any build that features MRMs will be even more inaccurate.
By the way, have you ever played those huge alpha strike builds? Namely the
Space Whale and the
Never ever nerf anything. Reduce possibilities to exploit weaknesses in design (well, technically saying, thats a nerf

CarloArmato, on 26 June 2018 - 09:37 AM, said:
The idea to play a slightly more custom MW:LL but without any other vehicle is not really appealing. I honestly dislike most stock build and the exceptions are really few.
Yeah, 62 alpha strike is not bad if there would not be other assaults capable of dishing out 80 damage, like the annihilator 1X dual heavy gauss and 6xML or ERML... If you prevent such builds on IS side, then you could give it a go, but requires a lot of work and fine tuning which I bet PGI can't afford to take. Also, I still don't like the idea of having weapons limited by "hardpoint size", it would also mean that it would have been better to implement something like MW4 mechlab since the launch.
Meh... Black knight 6B can fit and sustain very well 3xLL and 6xERML while respecting the "hardpoint size" rule... This is just to point out how hard the work would be for such a rework.
Plus, IMHO, IS PPCs are not really worth it and lasers have little to no sinergy with PPCs.
1. I do remember "road accidents" from beta. And i want them back, really

2. I do not care about "mechbay rework". It's simple. It's the easiest way (from a programmer point of view) to balance, well, maybe balance those mechs, return pieces of true crap back to the game, etc... BTW, my proposition won't take that much time and effort to change the current situation. At least not to change some server-side code.
3. A "crap" mech maybe, just "maybe", may become viable just because pilot has some skill. And it won't die just because it's a crap.
4. You won't need to make that 6B taller then Atlas.
Doomich, on 26 June 2018 - 10:11 AM, said:
increase laser duration was already suggested, including by me - it became clear that almost nothing would change
And if you save the lasers DPS, then nothing will change at all
edit: don't talk about 0.0000001 changes that this will bring, or you will become a waterboy
In the current situation there is no buff for the weapon because it's normal or because it was nerfed for a reason
Lasers have always been the main weapon here, although most often they must be an auxiliary weapon
The community balance document is a good alternative, but the changes in it are interrelated and should be applied completely, and this should also be the focus of a separate discussion, which is what happens here
Your suggestion means that you are stuck in the current swamp and don't try to think in a different way.
Because all you think about is increase or decrease, and not change or add
Get in the discussion without knowing what has already been said is a bad form
Stop reintroducing simple tweaks. THE problem of this game is much wider and needs much more attention and changes.
For example, it could be something like:
1. Non-omni mechs are highly customizable (with respect to the hardpoint limit).
2. Omni do have omnipods with hard-wired weapons. Maybe some free hardpoints respecting the rule "more firepower == less armour/heatsinks/ammo". I still want Pryde TW with current -prime.
3. Due to the rule, most mechs WILL play their proposed role.
4. Whiners/perfectionists can go the way i'm currently thinking of.