Yeonne Greene, on 18 September 2018 - 06:40 PM, said:
Not really; there will be good pilots who understand and bad pilots who don't. The penalty will be treated like we treat override now; only doomed pilots will ever really feel the effects, doomed because they are going out swinging as the last man standing or doomed because they didn't really know what they were doing anyway.
The penalty has to be to an attribute crucial to performance, or it won't matter. The penalty also has to be more than token, or it won't matter. Like, a MAD-IIC with the October numbers is going to have a heat dissipation of 7.502 and a heat cap of 65. 80% of that is 52, 50% is 32.5; the delta is 20.5. It takes you all of 3 seconds to go from penalty to no penalty. Unless you plan on freezing the 'Mech in place, mobility won't do anything because it doesn't have far to go to get back into cover. Turning the HUD off won't matter, because it can't shoot again anyway. You can start cooking off ammo or blowing up weapons, if you want. In the end, it doesn't matter because it makes my point for me:
This alpha strike is going to get fired, and whatever penalty you place to discourage it from being fired is meaningless because of the nature of the build unless it is super strict, at which point you may as well have simply dropped the cap.
Goal accomplished, but not through the addition of heat-scale penalties. In essence, you've just lowered the cap and then piled on a layer of coding garbage that serves no function. You've increased complexity without adding depth and the addition of depth was part of your goal, was it not?
The nuance is a red herring, is what I'm saying. Like I said above, there will be good pilots who figure that out and bad ones who don't. You may decrease the frequency of alpha strikes, but purely as a function of the reduced usable cap.
Just to touch on this. a temp mobility nerf may not have has an adverse effect on a slow assault or heavy, or even a medium as it would on faster moving mechs but that mobility nerf does not just hit the mech going forward but also in reverse, meaning it is exposed for a slightly longer period of time.
And yes, there will be good players, bad players and new players. We can also look at one of the cXL penalties, the 20% movement penalty. Though it was not added until 16 months after Clans were introduced. What is funny and sad at the same time were the number of players who were up in arms about getting ANY PENALTY when a Clan lost a ST other than the weapons and components on that side. I had almost forgotten those threads/posts (found a few today..) Then there is the 40 KPH or 50% movement penalty, which ever one is the lowest, when a leg is lost.
Oh, a post from Khobia not wanting ANY movement penalties, be it cXL or isXL (Nov 2015 - cXL penalty added 12-01-15. Also included in that patch the old Skill Tree reduction across the board) before MWO was released on Steam.
One in a few posts advocating non-lethal penalties when a cXL is lost...
Robert blackseven Sohn, on 18 September 2014 - 06:02 AM, said:
Clan XLs needs penalties for losing ST. "Some heat" isn't really enough. The movement hit has to be significant enough to be felt. More than 10%.
The Clan XL defenders point out that you lose about half your loadout when you lose an side torso, which they claim is a disadvantage. Uhh, IS mechs lose exactly the same amount of their loadout when they lose a side torso, IF their were running a standard. Meanwhile the Clanner has been taking advantage of the MASSIVE weight saving of the XL engine to load up most weapons/ammo/heat sinks and dish out way more firepower before losing the ST. A pristine IS mech using a standard engine doesn't usually have double the fire power of a equal weight Clan mech with a torso blown out.
It was only mentioned a few times, but pretending like the "zombie" abilities of a few IS mechs somehow balances them against the MASSIVE advantage of the Clan XL is similarly laughable. Yes, being able to zombie is an advantage, but it's such a corner case - you have to have taken fire mostly to both STs and not that much on your CT, AND you have to have CT/Head weapons, which only about half the mechs do. And if you talk "Comp" or "meta" level chassis, I'm not sure that any have CT/Head weapons.
/what the frak did I just post?!?! bah.. leave it..
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 19 September 2018 - 11:08 AM.