Okay, four pages in before I could catch up... Argh...
Tina Benoit, on 13 June 2018 - 04:21 PM, said:
An edit had been made to the Comp Play section of the patch notes:
We have moved the Sunday time slot to Saturday to better accommodate all time zones.
K O N D O, on 13 June 2018 - 04:39 PM, said:
Thanks Tina.
AP/OC appreciates this.
Pardon my confusion, but why wasn't this simply made an "Open 7 Days A Week" thing? I may not be getting into Comp. Play myself, but this seems weirdly inconsistent and could create scheduling nightmares for those that are. Not everyone has at least one of those three days (
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) a week open.
Catten Hart, on 13 June 2018 - 04:33 PM, said:
It's actually surprising to me that there aren't any real 'nerfs' this patch. Hopefully you aren't just taking extra time to prep that nerfbat swing.
cougurt, on 13 June 2018 - 05:04 PM, said:
that sounds like exactly what's happening going by the recent posts from paul and chris.
Elizander, on 13 June 2018 - 06:33 PM, said:
The TBR Prime has no negative quirks and a set bonus of +10% accel and +10% decel. I played it with max agility and it still felt nowhere near it's old performance.

tee5, on 13 June 2018 - 03:55 PM, said:
First I thought hurray they are removing negative Quirks from the Timberwolf.
But then I read more in depth, and found out they are only camouflageing the negative Quirks so that nobody sees them anymore.
I guarantee you if you just remove the negative quirk, you will not see billions of Timberwolfs on the map.
Nema Nabojiv, on 14 June 2018 - 12:46 AM, said:
I was dreaded to open patchnotes but this time it is actually a nice patch. See PGI you can do it, just forget about nerfing and we're good.
So it seems a lot of people didn't pay good attention to that section of the Patch Notes. There was indeed a Nerf, albeit hidden from view. I should point out that some TimberWolf OmniPods carried built-in Negative Quirks prior to this Patch. Even then, if you read PGI's wording carefully, you'll notice that they're rolling many of those Negative Quirks into the Baseline Stats. One can only hope that PGI's changes don't really end up leaving that Mech worse than it was before, as I get the impression that some of the Variants are going to end up badly hurt in their CTs, compared to others. Let's hope it doesn't result in some kind of "Meta OmniPod Monster" build.
This reminds me... Mechs that I've piloted with the "Reverse Speed" Quirk have indeed had it functioning since the New Skill Tree arrived. What is going on with PGI removing those Quirks, when they're part of the Mech's personality? It actually helped with build diversity, and removing it is only causing people to all go to "cookie cutter builds" for efficiency as the Mechs are being semi-homogenized in terms of mobility.
Tina Benoit --- Pardon my curiosity as to if you're still reading this post, but is there any chance you could request a "Quirk Change Info" addition to the Patch Notes? It would be nice if we could get a PDF or Table indicating the results of the Quirk Changes to those Mechs receiving them.
P0607, on 14 June 2018 - 12:00 AM, said:
I wanna ask if you could maybe add a little cbills bonus for the shot down missiles? Not too much so everyone doesn't start boating it, but just a bit for those support mechs? They usually gain less cbills because of lack of weapons exchanged for ams, so that reduces the motivation to play such builds (especially when you're short on cbills).
ZortPointNarf, on 14 June 2018 - 01:57 AM, said:
This a thousand times yes, something running 2-3 AMS systems, is sacrificing a lot of damage, that directly impacts earnings for a game. With all the extra Ammo, more people will have to run AMS, about time the support element in this game got some love instead of just pew pew you ded.
I can DEFINITELY AGREE WITH THIS, you two. There SHOULD be a Compensation given for helping a teammate to survive through that manner of operation. Probably 30

C-Bills) minimum for every Missile that gets shot down (
only slightly over equal to 1 Point of Damage, thereby also adjusting for ATM-based attacks), as that's actual teamwork the AMS User is indeed committing to. Why PGI hasn't already made this change in the Final Scoring for matches is well beyond my own ability to guess...
Will9761, on 14 June 2018 - 01:41 AM, said:
If PGI is going to extend the Blood Asp's gun barrels, they should at least give the side torsos armor quirks to compensate for the changes.
Just give it a Patch or two. Maybe even just a HotFix. It just takes time for PGI to know what it is that they missed. If too many Blood Asp Mechs get cut down easily, then they'll know it must have quirks for having such Side Torso protrusions.
IdToaster, on 14 June 2018 - 02:24 AM, said:
Well, good to know the Dire Wolf S and W no longer exist.
Oh, they exist. Problem is, I bet PGI hadn't thought about those Head-mounted Energy Weapon Slot OmniPods. Either that, or we the players are missing something in terms of final balancing on that Mech. (
Is it just me, or is the Dire Wolf's Head Hitbox unusually tiny?) At least the Dire Wolf got some recent Armor Quirks as a Ninja Addition to its' other OmniPods. My problem now is figuring out how to make use of some of those, being as the Dire Wolf isn't quite near as tanky as it should be for a 48-Kph-Limit Mech.
And now to look ahead to see what madness happens...
~Mr. D. V. "
In hopes of some clarification from PGI's Staff..." Devnull