Johnathan Tanner, on 21 June 2018 - 08:07 AM, said:
Those guys you want to attract have been around for years. They are not interested at all in engaging with the community trying to get them on board is a waste of time. You could give 50 mc per drop as a 12 man on comms and they still wouldn't do it. The best that could ever happen is enticing the 1000's who phase 3 ran off to come back. Almost impossible. But the only real option.
That goes with the assumption you feel "the community" is the loud minority that (whatch the exaggeration trips) minmax abuses the sh...out of the broken mechlab and gangs up to farm seals....see you can look at things from different angles and as long as you got ppl looking at things from contrary position there is no "getting them on board" alas you yourself seem to be unable to simpatize with those you look upon.