The changes are WAY too much, especially to ERML's. Grats. You've turned my Marauder IIC into something that hits like an IS heavy, is less durable, has worse heat management and slower cooldowns.
Clans OP.
Seriously these changes are absolute trash. I cannot express how stupid this is and how much it's making me regret coming back to and spending money on this game. For the sake of what? Nerfing one build that exchanges a giant alpha for terrible heat management? I've ONLY started seeing the 92/94 point alpha mechs in the game after PGI posted about them... so it hardly constitutes a 'metagame' and more a 'gimmick.' And you know what? Those mechs were really not that scary. Their alpha, even skilled ends them up with something like 80% heat, so a coordinated team beats that every time. On top of that, they're slow assault builds so once they hit that alpha, they can't extricate themselves from any situation they've gotten themselves into... Oh, and they're Clan with low-*** hardpoints. So what happens in the REAL game, not in PGI theorycraft land is this...
Direwhale/MKII peeks and trades. Someone on team goes, "Ow. Damn. Dire Wolf Delta is running gauss vomit and he just peeked over here." Team acknowledges this while the mech spends the next seven hours cooling off... Then either some flankers lock him up and the team pummels him with LRMs, keeping him suppressed, or he peeks again and gets hosed by the entire team before he can get back into cover. At that point, he's probably got open side torsos and falls back to second line, maybe getting a third alpha off before someone takes him down while he's spending his next seven hours cooling off.
The 94 alpha is just not that dominant. I don't think I've ever been out damaged at the end of the game by a player running that if I'm using any of my assaults (Before anyone accuses me, I don't use LRMs. I'm usually going laser vomit or dakka.) The bottom line is that it's a gimmick. It's not really that effective. It's probably fun for the person using it because they one-shot that Blackjack that one time or something... but it's too high heat to provide sustained damage.
One gimmick build with pretty suspect effectiveness is not a reason to nerf half the mechs in the game and literally kill some of them entirely. Parity between Clan alphas and IS alphas means no one will play Clans because their mechs do not have the frankly ridiculous bonuses that IS chassis get. Please explain to me, PGI, why I would want a mech that costs more, is less durable and does the same damage... because honestly, I don't understand the reasoning.
Edited by SaltiestRaccoon, 08 July 2018 - 12:02 PM.