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Call To Arms! Need Support!

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#1 Bishop Six


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 02:25 AM

Hello friends!

A funny game at the moment. Ignoring Bishop if he wants something doesnt work ever! Posted Image

A kindly request to all my comrades, mates, enemies and all the other ones:

Please support us to make FP/CW great again!

Even if you dont like FP/CW, there are many many veterans in veteran units who love this mode!
(Sure in the poll you are allowed to say "NO")

These Units take people, train people, help people, they are the core of the game!

We, the veterans want to stay and we want improvements in FP/CW !

Please support us and we support you by filling this game with life!

Rememeber, veterans units are in QP AND FP active Posted Image

Here is the poll:

Here is my argumentation:

Here are my tweets to Russ, NGNG and so on:

The point is, the more they ignore me, the more i will be active until the point they have to bann me from this game!

And i promise them, if they bann me, they will shoot themselves in their own knee Posted Image


Bishop Six

Posted Image

Edited by Bishop Six, 21 June 2018 - 02:40 AM.

#2 B0oN


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 04:05 AM

Shameless bump, with the help of some ERPPCs, as per usual :P

#3 JediPanther


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:03 AM

There are a lot of people who use to or still like fw in concept but gave it up due to pgi being unable to make it fun. Lousy game mechanics such as long tom,spawn camping, poor choke point map design being the top three reasons that current and past members of the casual fw unit I'm give for not wanting to play fw any more. Not every one who wants to play fw wants to always bring the most current meta mechs either.

If you want to make fw better you need two things. 1. Pgi has to put real effort into the mode other than just a few events with mc or new mech as bribes to play the mode. 2. You have to make it a lot more fun for the casuals and semi-casuals. I've been in a few of those more serious try hard and want-to-be-pro comp units. It was not fun so I left them for many reasons.

#4 B0oN


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:09 AM

Long Tom was hilarious fun, you just had to know how to counter it .
Spawn camping is a player problem rather than a game problem .
Maps are not well designed, I give you that much .

1 out of 3 is not good enough Panther .

#5 UnKnownPlayer


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:14 AM

Also, please make a presence on TS hubs such as comstar: na1.mech-connect.com
Get together, get some fights and have some fun.

#6 Verilligo


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:23 AM

View PostB0oN, on 21 June 2018 - 06:09 AM, said:

Long Tom was hilarious fun, you just had to know how to counter it .
Spawn camping is a player problem rather than a game problem .
Maps are not well designed, I give you that much .

1 out of 3 is not good enough Panther .

Long Tom may have been counterable, but it was incompatible with how FW was originally sold and "accepted" within the community. That is to say, team-based, skill-oriented gameplay where competition was intended to be fierce. When you introduce a game mechanics like the Long Tom to that kind of ecosystem where magic damage of any amount rains from the heavens, you should expect people to be upset. The fact that the damage was lethally high in a large area and that PGI chose to spurn the community rather than accept their input pretty well doomed it.

With regards to spawn camping, you're technically right in that it's a player decision. The trouble is... what player wouldn't choose to camp the enemy spawn if they have the option? You get free damage on trickle-fed mechs before they even have time to orient themselves. Dropships and walls provide some token defense, but not enough to make spawn camping a bad idea. Once you have mechs pressuring the spawn, everything snowballs from there. Now you could make the counter-argument, and likely correctly so, that the game has probably already snowballed to a stomp by the time mechs are capable of pressuring the spawn in the first place. But if PGI really wanted to stop spawn camping, then they have the ability to, making it a gameplay "problem" that they haven't.

#7 Asym


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:33 AM

OP, keep trying.... A good effort. Do you remember the story of Sisyphus? Only kidding....

The whole evolution from game launch to where we are today is a loop. We are back where the franchise started...... MW5 is the financial key to where the loop goes next. Will it return back to teams and large open terrain maps or stay localized in smaller maps without large and formal teams; just star's of coop mechs on smaller maps with short and clean stories?

What is value added is what you and your friends need to present to PGI in person...not talk about it.

Create a "strategy canvas" for FP/CW. Run you efforts with real business tools and "sell your results" to Russ...! Google strategy canvas and if you are serious, ask and I'll help with the canvas because I want the excitement back....

Here's a good reference to start you: https://hbr.org/2002...companys-future This isn't junk business science either. HBS (Harvard Business School) is one of the most respected anchors of business science in the world and is used everyday at Universities across the world.....

Want to do this seriously? Want to sell this? Make this a compelling business strategy to Russ in a language corporations rely on: real value ! Take a hard look at this link and Google the rest. The canvas will or will not be "value added" and go from there.

Good luck and find the Blue Ocean in the morass of brown seas...

#8 Doomich


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:37 AM

im with you Posted Image *sharpens arms*

#9 Bishop Six


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 06:57 AM

View PostAsym, on 21 June 2018 - 06:33 AM, said:

OP, keep trying.... A good effort. Do you remember the story of Sisyphus? Only kidding....

The whole evolution from game launch to where we are today is a loop. We are back where the franchise started...... MW5 is the financial key to where the loop goes next. Will it return back to teams and large open terrain maps or stay localized in smaller maps without large and formal teams; just star's of coop mechs on smaller maps with short and clean stories?

What is value added is what you and your friends need to present to PGI in person...not talk about it.

Create a "strategy canvas" for FP/CW. Run you efforts with real business tools and "sell your results" to Russ...! Google strategy canvas and if you are serious, ask and I'll help with the canvas because I want the excitement back....

Here's a good reference to start you: https://hbr.org/2002...companys-future This isn't junk business science either. HBS (Harvard Business School) is one of the most respected anchors of business science in the world and is used everyday at Universities across the world.....

Want to do this seriously? Want to sell this? Make this a compelling business strategy to Russ in a language corporations rely on: real value ! Take a hard look at this link and Google the rest. The canvas will or will not be "value added" and go from there.

Good luck and find the Blue Ocean in the morass of brown seas...

Thank you! At the moment i have free time and i will look into it for sure.

PGI should be ashamed if i learn more about their economics in my free time than they do in their work time with numbers on personal and getting paid for it.

So i studied archeology and history and Sisyphus is my 2nd name. Bishop "Sisyphus" Six Posted Image

Edited by Bishop Six, 21 June 2018 - 07:12 AM.

#10 Asym


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:19 PM

Hey OP, when you are experimenting in business, most times the "boulder gets you".... Trust me, I teach innovation and 94% of new project fail...... that rate falls to 60% when strategy canvas efforts were done with due diligence and honesty....

Archeology is a good field of study if you seriously try to map out the "value" of FP/CW in a canvas.... What you see in the canvas needs a good set of "eyes" that always question what they see......and then, attempt to justify the rationale....

We are an extreme small niche market so, if you in this effort strike some very lucrative and obvious opportunities, then you need to take a team to PGI and pitch it...... (there are several "elevator pitch videos out there that are excellent to use and there are several "elevator pitch competitions" in the US every year and they produce great teaching videos.....)

I want to see this effort work and will gladly review any data you post. I may be a potato and drive some pilots crazy on these forums but, I like the MW universe and I'd love to see FP change or expand to become a "retention and teaching" standard in the game.... To do that, PGI needs to "have a reason to invest" and your efforts may just get us there.

Good hunting !

#11 Khobai


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:33 PM


We are an extreme small niche market

the problem in a nutshell

this game needs to break out of its limited niche and garner mass appeal

it needs dinosaurs

#12 Monkey Lover


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:46 PM

Nope not going to play 1 bucket 4 spawn quick play.

#13 Johnathan Tanner


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 12:53 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 21 June 2018 - 12:46 PM, said:

Nope not going to play 1 bucket 4 spawn quick play.

#rememberwazanPosted Image

#14 Khobai


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 01:30 PM

Posted Image

Edited by Khobai, 21 June 2018 - 03:09 PM.

#15 Verilligo


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 01:33 PM

View PostKhobai, on 21 June 2018 - 01:30 PM, said:

Posted Image

This isn't fair. Dinosaurs improve everything.

#16 Novakaine


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 02:34 PM

Are any IS units left?

#17 Mechwarrior1441491


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 02:40 PM

Unless they give Faction a strategic map that actually functions, what's the point? With sides voting senior commanders in charge. Moving units via dropships. Deciding which technology is researched based off of functional factories. WHat kind of mechs are being made. L/M/H/A. A master consumables pool, so those need resources to manufacture as well.

This is what Faction could have been, but they went the easy way and lost a very large portion of their veterans.

There are a lot of games they could directly rip off for inspiration if they can't fathom how to do it themselves. Or hire me. I would be glad to save their game for the right $.

Edited by Mechwarrior1441491, 21 June 2018 - 02:42 PM.

#18 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 02:46 PM

Tag team effort ruined FP (players and pgi) and solaris is shaping up to be in the same bucket. The only way FP would be appealing to me is if it had a much more persistent presence and doing well....anything in it meant something. Problem is from the get go MWO's engine has been really 'bad' and not able to handle the mass of activity required to make a faction warfare platform feel like more than QP with four lives.

If we had a more capable engine I would have liked to have seen a map that just stays running essentially with bases to capture resulting in access to more support units for one team or the other. Be pretty much cannon fodder but 'dead' players could play as trash units like generic tanks, VTOLs or even elementals till they were allowed to respawn a mech, crap like that.

#19 Grus


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 02:50 PM

Who's this Bishop guy? Is he like a CHEEKIES?

#20 Johnathan Tanner


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 04:15 PM

View PostGrus, on 21 June 2018 - 02:50 PM, said:

Who's this Bishop guy? Is he like a CHEEKIES?

Dafuq is a CHEEKIES?

View PostKhobai, on 21 June 2018 - 01:30 PM, said:

Posted Image

As a veteran of wazan. This is actually pretty accurate.

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