A funny game at the moment. Ignoring Bishop if he wants something doesnt work ever!

A kindly request to all my comrades, mates, enemies and all the other ones:
Please support us to make FP/CW great again!
Even if you dont like FP/CW, there are many many veterans in veteran units who love this mode!
(Sure in the poll you are allowed to say "NO")
These Units take people, train people, help people, they are the core of the game!
We, the veterans want to stay and we want improvements in FP/CW !
Please support us and we support you by filling this game with life!
Rememeber, veterans units are in QP AND FP active

Here is the poll:
Here is my argumentation:
Here are my tweets to Russ, NGNG and so on:
The point is, the more they ignore me, the more i will be active until the point they have to bann me from this game!
And i promise them, if they bann me, they will shoot themselves in their own knee

Bishop Six

Edited by Bishop Six, 21 June 2018 - 02:40 AM.