Cer6erus, on 04 July 2018 - 11:32 AM, said:
No other light mech can 100-0 170 tons of mech in under 10 seconds from the rear.
No other light mech can, with ~1.5 seconds of backstab, strip off an entire ST from the rear or destroy all of the weapons carried on it.
No other light mech has ~12 DPS that is not heat limited, which only increases in damage the moment it attacks structure.
ALL light mechs face the challenge of being one shot (to those who say the PIR is not OP because it can be one shot)
Not all light mechs have the small hitboxes and 150+kph speed that the PIR does.
For the last month or so I thought PIR were the devil. Playing a heavy or assault and instantly losing a ST because even with a perfect reaction the moment you take damage you physically cant torso twist away fast enough. But I wrote it off as a once in a while, I was sloppy, kind of occurrence.
I have maybe 10 games with the PIR so far, and in ~5 of them I have 3+ solo kills... in a 20 tonner... all where the counterplay option for the enemy was literally 0. In maybe 2 out of 10 I have been one shot via streaks or dual Hguass, but both were my fault and would have happened with any other light mech. And in the rest I posted over 1000 damage with 3-5 solo kills.
The rare times I do that in a locust or my ACH, I know I played well. I aimed, strafed, kited, and hard engaged when I needed to perfectly, I earned every point of damage. The fact that you can just walk up behind virtually any mech and kill or cripple it BEFORE IT CAN TURN AROUND in a PIR is ******* stupid. I gave it the benifit of the doubt before I used it, but now I think it needs some sort of (healthy) nerf.
someone honest and objective