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Blood Asp - Oh Em Gee It's Bad

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#1 Syffer


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 03:57 PM

This post is a partial venting, partial hopes that someone will come along, and show me the light that I have not found in the week that I have spent trying to use and understand this mech.

Initial thoughts are, wow this thing is horrid at running any means of laser builds. Just my opinion. 2 LBX 20's and 6 ER Med lasers runs so hot on this that it isn't viable, yet most of my heavies can run hotter lasers, and fire them more consistently. (Ex, TBR: 2 ATM 12's, 5 Heavy Med lasers.)

After a week? I'm pulling hairs out because I can't get this thing to do anything. Granted, I'm not the best pilot. I know. I could just "git gud" but what I'm saying here isn't a cry for buffs or anything. I just want some clarity...

This mech FEELS awful. It's slow, and cumbersome, like you'd imagine an assault to be. However, it's got PAPER for armor. I can't explain this, because in the mech lab we SEE that it has assault levels of armor. However when someone looks at me, there goes my LT, or even CT. I can't tank ANYTHING for my allied medium pilots. Speaking of, any heavy or medium mech can pop a corner on me and take off my side torso before I can even respond half the time.

Usually an assault mech isn't something you want to go face to face with right? Not this one. Face tank it all day you'll be fine. Even in a medium. Because your medium will lose what, an arm? A side torso? But so will this assault. Which is a good trade for your team.

I'm so big as an Asp, that most of the cover in the game doesn't stop people from sniping off my arms, or side torso's. And we all know the upper mounted weapons are hard to cover up. I expected that one, at least.

But after a weak, I have consistently run matches doing less than 300 damage a game... in an assault... that feels a snail with a paper shell.

I think it's kind of weird that PGI puts this mech into the game that kind of requires at least some form of laser usage, I mean we see the tons of energy hard points but heaven forbid you run a heavy weapon like an LBX20 with those. Because you will over heat for days. But if you run a cooler build you do less damage output than a lighter more agile heavy mech. So why bother? In this game the extra armor is nowhere near as important is agility.

What is the point of this mech? What am I missing? Why does it feel SO awful to play this? I have never felt this from a Dire Wolf, even now. Those are slow and clunky with huge torso's but they have proper firepower to at least put pressure back.

Timberwolves often feel like glass cannons because of their huge torso hit boxes, but at least they have agility. Their fast, and fairly maneuverable. AND they can run builds that will out damage what my Asp can consistently put out.

The Asp feels like the worst of all worlds, slow to turn, slow center torso turn speed, big enough to almost always take pot shots at, usually can't put enough pressure to force someone off of it without over heating almost immediately, and ECM isn't even something I notice, while all this is going on. Sure, it's there, it helps, but it's not the saving grace of this horrid feeling mech. ThoughtS?

Edited by Syffer, 06 July 2018 - 04:04 PM.

#2 Alex Morgaine


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:13 PM

I don't think asp is supposed to be Tanker, rather like a dire wolf it's more of a "all the dakka you don't want in your face" type Mech. Kind of a wait for the first volley on the designated decoys then open up on the distracted enemy.

#3 Syffer


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:14 PM

Then what is the Asp suppose to be? Just like some support Assault mech? If that's the case I've been severely mistaken in obtaining this mech. I don't like support mechs.

#4 Ilfi


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:28 PM

The Blood Asp is only good at poking from the second line using its high shoulder mounts. Clan Mechs in general are terrible at taking damage, and the Blood Asp's broad hitboxes make it particularly bad. Don't waste your time trying to brawl with it, because you'll never in a million years outdo an Annihilator or Cyclops at that role.

#5 Syffer


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:36 PM

Brawling is pretty much the only thing I enjoy.

View PostIlfi, on 06 July 2018 - 04:28 PM, said:

The Blood Asp is only good at poking from the second line using its high shoulder mounts. Clan Mechs in general are terrible at taking damage, and the Blood Asp's broad hitboxes make it particularly bad. Don't waste your time trying to brawl with it, because you'll never in a million years outdo an Annihilator or Cyclops at that role.

So I have to ask. I know that people rage about lore and all that and I hate to be one but, I don't remember that being the sole highlight of this mech anywhere previously.

#6 Ilfi


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:53 PM

View PostSyffer, on 06 July 2018 - 04:36 PM, said:

Brawling is pretty much the only thing I enjoy.

So I have to ask. I know that people rage about lore and all that and I hate to be one but, I don't remember that being the sole highlight of this mech anywhere previously.
Unless you're playing a Scorch, Clan Assaults don't brawl. They don't have the armor for it, their weapons are too heat inefficient for it, and too much is stacked against them for it. Clans excel at big damage alphas and hiding/running away. The big exceptions are their Mediums and Lights, which have a big enough speed and DPS advantage to compensate for their poor weaponry (the big examples being the Piranha and Arctic Cheetah). In any other situation, you'll want to go Inner Sphere to brawl; they have much better armor quirks, more accurate and efficient brawling weapons, and PGI loves them so they will never be nerfed because IS can do no wrong.



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Posted 06 July 2018 - 04:58 PM

View PostSyffer, on 06 July 2018 - 03:57 PM, said:

Initial thoughts are, wow this thing is horrid at running any means of laser builds. Just my opinion. 2 LBX 20's and 6 ER Med lasers runs so hot on this that it isn't viable, yet most of my heavies can run hotter lasers, and fire them more consistently. (Ex, TBR: 2 ATM 12's, 5 Heavy Med lasers.)

This mech FEELS awful. It's slow, and cumbersome, like you'd imagine an assault to be. However, it's got PAPER for armor. I can't explain this, because in the mech lab we SEE that it has assault levels of armor. However when someone looks at me, there goes my LT, or even CT. I can't tank ANYTHING for my allied medium pilots. Speaking of, any heavy or medium mech can pop a corner on me and take off my side torso before I can even respond half the time.


Could try boating 2-3 LPLs with low heat dakka for heat management.

+Acceleration techs on the skill tree can help with assaults that feel slow & unresponsive.

Assaults rely on good torso twist to spread damage more than heavies and other weight classes.

#8 Alex Deathson


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:06 PM

My experiences with the Blood Asp have been a little more forgiving than your experiences, Syffer. I've set up mine to run fairly cool, with a high damage output. I've tried Gauss Rifles, ER PPCs, Lg Pulse, etc., but they didn't seem to run well. Either too hot or too much face time. I've settled on LB10-X and LB20-X as my go-to weapons for two reasons... low heat and snap shots. Back them up with lasers to open up enemy Mech locations that your LBs can exploit, or ATMs to toss over terrain if the build calls for it.

Honestly, I like all three of my Asps, but I'm not setting records with them. The torso changes have hurt my eyes more than my results, in my estimation. [I really dug the smaller shoulder pods.] I'm guessing that once I have them fleshed out with 91 skill points, things will feel more competitive.

For what it is worth, my best results have been realized with the BAS-Prime(S) with the following load out...

2x LB10-X w/3 tons, 2x Hvy Large Laser, 2x ER Med Laser, Targeting Comp.MkI, 7x Clan Double Heat Sink

Use the lasers in combination to open enemies up and then exploit the breech with your LBs. Confine yourself to the LBs and ER Mediums if you're hot and/or pressed by the enemies. The whole chassis can be played with Left, Right and Middle mouse buttons and three weapon groups.

Edited by Alex Deathson, 06 July 2018 - 05:11 PM.

#9 Syffer


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:24 PM

Alex Deathson thanks for the reply, I'll give that build a run.

And the same thanks to IIXxXII.

View PostIlfi, on 06 July 2018 - 04:53 PM, said:

Unless you're playing a Scorch, Clan Assaults don't brawl. They don't have the armor for it, their weapons are too heat inefficient for it, and too much is stacked against them for it. Clans excel at big damage alphas and hiding/running away. The big exceptions are their Mediums and Lights, which have a big enough speed and DPS advantage to compensate for their poor weaponry (the big examples being the Piranha and Arctic Cheetah). In any other situation, you'll want to go Inner Sphere to brawl; they have much better armor quirks, more accurate and efficient brawling weapons, and PGI loves them so they will never be nerfed because IS can do no wrong.

I disagree with that. Well, I agree and disagree. Moreso that, I plan to brawl in clan mechs, and I do so regularly, because I am a fan boy of them. I make it work for the most part. Yes it's a little more challenging, but the Asp is by far the hardest experience. It's essentially my brick wall, if you will. Where every challenge prior, I have overcome. I can brawl in an Mk II. I can brawl good enough for me in a Dire Wolf even. But the asp is basically my "Free Points" mech, for the enemy team because I can't get it to do jack all.

I guess something I want to know is..

Are others facing similar challenges with the asp?

Edited by Syffer, 06 July 2018 - 05:24 PM.

#10 Nightbird


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:27 PM

The Blood Asp thrives on the blood of your comrades. Meat shield your way to victory!

#11 D34DMetal


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:32 PM

I'm not having much trouble in this mech. I use 2xGauss with either 6xERML OR 6xHML (you need to stagger the HML into groups of 3 to avoid ghost heat). With those I try to keep my distance and help out with ECM. You can go with skirmishing builds like 2xLB20X and 4xMPL, but obviously you need to lower the number of lasers you're going to carry to keep your heat in check.

I agree with the above about clan mechs not being particularly noteworthy tanks. I don't think you can really call the Blasp a steaming pile of garbage though...

#12 Syffer


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 05:49 PM

View PostDeadMetal89, on 06 July 2018 - 05:32 PM, said:

I'm not having much trouble in this mech. I use 2xGauss with either 6xERML OR 6xHML (you need to stagger the HML into groups of 3 to avoid ghost heat). With those I try to keep my distance and help out with ECM. You can go with skirmishing builds like 2xLB20X and 4xMPL, but obviously you need to lower the number of lasers you're going to carry to keep your heat in check.

I agree with the above about clan mechs not being particularly noteworthy tanks. I don't think you can really call the Blasp a steaming pile of garbage though...

Which is crazy because that's how it feels to me. Though me being primarily a brawler that might be why. This thread has so far served it's purpose well for me. Getting insight from others so I can curb my insanity.

#13 eminus


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 07:34 AM

you should try a Nightstar for comparison, they say the Nightstar is good for brawling

#14 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 08:01 AM

The Blood Asp was good-to-great on release. Post-nerf it is OK. Still comparing the results, but it performs worse so far.

#15 Spheroid


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 09:04 AM

I don't know why your are blaming the chassis for the deficiencies of a particular loadout or why you are comparing that loadout with the heat of dissimilar weapon builds.

#16 Nameless King


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 12:10 PM

I had no trouble in any of the Blood Asp, I played in quickplay group unnoded and still would pull in 500-900 damage consistently.

Maybe its user error that needs to be addressed.

P.S. is it the best mech ever no but it is far from useless.

#17 Humpday


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Posted 07 July 2018 - 03:25 PM

Its not bad by any stretch....the bad is the driver.
And this is someone who hates the mech.

#18 Vellron2005


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Posted 09 July 2018 - 11:55 PM

For me, the Blood Asp at first felt exactly as you describe it..

Paper thin, slow, clunky...

But then.. voila - skill points.

Invested entire mobility and survival trees.. now it's about as tanky as a Supernova, and about as mobile..

But it suffers greatly from high torsos..

So far, only successful builds have been:
CLRM55 + 2 x CERLL,
2 x ERLL+ 6 CMPL

I'm still experimenting with 2 x LBX10 + 6 CERMED.. Seems it lacks a bit more stopping power, but I get respectable damage scores with it.

I have yet not found a Gauss build for it.. cose' I suck with Gauss..

#19 ForceUser


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 12:29 AM

Blood asp was a pretty good mech, fun grind. Dual gauss + erml, dual lb20 + mpls, 2lpl+mpl. It can function fine as a mid range poker or as a close in brawler but just like any other assault, if your timing or positioning is off then you're going to get rolled. There is nothing particularly wrong with the Asp and any issues is down to pilot error for the most part.

Blood asp was a pretty good mech, fun grind. Dual gauss + erml, dual lb20 + mpls, 2lpl+mpl. It can function fine as a mid range poker or as a close in brawler but just like any other assault, if your timing or positioning is off then you're going to get rolled. There is nothing particularly wrong with the Asp and any issues is down to pilot error for the most part.

#20 MTier Slayed Up


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 01:33 AM

There's two viable ways to play the Blood Asp that I found. Disregard anything else.

First: Don't bring the one without ECM. No ECM = No Go.

How to play this mech: It's made of paper. It's fine and dandy when you want to trade but you definitely do not want to be on the front lines with this. The side torsos and CT are easily isolated components and you'll be ripped to shreds by anything that is a heavy/assault that looks at you funny. On a weird note though, I feel like torso twisting has the added benefit that a blown side torso will protect the healthier one if you can keep your side parallel to whatever is shooting you.
You're better off playing this as a support mech, or quick trades. Despite the high profile of your side torsos, you'll still see people before they see you if you're hill humping like a champ. Just poke up, throw whatever you have mounted into someones face, and back down. Your arm mounts have Executioner syndrome, and with the goofy penguin walk it has, they will shift and move slightly as you move, almost in a left to right sway. It's barely noticeable but it's there. If you can fire these with your side torso's, go ahead and do it, otherwise, just abuse your high mounts and try and pick people apart before the eventual NASCAR/Brawl/Push.

Second: My personal build and the one that was mostly stock, dual gauss in the side torsos with 6 er mediums (or 4 if you want something cooler). This build will roughly have a 72 Alpha or 58, depending on how many lasers you choose to bring. Just as above, you want to use your high profile side torso's. If you can't find a hill, pick up a firing lane/corner, and use that ECM to your advantage. People are derps and sometimes will not notice that big assault mech raining down the pain.

The other brawler build is the LBX-20's and some medium lasers. Again, either 6 or 4. Depending on how much heat you think you can mitigate.
Cut and paste how you play brawlers. Try and avoid taking damage, abuse your ECM if you can, wait for a push and then just do what brawlers do best, clean up on aisle 4.

I personally think this mech shines the most at range. I really have to stress this though, this mech is nothing without it's ECM. It desperately needs it.

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