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Why The Namecalling?

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#1 Phoenix 72


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 03:44 AM

I just finished a game, where we had a big loss. 3:12. It happens.

One of the guys on my team sent out a chat message: "noobteam", was killed afterwards and then instantly quit the game, not spectating. I thought it weird that he had time to type in combat, but oh well. Checked his stats after the game. No 250 damage. No 150 match score.

Well, I guess he wasn't that much of a carry, either. What I will never understand is why people keep doing that... Especially when sitting in that glass house as well...

#2 Weeny Machine


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 03:51 AM

In general (after all I wasn't in the match so I cannot comment on it)...

1. there are things which indeed qualify as totally noobish. Today an assault parked his arse behind my light mech and I couldn't back away and had to eat 2 alphas of enemy assaults. Afterwards my mech was only a wreck. There was enough room and no need to park behind me. I was also angry.

2. Lately no one seems to care for enemy UAVs - even when the enemy team has LRM boats. No words...

3. if you lose 4-5 mechs within a minute...there isn't much to carry and even a good player will end up with bad results.

Edited by Bush Hopper, 15 July 2018 - 03:52 AM.

#3 El Bandito


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:03 AM

Some people are just easily angered. I had a guy today who was yelling at his team about how sucky they are--in a PTS match. In a frigging public test server!

#4 Phoenix 72


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:12 AM

What can I say... I am 45 years old.. One of these days you wake up and realise there are things you cannot affect and as such try to not get angry about them. Sure, our team did some stupid things. We were spread out all over. Nobody was on voice, or if they were they did not react to anything called out to them. But then, if people do not listen, there is little you can do about it. That's just the way it is. I just take comfort in the fact that in the next game, those same guys are going to end up on the enemy team. ;) So it all evens out. ;)

#5 Asym


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:45 AM

People are rude because the culture they come from allows people to be rude at a distance and with anonymity. Cyber bullying, hate mail, anarchy via third person are all common today and almost a normal behavior it seems?

Today, people are not afraid to be say hateful things or to chastise each other personally. We see that behavior in this forum with forum writers insulting each other over a silly game......many think because they are anonymous, they have some sort of power or control......and when caught, act like they are the victims. Toxic behaviors because there is no one to stop them.

And, many game corporations are "seeing the light" and installing full-time game monitors......say or write something insane and you are immediately dealt with and severely dealt with. It's a simple technology to have and some gaming corporations are there right now, policing, real-time, their games.

#6 Alexandra Hekmatyar


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:07 AM

In my experience people who do that were the worse people in the match as performance goes.
Well most of them at least.

Edited by Alexandra Hekmatyar, 15 July 2018 - 06:07 AM.

#7 bilagaana


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 10:16 AM

Today's lecture: Why You Should Not Feed The Trolls.

Warning: The following may not be suitable for all levels of intellectual development.

First, it's necessary to define some terms. For purposes of this lecture, we will employ the classic psychoanalytic model of the psyche: Id, Ego and Superego. It's simple and effective.

The subconscious (in psychoanalytic terms: the unconscious) comprises the part of the personality of which the individual is not consciously aware. The Id resides in the subconscious. The id has needs. It represents basic biology. The id contains the primitive impulses, usually sexual or aggressive desires. E.g: I like being a giant robot with lasers and missiles. It makes me feel powerful.

The Superego is the conscience. It is that part of the psyche which moderates behavior by utilizing externally imposed norms. It represents society. E.g: I'm getting really frustrated but there's a Code of Conduct and a Report button. And besides, my momma raised me better.

The Ego, contrary to popular usage, does not mean an inflated sense of self-worth. Rather, it is one's identity and sense of security as an individual. The level of intellectual and emotional maturity (i.e: character development) is reflected in the Ego's ability to moderate between the Id and the Superego. E.g: This match is really frustrating but I'm mature enough to recognize it's only a game and it serves no useful purpose to behave like an ******.

Primitive (i.e: immature) personalities are at a low level of emotional and intellectual development. In primitive personalities, the Ego is underdeveloped and fragile and cannot effectively suppress the Id. Lacking awareness and insight, these individuals are consumed by their own internal emotional state.They are creatures of the Id. When primitive emotional needs are not immediately gratified, the individual's outward behavior is characterized by frequent and dysfunctional displays of anger and aggression. E.g.: You f----ng noobs! You PUGS! You idiots! You potatoes! You morons! You made me lose! I'm better than you! I'm better than everybody!! It's all your fault!!!

In order to deal with conflicts and problems in life, the Ego employs a range of defense mechanisms to reduce unpleasant feelings typically arising from the Id. These defense mechanisms operate at a subconscious level and the range and types of defense mechanisms employed reflect the individual's state of emotional development. So, a more mature personality will employ more mature defense mechanisms such as rationalization and intellectualization (see the E.g. in the Ego paragraph, above). A more primitive personality will employ more primitive defense mechanisms such as denial and projection (see the E.g. in the Id paragraph, above.)

Taking all the above, to summarize and conclude:

Everybody has bad days. Even an otherwise well-integrated personality will occasionally lose their equanimity and behave in a shameful or embarassing manner. Welcome to the human race.

In the terms of this discussion, those few players who frequently behave as trolls, *******--whatever term you choose--persistently engage in attempts to provoke arguments and continually feel the need to assert their superiority to a degree which impairs the larger community's enjoyment of the game are primitive personalities. They habitually communicate their own internal emotional states on a very primitive level without regard for social norms, consequences or social impact.

Like a tantruming toddler, when they have unmet basic needs they seek to have those needs met by displays of obnoxious behavior (primitive rage). A tantrum is not a very clear way to communicate but it is a powerful way to get attention.

The difference is that in toddlers such behavior is age-appropriate. In adults, this behavior is meant to evoke an emotional response in the target of the anger. In that way, the perpetrator experiences gratification because now you are experiencing their internal state. They have made you feel what they are feeling. In their subconscious minds, you understand. You have met their needs. They can either relax or, depending on the degree of pathology, escalate for further gratification.

Bottom line: Don't feed the trolls.

Edited by bilagaana, 13 December 2022 - 12:48 PM.

#8 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 10:41 AM

View PostBush Hopper, on 15 July 2018 - 03:51 AM, said:

In general (after all I wasn't in the match so I cannot comment on it)...

1. there are things which indeed qualify as totally noobish. Today an assault parked his arse behind my light mech and I couldn't back away and had to eat 2 alphas of enemy assaults. Afterwards my mech was only a wreck. There was enough room and no need to park behind me. I was also angry.

2. Lately no one seems to care for enemy UAVs - even when the enemy team has LRM boats. No words...

3. if you lose 4-5 mechs within a minute...there isn't much to carry and even a good player will end up with bad results.

and acting like a ****** about it will fix anything? I get being frustrated (hell I barely play anymore because of how frustrating I find it), but never have understood the need for **********. Especially when it so often is form people who didn't even remotely carry anyone in a given match. I don't care if your name is Proton.... you exit early with a sub 200 dmg, etc? You really should just STFU.

Admittedly, that's a generally poor example (since I've never not seen Proton carry like a mo-fo on the rare instances I have seen in in QP), since most times (but not all times) it's Tryhards that are the most vocal, not actual Comp Players. And usually from players who didn't remotely offer a peep of direction or suggestions to the team before they went Leroy Jenkins and died.

But dealing with the BS and whining and such during the match, often FROM self proclaimed Comp Overlord premades, is one of the reasons I did burn out on this game.

#9 Weeny Machine


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 11:15 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 15 July 2018 - 10:41 AM, said:

and acting like a ****** about it will fix anything? I get being frustrated (hell I barely play anymore because of how frustrating I find it), but never have understood the need for **********. Especially when it so often is form people who didn't even remotely carry anyone in a given match. I don't care if your name is Proton.... you exit early with a sub 200 dmg, etc? You really should just STFU.

Admittedly, that's a generally poor example (since I've never not seen Proton carry like a mo-fo on the rare instances I have seen in in QP), since most times (but not all times) it's Tryhards that are the most vocal, not actual Comp Players. And usually from players who didn't remotely offer a peep of direction or suggestions to the team before they went Leroy Jenkins and died.

But dealing with the BS and whining and such during the match, often FROM self proclaimed Comp Overlord premades, is one of the reasons I did burn out on this game.

I didn't excuse nor defend it. I just say that I can see why you can get angry at times like when someone parks behind you. It is human after all (to some degree). Of course, there are those who flame like a firebreathing dragon ;)

#10 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 11:15 AM

View PostBush Hopper, on 15 July 2018 - 11:15 AM, said:

I didn't excuse nor defend it. I just say that I can see why you can get angry at times like when someone parks behind you. It is human after all (to some degree). Of course, there are those who flame like a firebreathing dragon Posted Image

lol. Well put.

#11 Prototelis


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 11:16 AM

"Premade" is such a stupid word and concept, and anyone who uses the word to justify getting their face slammed in is probably bad at the game no matter what they bring or who they play with.

#12 Mole


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 12:18 PM

I once saw an Atlas just suicide into the enemy team all by himself and then spend the rest of the game complaining about how bad of a team we were even though we proceeded to roll the enemy 1:12 without him. Some people are just that dumb.



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:26 PM

View PostDarakor Stormwind, on 15 July 2018 - 03:44 AM, said:

What I will never understand is why people keep doing that... Especially when sitting in that glass house as well...

It is QP.

It is the bottom of the barrel, lowest common denominator...

Should rejoice that your side, not team, got three kills.

#14 - World Eater -


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:57 PM

The best are the ones that suicide immediately then berate everyone for the rest of the match.

#15 JediPanther


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:25 PM

In qp you can easily tell which team will win the vast majority of the time by simply seeing which team gets 3 kills first. Qp is where all the special ed non meta non competitive fun for the hell of it people play. And I'll bring a narc tag ams air/arty strike only raven because those count as a weapon.

#16 Greyboots


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:38 PM

View PostDarakor Stormwind, on 15 July 2018 - 03:44 AM, said:

I just finished a game, where we had a big loss. 3:12. It happens.

One of the guys on my team sent out a chat message: "noobteam", was killed afterwards and then instantly quit the game, not spectating. I thought it weird that he had time to type in combat, but oh well. Checked his stats after the game. No 250 damage. No 150 match score.

Well, I guess he wasn't that much of a carry, either. What I will never understand is why people keep doing that... Especially when sitting in that glass house as well...

People who die early and do this are generally just protecting their own egos. Blaming the team for getting smashed is all.

It's not a big deal, just ignore them.

#17 Dragonporn


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:01 PM

I always get angry at people getting angry at the game, nothing else. Though I keep it quiet...
Seriously, people losing their **** over a friggin video game is hilarious.

Edited by Dragonporn, 16 July 2018 - 05:24 AM.

#18 Papaspud


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:08 PM

View PostDragonporn, on 15 July 2018 - 06:01 PM, said:

I always get angry at people getting angry at the game, nothing else. Though I keep it quit...
Seriously, people losing their **** over a friggin video game is hilarious.

But the absolute worst are the people that get angry, because other people are angry..... they just make me soooo ANGRY!!

#19 Ghostrider0067


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:28 PM

Some people seemingly cannot help themselves and have to act like children over nothing more than a game. What's sad is that quite often the ones screaming "noob" the loudest are the ones who are in need of more playing time to sharpen their skills and to dull their tongues.

Disappointment at losing a match is nothing new. It's going to happen for one side whether they like it or not. Acting like poor sports about it solves nothing... and can very easily get them reported for it.



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Posted 15 July 2018 - 09:23 PM

It seems to me people are encouraged to blame everything and everyone except themselves if they're unhappy.

Its a form of learned helplessness.

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