justcallme A S H, on 18 July 2018 - 11:20 PM, said:
It's only 2-3 LRMBoats max usually on one side.
Point, which you are missing, is AMS isn't doing things even when there is 6-9AMS pods on the field. Which you said would stop it... It isn't. Especially when you are launching, collectively, LRM150+, AMS ain't going to mow that down. Every mech would need Dual AMS to negate it because you can just constantly fire and that just ain't happening.
The heat buff, watching people play, has just made LRMs absurd now.
I dunno what to tell you. I'm having my best month in QP for wins ever doing exactly what you're talking about and watching it happen. The difference may be the AMS sticking with the team? I had what you're talking about happen on Polar against a couple of names you'd know from the forums who certainly know how LRMs are played. Anecdotes are still just anecdotes however each AMS generally kills about 6 IS missiles or 11 Clan missiles before they've traversed the 240m range of the AMS bubble. So with mixed IS/Clan missileboats to get your 150 missiles per 'salvo' is going to lose at least 80 missiles vs 9 AMS. Given that your LRM boats are probably not timing their volley fire together so all 150m are not entering the 240m bubble at the same time so you're probably losing around 100 missiles each 'salvo' if the AMS mechs are all sticking tight together.
The moment they start to spread out though that weakens significantly. They get 120m apart and suddenly they're only killing 50 missiles (roughly). However that's also assuming the LRM players are all focusing the one target while the AMS is spread out.
You're also requiring the AMS team to not actually be pushing up and exploiting the benefits they have and focusing the non-LRM mechs on the enemy team.
What's more likely is we're both seeing the product of how we play. If you're playing on the LRM team and helping your teammates coordinate vs pugs then you're seeing what I described - disorganized use of AMS diluting its effectiveness and focused LRM fire overcoming it. I'm doing the opposite by coordinating the AMS which has effectively overcome some pretty coordinated LRM fire (as I said, had some matches vs teams with people who know their LRM business).
The math favors the AMS if both sides are coordinated and playing to their relative strengths.