ERescue, on 31 July 2018 - 01:17 AM, said:
@D V Devnull: Day 11 took about 1,5 hours total, in two separate parts, because my results ended up as 1, 1 and then several 0s, a very long break and then 3 from last try of the day. Day 12 just took about 11 minutes total, Archer rained enough LRM hits to get me 402 missile damage from one game, 10 targets took hits, before I went down.
I am done and happy with the event with the significant exception of day 6.
@PGI: Thanks for the events, enjoyed everything except day 6!!!
EDIT: Typo corrected.
Feeling about the same way as you here... Day 12 took me a bit longer because I wanted to make sure it couldn't hiccup my completion out from under me, and I'm up in 'Tier 1', so no dinging of the Rating for that.
@ Everyone, particularly PGI's Events Team ---
I'm going to leave
my Rating from Page 4 as-is, and consider it my Final Event Review Rating. PGI can backtrace my posts on this thread, but to sum up for their reference...
Final Event Review Rating: 7.6/10
Problems/Issues:- 'Day 6' should have either been given an extra 24 Hours, had the Rewards increased, or had the required Components Destroyed lowered to only 20 in total.
- In regard to Point #1, Solaris Mode PREVENTS scoring of Components Destroyed on Mechs that were NOT Killed... Giving the Player Base such a headache of not having what they did count when they put in the effort drives the difficulty up too far on 'Day 6'... Definitely a Bug needing a Report going on here.
- Previous Events more-or-less seemed to tend at the least to covering the cost of Consumables. This one failed to do so, and leaves me wondering why PGI's Event Handlers didn't think about this.
- The MWOWC's TSP is only supposed to be an extra boost on top of the Event Rewards. This time, the Rewards seemed sized as to punish people who did not happen to have it. That's a rather disrespective slap-in-the-face to such a hard-to-keep Community to have an 'Open To All'-type Event with such a "Pay Real $$$ To Win" feeling attached.
...and that's all I've got left to say about this Event. See you all at the next one, and I hope PGI learns from the pile of reasonable feedback they've received on the matter. They really could have done better with factoring the Difficulty-Versus-Time Balance.
~Mr. D. V. "
probably should have slammed this Event's Review Rating more, but I'm trying to be nice here" Devnull