Quicksilver Kalasa, on 30 July 2018 - 10:52 AM, said:
Then you are back to ED where boating single types of weapons are more rampant than before, congrats you have now actually made builds less diverse than they already are.....we already had a number of PTS PROVE this, why do you guys still think like that will magically change?
youre not back to energy draw. because im not proposing energy draw. just closing the obvious loopholes in ghost heat. energy draw was ridiculous, we already have a heat bar, we dont need an energy bar too. everything should just be handled using the heat system.
besides people will always gravitate towards boating similiar type weapons. because its easier to play that way. thats just an undeniable fact of the game. and you arnt going to change that.
I mean think about it. why would you want a bunch of dissimilar weapons with different ranges and different firing profiles? when instead you could just have a bunch of similar weapons with the same range and same firing profile? which is easier? the latter obviously...
bracket builds will always be dead in MWO for that reason. thats the whole reason PGI had to force stockbuilds on competitive players to get bracket builds into the game.
Quicksilver Kalasa, on 30 July 2018 - 10:52 AM, said:
Ghost heat won't solve this, lest we go down the route that PPCs/Gauss already went down.
While ghost heat isnt ideal, closing the loopholes in ghost heat it will solve the problem better than removing convergence will.
Removing convergence would create a massive upset to the game. it would ruin the game outright for many players because of the invasive nature of the solution. so you cant really call that a solution.
Ghost heat is already something players are accustomed to. So thats what should be fixed. The combination of ghostheat without loopholes and proper balance of weapons should be more than sufficient.
Edited by Khobai, 30 July 2018 - 02:17 PM.