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Alpha Balance Pts 1.1 Friday July 27Th

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#21 MechaBattler


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 06:50 PM

View PostSlambot, on 25 July 2018 - 06:43 PM, said:

Again, I have to go on record as being strongly against these changes... They are unwarranted and reduce the flavor of the game. The problem has NEVER been clan laser damage, or range or burn time. The problem has ALWAYS been the increased heat capacity for a mech when installing large numbers of heat sinks. The solution to high alphas is simpler than nerfing clan laser damage or range or burn time. Reduce the heat capacity that comes with clan heat sinks drastically, so that when you pull the trigger on a 60 heat alpha you WILL shut down and your mech WILL take massive damage.(heat dissipation should also be buffed at the same time) If you want to change things up and further differentiate clans and IS then this will do so.

Also, if you really want to balance the game, then you need to go system by system and change items so that if you could build a mech using both inner sphere and clan tech, there would be a reason why a rational player would want to use the IS system over the clan and vice versa. I still fail to see why you guys are sooooo stubborn when it comes to actually sitting down and thinking about how the game plays and the character that has evolved in game play and then coming up with some creative ways to increase the amount of flavor that comes with choosing one side or the other. Hell, I'll bet your player base would actually suggest items for you.

Reducing clan dub capacity would be an interesting thing to test out. They tested lower capacity across the board once. But they also had a lot of other changes at play. So it wasn't a very good test.

#22 C337Skymaster


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 06:54 PM

Jump Jet Fix: Add Reticle Shake the ENTIRE time you're in the air (not just while jump-jets are burning), then return jump range to 30m/jump jet equipped for all 'mechs regardless of tonnage range. Reticle should shake on a 'mech without jump jets when it falls off a cliff. ANY time you're in the air. Then we can get jump jet mobility back, and maybe they'll be useful again. It'll be hard as hell to shoot anybody while you're flying, and your shots will scatter to the wind if you do try (some may hit, but none in all the same pinpoint places), and assaults with jump jets will finally feel like they're worthwhile again.

As for the weapon issues, I fully support the mobility requests. Pinpoint Lasers weren't a thing until after Engine Desync. This is a monster created by PGI, and they're attacking the symptom, not the cause. This doesn't need to be Hawken, but it doesn't need to be Night of the Living Slug, either.

I personally still stand behind the idea of permanent chain fire, then returning everything back to their table-top values. When you can barely fire two or three weapons at once, it doesn't really matter how many of them you have, anymore. Combine permanent chain fire with the ability to twist away the damage and move around the map, and you find yourself with every single weight class being hard to kill.

PS: Tina, please. Use Spell Check. :) Never heard of "Varients" but "Variants" are quite popular in this game.

#23 IronEleven


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 06:58 PM

>cERSL is unchanged
>Durability nerfs
>Arbitrary cERML range nerf
>cMPL is 0.5 damage for an extra ton of investment
>Upgrading from cERLL to cLPL is even more pointless than upgrading from IS LL to LPL

At least they're vaguely moving in the right direction?

#24 A Headless Chicken


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:00 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 25 July 2018 - 06:54 PM, said:

Jump Jet Fix: Add Reticle Shake the ENTIRE time you're in the air (not just while jump-jets are burning), then return jump range to 30m/jump jet equipped for all 'mechs regardless of tonnage range. Reticle should shake on a 'mech without jump jets when it falls off a cliff. ANY time you're in the air. Then we can get jump jet mobility back, and maybe they'll be useful again. It'll be hard as hell to shoot anybody while you're flying, and your shots will scatter to the wind if you do try (some may hit, but none in all the same pinpoint places), and assaults with jump jets will finally feel like they're worthwhile again.

As for the weapon issues, I fully support the mobility requests. Pinpoint Lasers weren't a thing until after Engine Desync. This is a monster created by PGI, and they're attacking the symptom, not the cause. This doesn't need to be Hawken, but it doesn't need to be Night of the Living Slug, either.

I personally still stand behind the idea of permanent chain fire, then returning everything back to their table-top values. When you can barely fire two or three weapons at once, it doesn't really matter how many of them you have, anymore. Combine permanent chain fire with the ability to twist away the damage and move around the map, and you find yourself with every single weight class being hard to kill.

So basically, kill off any form of poptarting, force chain fire (AC20 meta) and continue to pretend this is a TT game right?

#25 Skippynibble


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:03 PM

I find it interesting that most of the feedback asked for something similar but yet the community (in general in the thread) wants to complain.

The PTS should be interesting but I would like to suggest a general theme...we need to make sure that IS assaults are tanks of the battlefield while Clan assault are the ninjas...I would add buffs to the IS assaults but all agility and speed to the Clan assault...Make the Spirit Bear Great Again!!!!

Also nice table PGI to make it easy for us simple folk... :)

Edited by Skippynibbles, 25 July 2018 - 07:05 PM.

#26 PobbestGob


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:05 PM

These changes are definitely better than the last PTS pass, and it's nice to see some feedback reaching the devs Posted Image. The anni durability reductions could turn out well, not sure the others need the reduction tho.

Few things I'd change:
  • LPL doesn't need a nerf, a buff would be the right direction. same for smalls, pls buff
  • the HLL damage nerf from the last PTS was a good idea, a 1.75 second duration is an eternity
  • medium pulse lasers are already in a good place for duration
  • heavy medium lasers already have very high duration as well, 1.6 is massive
  • gauss recoil still not needed
  • few of the other changes have a good idea but go too far

Edited by Kill2Blit, 25 July 2018 - 07:13 PM.

#27 Xetelian


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:09 PM

These changes are atrocious and while some are slightly less worse than the proposed 1.0 PTS they are still terrible.

#28 A Headless Chicken


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:09 PM

View PostSkippynibbles, on 25 July 2018 - 07:03 PM, said:

I find it interesting that most of the feedback asked for something similar but yet the community (in general in the thread) wants to complain.

The PTS should be interesting but I would like to suggest a general theme...we need to make sure that IS assaults are tanks of the battlefield while Clan assault are the ninjas...I would add buffs to the IS assaults but all agility and speed to the Clan assault...Make the Spirit Bear Great Again!!!!

Also nice table PGI to make it easy for us simple folk... Posted Image

I mean if you think having Clan lasers 1.5x to 3x the duration of IS lasers (amongst other damage and cooldown and duration nerfs) is an improvement, please feel free to continue supporting PGI.

I don't deny they have been listening, but whoever is crapping out these extremely random changes needs to be fired.

#29 MechTech Dragoon


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:12 PM

Laser changes-Liked what you did on the last pts. Woulda made allot of laser vomit builds more fun.

IS toughness changes are good.

#30 Appogee


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:12 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 25 July 2018 - 05:40 PM, said:

  • Cyclops: Sliphnir

I think you meant, 'Sleipnir'.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 25 July 2018 - 05:40 PM, said:

  • Annihilator: all varients

I think you meant 'variants'.

Edited by Appogee, 29 July 2018 - 07:39 PM.

#31 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:14 PM

I dislike these changes at first (and second) glance. However, no one can say that you are not listening because these are the type of changes that Tarogato suggested. I will reserve any other comments until after I test them on PTS this weekend.

#32 VitriolicViolet


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:15 PM

Those LPL changes... urgh

#33 Kali Rinpoche


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:15 PM

Gimping the following IS assaults will greatly ****** their usefulness: Their geometry and low engine cap, will add them to the scrap heap.

  • Annihilator: all varients
  • Fafnir: all varients
  • Cyclops: all variants

Edited by Kali Rinpoche, 25 July 2018 - 07:16 PM.

#34 zudukai


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:19 PM


another misguided attempt that fails to understand the nuances of the changes.

this kind of rubbish is why the population is in decline, listed goals with irrelevant changes that are completely unwarranted or heavy handed and often times it's both, only to divide and frustrate everybody in the end all while wasting time and energy.

the state of the game both live and in the PTS is the least fun it's ever been with PGI supposedly unaware of how the game is being played.

cERLL use was totally dead when the burn time exceeded 1.6s in the past castrating the long range focus of the faction when any chassis would simply be torn apart before the user could finish a burn.

on top of that the least fun weapon to play with/against (and see for low FPS users) is now the most commonly boated weapon for easy 1 click attacks idly throwing ~80+ damage alphas, is faster and with far lower commitment then any direct fire combo

PGI, learn to play your game. please.

#35 The Mysterious Fox


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:20 PM

eigo dosu deska? the words and the tables dont match, whats going on my world is collapsing

C-Large Pulse Laser
  • Duration increased to 1.3 (from 1.9)

Edited by The Mysterious Fox, 25 July 2018 - 07:22 PM.

#36 Jonathan8883


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:20 PM

Request for PTS 1.2: Remove engine desync or partly link maneurability improvements (NO NERFS) to engine size.

#37 Skippynibble


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:22 PM

View PostA Headless Chicken, on 25 July 2018 - 07:09 PM, said:

I mean if you think having Clan lasers 1.5x to 3x the duration of IS lasers (amongst other damage and cooldown and duration nerfs) is an improvement, please feel free to continue supporting PGI.

I don't deny they have been listening, but whoever is crapping out these extremely random changes needs to be fired.

Don't get me wrong...I think game balance in QP is not bad...but FP could be better...I would much rather have a large clan alpha but longer duration or cooldown than reduced damage.... In genera pts 1.1 l this is a better option than pts1.0

The Clans should dominate in speed an alpha … while the IS should be defense and brawling weapon based.

In general we need to be more constructive to our feedback to PGI...we need not tell them exact number but to express our feeling to what is fun....

We all enjoy this game correct...if we didn't we would not be in this thread...help to make the game what it should be vs just bashing PGI...because bashing PGI will not create anything...it will just kill the game and your ability to comment on my comments… … I wish us all the best

#38 Mikayshen


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:23 PM

More proposed Clan Energy changes while there's a Dropship sale on Clan mechs.

#39 VeritasSuperOmnia


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:23 PM

No, just no. Not sure how many time we can say the same thing.

#40 A Headless Chicken


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Posted 25 July 2018 - 07:31 PM

View PostSkippynibbles, on 25 July 2018 - 07:22 PM, said:

In general we need to be more constructive to our feedback to PGI...we need not tell them exact number but to express our feeling to what is fun....

We all enjoy this game correct...if we didn't we would not be in this thread...help to make the game what it should be vs just bashing PGI...because bashing PGI will not create anything...it will just kill the game and your ability to comment on my comments… … I wish us all the best

When you don't spoon feed them numbers they come up with crap like this.

All I can do now is tell people what is wrong, why it's wrong and why the devs are incapable.

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