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Current Sate Of The Game. Who Is Left?


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#81 Thorqemada


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Posted 31 July 2018 - 08:25 PM

There are multiple reasons for decreasing playtime.
Clan introduction -> my playtime shrunk almost instantly by up to 90%
Age -> MWO is there since 2012 and the coregame barely expanded
Computer -> Machine is from end of 2011 with only a new GPU, runs MWO pretty ****** and i decided to wait for the 7nm Ryzen
Battletech -> why play MWO when i can play Battletech (it made actually play me some MWO for renewed motivation)
Weather -> the summer is so way to freaking hot
MM-Voting -> i simply hate it (for example when you could play Conquest on Tourmaline and get Domination on Rubi instead)

Will i play more in the future?
Maybe...may be way into 2019...

My motivation is that low i sold the Mechs from the Mechpack i recently bought bcs i relized i would not play them anyway...

Edited by Thorqemada, 31 July 2018 - 08:25 PM.

#82 Scout Derek


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Posted 31 July 2018 - 09:27 PM

Staying around for the lols,

Leaving for other games once they update or are released.

I don't always like PVP games, PVE games are also another thing I like. Rainbow Six, 7 Days to Die, Fallout 4(Heavily Modded because Vanilla sucks), Dead Frontier 2, BATTLETECH, and a few others.

#83 cervelos2


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Posted 31 July 2018 - 10:04 PM

Last night I played my first match in 6 months. Honestly, the game had just gotten boring for me. Nothing more than that. I'd been playing a fair bit for a few years straight, and it was just feeling dull.

I check in on the forums every couple of weeks hoping to hear about something that sounds interesting, but so far nothing has grabbed my attention enough.

I'm not a name around here or anything, so I'm sure nobody was missing me :-P

#84 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:36 AM

I play as much as I can. I am an adult with those requisite demands.

FP is something I adore and abhor simultaneously. The Assassin packs that spawn camp in the middle of the game or the ERLL/Gauss snipers that overwatch the whole game combined with 12 man unit drops make FP SUCK. PUG vs PUG is fluid and unpredictable. I find that enjoyable. PGI took care of QP and made Comp. I would like to see either Comp Play for FP or a warning that you are dropping against a 12 man. If you do not want to proceed you can back out without penalty. Otherwise I am really getting fed up with FP.

QP is fun most of the time but does not pay as well as FP, and I refuse to play Solaris.

I have been playing since December 2013, I guess that is why I still play.

#85 Humpday


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 01:26 PM

View PostSpare Parts Bin, on 01 August 2018 - 05:36 AM, said:

I play as much as I can. I am an adult with those requisite demands.

FP is something I adore and abhor simultaneously. The Assassin packs that spawn camp in the middle of the game or the ERLL/Gauss snipers that overwatch the whole game combined with 12 man unit drops make FP SUCK. PUG vs PUG is fluid and unpredictable. I find that enjoyable. PGI took care of QP and made Comp. I would like to see either Comp Play for FP or a warning that you are dropping against a 12 man. If you do not want to proceed you can back out without penalty. Otherwise I am really getting fed up with FP.

QP is fun most of the time but does not pay as well as FP, and I refuse to play Solaris.

I have been playing since December 2013, I guess that is why I still play.

You must play very very little to still be still in T5 and have been playing for 5 years straight....well that or the alternative...really really bad... Still either way, damn....

#86 Eatit


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 01:59 PM

I've been playing for 4 years and I take breaks for 6+ months at a time. In the first two years the game was new and I had friends that played. It was super fun then.

CW or FW or whatever it's being called is/was not fun to me. I didn't belong to a unit that could take and hold a planet so there was no motivation to play. I liked that we had drop decks and respawns but it wasn't enough.

Instead of punishing large units they should have found a way to reward small units. That would have added fun rather than subtracted fun. PGI seems to have a negative attitude, nerf, nerf, nerf, rather than buff, buff, buff. Find ways to get your players doing what you want with incentives rather than through punishment. Be a better custodian of a dearly beloved franchise.

There should be an easier way in-game to meet new people and make friends. A lounge like setting in the game where you can talk with others, maybe invite them to your mechlab to show off your stuff.

Some reason to continue playing. I would like to see faction battles against AI that somehow progresses your faction and your role within it. Role playing as part of the game. Missions that you get sent out on vs. the AI. I guess they used our money to develop MW5 for that. When I get a promotion in my faction it should mean something. Your rank should dictate the mechs you are allowed to pilot in the faction game or something of that nature. I'm not a game designer but I'm sure that the designers of this game can come up with something fun.

The only interaction you have with the other players as a new player is during matches. There should be a gathering place outside of matches where you can walk up to people in 3D and talk to them or something like that.

Make MW5 part of MWO link the two in a meaningful way!
Give us a break from the grind to go do something else vs. AI. MWO just seems like the PVP component of a roleplaying game without the roleplaying part.

Prob be here until they turn the servers off. Hoping that they find a way to make it good enough for the others to come back.

Make it easier for people to connect in-game. The community is your best asset.
Find a way to link MW5 and MWO

#87 thievingmagpi


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 02:19 PM

what we've seen PGI do

-huge middle finger to veteran players

-huge middle finger to skilled players

-huge middle fingers to new, potentially interested players

#88 Dago Red


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 02:26 PM

I always took pretty long breaks from the game in a binge purge type cycle but it's been pretty hard to justify dipping back in again this time.

I feel like most of the best blood as far as people who are fun to play with has been bled off and the lack of attempt to get CW worth doing again is really bumming me out. Especially now that the buckets have been combined and I.S. vs I.S. is off the menu further having decreased the variety.

Almost tempted to pop in to see if the LURMpocalypse is real or if it's just people whining like usual.

#89 SFC174


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 02:35 PM

Haven't quit yet, but the direction PGI is trying to go with balance changes (ala Alpha PTS 1.0 and 1.1) could push me out.

I've cancelled several pre-orders recently (Hellfire being the latest when they announced the Clan laser nerf - I mean, really, is anybody actually thinking in the executive suite? Why offer a Clan mech focused on lasers and then announce laser nerfs before it drops?). I won't even bother to buy anything for $$$ at this point.

TBH, I'm actually pretty happy with overall balance right now, but I have pretty serious issues with the performance and behavior of Russ, Paul and Chris. They seem bound and determined to fragment and run off the player base and Russ seems like he has completely thrown in the towel on being an actual functional CEO.

As a SoloQ player, if PGI would just find a way to make some non-laser alternative playstyles viable for Clans (rather than nerfing lasers), fix the PSR/Tier/MM system, and keep introducing new maps/modes I would keep playing for quite some time. But if they push the PTS changes live, I'm done. I just got back from a week long vacation where I didn't play MWO at all, and I'm not missing it....

#90 CtrlAltWheee


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 03:02 PM

I'm here. I still like the game a lot.

I take breaks as work, life, other games come along. Then come back fresh enjoying it.

The game is fun. I'll be playing certainly until MW5 comes out.

#91 Alexandra Hekmatyar


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 03:15 PM

I kinda left because it became boring.
As a faction player on IS side you wait so long to get in and when you're in your opponents are mostly just lurming and sniping far in the back and the match just get's dragged out way to much not to forget my own team bringing the lurms too, just as annoying.
Those quick play events from PGI kinda kills the population even more on the faction side or it's just harder to get the people cause they wanna play for an hour and get 40 mc or something.

#92 TheArisen


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 03:27 PM

I still play but not as often as I used to. Mostly group drops and I only buy mechs I specifically want, which hasn't been since the Fafnir I think.

#93 Xetelian


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 03:45 PM

I haven't played in a month but I might again if the PTS doesn't go live.

#94 Steel Claws


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 03:59 PM

I still play on occasion but the reasons I am getting frustrated with the game and on the verge:
  • Machine guns lights are ridiculous. Luckily most potatoes have no concept of the wolfpack. There is no reason why a pack of 3 or so lights should be able to pretty much take down the enemy team on their own - yet it happens frequently - and yet no balancing has occurred. There really needs to be a jam mechanic based on the number of MGs installed. The more installed the greater the chance.
  • Every time some few people who have the devs ear think there is a balance issue they nerf or buff something which the majority of people actively playing have no issue with. This is not a new game. Weapon stats should have been rock solid years ago and pretty much were but some people keep wanting to tinker. Spend dev time on better things instead of beating old horses into the ground. The only reason to be addressing balance is when you introduce something that breaks balance - like mechs capable of carrying 8 or more machine guns.
  • The maps have all been made pretty much alike with the exception of Polar. The amount of cover and the current pet weapon buffs have reduced the game to charge the enemy. Brawling by and large is the only play style that works. This makes the scouting roll worthless and why load anything other than ballistics and SRM/MRMs. This has made game play stale and all but eliminated the usefulness of any light that can't carry at least 4 machine guns. Yes you see other lights still in game but they are not very effective unless in the hands of a skilled pilot. This used to be considered a thinking mans game but it has been dumbed down to the point that it is ridiculous.
  • There is no longer enough interest in the game to keep teams together. Team play as a group is when this game is the most fun.

Edited by Steel Claws, 01 August 2018 - 04:03 PM.

#95 Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 04:20 PM

Whales loves open waters.
Not stench of a decaying bog.


Posted Image

#96 Davegt27


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:04 PM

I play around in the Mech lab and on the testing grounds

oh I bought a HBK IIC A and a NCT-B but sold them back in less then a day

I answer the call to arms for FP then stare at the screen for a few minutes then cancel

then 5 mins later I click on FP button again and stare at the screen, I do that 3 or 4 times each time a flood of bad unfun game
play flood my mind and I cancel the navigation

if I can click on the FP button and find something else to do while I wait then I will drop in a FP match
get roll stomped by some team then either find something else to do or drop QP

if I could find a decent mech to level up that seems pretty fun I would do that

I can't think of any suggestions to make

#97 MischiefSC


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 05:40 PM

I play a handful ofatches a week. I show up for comp queue a couple hours a week because it's fun. When that ends I'll likely check out.

#98 Peter2k


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:49 PM


It's good seeing FP mentioned again, but personally I think scrapping and redoing it from scratch is exactly what they should've done

Judging from past experiences its foolish to get ones hope up

View PostDavegt27, on 01 August 2018 - 05:04 PM, said:

I play around in the Mech lab and on the testing grounds

oh I bought a HBK IIC A and a NCT-B but sold them back in less then a day

I answer the call to arms for FP then stare at the screen for a few minutes then cancel

then 5 mins later I click on FP button again and stare at the screen, I do that 3 or 4 times each time a flood of bad unfun game
play flood my mind and I cancel the navigation

if I can click on the FP button and find something else to do while I wait then I will drop in a FP match
get roll stomped by some team then either find something else to do or drop QP

if I could find a decent mech to level up that seems pretty fun I would do that

I can't think of any suggestions to make

I think at this point I'd be happy about AI fillers in FP, as long as they have a loadout suitable for the map and mode
That would be an improvement over like half of the players you drop with in FP (except if it's a premade), if you can find enough people at all that is

Edited by Peter2k, 01 August 2018 - 07:53 PM.

#99 MyriadDigits


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:52 PM

I've only been around for a year or two, certainly not one of those vets who remembers the good ol' days. What keeps me here, aside from a love of big stompy robots, is for those really close, intense matches. You know the ones, you're down a leg, or a side torso with an LFE on CXL, and there's one or two enemies left, no ammo left. You're crippled. There's no repair, no respawn. You either do it or you don't. Maybe you get a objective victory on Conquest hiding from the enemies, seeing them walk by, unawares of the nook you've powered down in. Or twisting and turning you keep the attention of their last mech, buying time for your allied Commando to cap on Assault. Perhaps, you spot the last enemy on seismic, attempting to flank you, but you turn and plant a PPC bolt into his cherry CT.

For me, the draw is these situations, because very few games have locational damage, have this kind of deterioration that allows for them to happen. You don't just have 1 hitpoint left, you are well and truly less functional then you were at the start. And all this has so much more impact with only one life.

#100 Accused


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Posted 01 August 2018 - 07:57 PM

I stopped caring. I lurk, I play a match, I leave.

The devs have done everything in their power to make the player base dislike them. Even a few things I wouldn't have thought of.

What would it take me to come back? Gee, how about a little common sense and courtesy? We know that is never going to happen. We know they're going to keep balancing the game until they shut it down suddenly with no warning whatsoever. Hell I bet they even release a new mech a month before it happens too.

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