Posted 31 July 2018 - 04:29 AM
I still play every night that I can in group queue. As long as the folks I play with are still around I shall continue to do so. Though I admit that given how few mechs and builds are truly competitive anymore the fun is definitely decreasing.
Wish I still played CW, but after phase 3 and PGI’s ‘ “its fine” until it obviously wasn’t and we’ll fix it with the “one bucket solution” rather than trying to put ANY effort toward making the mode enticing and fun’ approach, I stopped caring; and after all this time of no further interest shown by PGI to make it’s latest iteration anything more than QP with respawns (and occasional invasion map), I stopped hoping it would ever be better.
Still making fun of PGI and some of the more poorly though out things they say and do, but given their seeming obsession with self-harm of late, even that is less fun than it used to be.
I miss having MWO as a true hobby. Thankfully I still have booze. The extra money and effort I put toward that, now that I don’t spend anything on this, makes it much easier to cope with the disappointment of PGI’s quest for the vanilification of the game and watching them, after all these years, fail to understand how their own game works and what their most dedicated customers want.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 05:20 AM
Bud Crue, on 31 July 2018 - 04:29 AM, said:
QP with Respawns + ability to pick what mechs I bring to the map / game mode is the main reason I like FP so much honestly. Having to choose what mechs to bring, and to either front load, back load, or balance a deck with mechs appropriate to the situation is a lot more fun IMO than random map/mode, which makes it very hard to play specialist builds. I love running ER Laser mechs, for example, but I'd never do it in QP because they're so situational. You can do that stuff in FP, and it makes it more fun.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 06:01 AM
Eisenhorne, on 31 July 2018 - 05:20 AM, said:
QP with Respawns + ability to pick what mechs I bring to the map / game mode is the main reason I like FP so much honestly. Having to choose what mechs to bring, and to either front load, back load, or balance a deck with mechs appropriate to the situation is a lot more fun IMO than random map/mode, which makes it very hard to play specialist builds. I love running ER Laser mechs, for example, but I'd never do it in QP because they're so situational. You can do that stuff in FP, and it makes it more fun.
Yeah. I do miss it. Most folks I play with though are just not interested at all, even with the enticements you point to. Bring back phase 2 (maybe with conquest added in) and I think I could round up some interest; but as it is, especially lacking IS v IS and Clan v Clan, and the absence of nerd politics, etc. it’s just not worth the time investment for those of us who only play for an hour or two at a time.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 06:11 AM
They keep delaying the release of IS Omnis and their changes/proposed changes to equipment and core mechanics are headed for boring-town, so I play less.
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 31 July 2018 - 06:12 AM.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 06:28 AM
Posted 31 July 2018 - 06:31 AM
- Battletech scene is just the coolest thing ever.
- A lot of promises were made in the beta-phase of this game, but not much of that was reclaimed.
- Regardless, this was still enough fun to spend a couple of hours every now and then.
- The build quality is poor. It has always been poor, but now it just feels it gets worse on each patch.
- It feels as if any kind of untested, unfinished and unoptimized crap gets published solely on the excuse of selling more skins and mech packs. As if there is even no intention to improve, optimize and fix things.
- There's regression: bugs that have been fixed years ago, might re-appear on some patch.
- The level of optimization is unimaginable. A lot of the game looks like it's from Quake 2 (seriously), and still it doesn't always run smoothly at all. By smoothly I refer to purchasing a 5k€ gaming rig a year ago just to see the MWO struggle with the smoke effects and a lot of things flying simultaneously.
- Each patch seem to promote missiles more and more.
- I probably suck as a player, but regardless of that, it currently seems as if LRMs are the only thing one should even equip anymore.
- Changes in weapon balancing are constant, dynamic, and obvious tool for the publisher to pump more money from the community though enforcing different loadouts.
Battletech (the turn-based game) is a good game, but a completely different one. Maybe, instead of pointless ranting, it's time for me to consider giving the scene a break until there are better alternatives on the market.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 07:04 AM
Posted 31 July 2018 - 07:07 AM
the year before last year i found there is no mech can carry 2lbx20 4srm6, then we got mad2csc so i keep playing more
the last year i found there is no mech can carry a lot of mg, then we got pir 1 so i come back~
now plz give us some the clan mech who can run 75 with good weapon location
i guess jager 2c is good choice:D
Posted 31 July 2018 - 08:03 AM
The Night Gyr also has great weapon placement, just poor mobility.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 09:46 AM
Oh and big Stompy Robots.
Edited by Novakaine, 31 July 2018 - 09:47 AM.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 10:03 AM
Mech Ranger, on 31 July 2018 - 07:07 AM, said:
I argued that point for the Sun Spider since it was completely out of Lore, so they could do whatever they wanted. But, the Lore people won the argument to keep it the same speed as MDD, EBJ, HBR, and TBR. Could have provided a different play experience.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 10:53 AM

I stoped playing because:
1. PGI developed this game into a bad spot!
They messed up EVERY implementation of good ideas like engine desync, skill tree, balance, faction warfare,... i seriously can`t remember anything they got right or at least needed YEARs to recognize fatal issues like clan-IS balance. (stoped playing the first time after claninvation)
2. MWO will be shut down after the MW5 release!
I don`t buy the no multiplayer support if you can play pve with friends. No company supports 2 engines in the long run (unreal for MW5 (hands down the better one) and cry for MWO). This year MWOWC is a promotion for stock mech usage. Strange...which future mech game will use stock mechs with very little costumizations so PGI can sell much more variants of the same mech over and over again to you? So no need to throw anymore money or time at MWO.
Edited by Tiewolf, 31 July 2018 - 11:00 AM.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 01:14 PM
My git good days are over, I just play to troll now.
Bully people in my Uziels(I've found love for it, I dunno why but its so fun to play now), LRM people in my Mauler...
No one plays well anymore, they just want to sit in the back and wait for something to happen, you gotta get on the MIC and start yelling at people to get them to move and shoot, or else they'll spend 3 minutes torso twisting looking at one another trying to see who who will engage first.
Its rather annoying, no ones got balls anymore.
Edited by Humpday, 31 July 2018 - 01:14 PM.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 01:20 PM

Posted 31 July 2018 - 02:35 PM
Posted 31 July 2018 - 03:07 PM
Imperius, on 30 July 2018 - 07:53 AM, said:
Who is still around and why?
If you quit MWO why?
Please be specific and offer suggestions that may solve your issues to bring you back.
Short term to bring me back. Revert engine desync and adjust 2x Gauss 2x ER-PPC Ghost Heat value to allow 1 alpha.
Long term to keep me. Announce and move MWO to Unreal 4 and prove your commitment to the online service. I see no more need to invest into this game if this is the end.
I quit, effectively from last october, didn't bther reinstalling the game when I bought new PC in Jan. I have said I'll come back if certain conditions are met.
Addition of the rest of Unseen, in a recognisable shape, removal of bolt on's from Q.P and F.W I'd settle for a button that stops me seeing that crap.
Quirks used in a way that gives a point to owning lots of mechs 5 here 10 there, just doesn't cut it for medium mechs.
Realistically, they won't be met.
Why did I quit
Abandonment of F.W after the addition, and the sulky childish removal of a feature, that even a twelve year old child would have realised was going to break the mode, in the format they were introduced. Not only were these features broken when added, the then so called AAA developers tried to defend it for months while the population crashed even more, only removing it, orbital strike when it was to late.
Making being a loyalist pointless in F.W
The New skill tree that made the game no better, in somecases a lot worse, and has been the instrument of piss poor balancing, that's made the game incredibly dull.
Being told by the Dev's that were either extremely bad at the game, or lacking objectivity, they knew the game better than those that played if for two, three, sometime into double figures of hours each day for five years, and we should shut up.
Spending money on a product that's owned by a C.E.O so unprofessional, he turned up for live streams drunk.
Solaris .
bolt on's
As a foot note, Desync was a good thing in theory. An engines size should never dictate the speed of anything except acceleration.
Where P.G.I did their usual job of incompetence, is in failing to give the bigger mechs more torso twist agility, to compensate, and then when it was clear they needed a boost, refuse to do anything about it.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 04:52 PM
ocular tb, on 31 July 2018 - 02:35 PM, said:
Lights as a whole are awful and have been since the rescale. That garbage needs to be reverted, maybe people would play them if they didn't die from dual Heavy Gauss Mech's in one shot.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 05:18 PM
Posted 31 July 2018 - 05:28 PM
Imperius, on 30 July 2018 - 07:53 AM, said:
There's a two-part answer to this:
I consciously stopped spending money on the game over a year ago. Development is too slow, too scatterbrained, and new features are too often implemented in a half-assed state that doesn't get fixed for up to a year (if it ever gets fixed at all). I'm not going to pump more money into the game, when there's little to no apparent improvement from year to year.
I stopped playing altogether this year because balance is constantly in flux, and balance changes have consistently had a neutral or negative effect on my enjoyment of the game since about 2015. (My two cents is that balance was in a really good place, where a variety of builds across all weight classes and range brackets were fun and rewarding to play, right before the Kodiak was released.) I could probably live with the current state of the game, if they'd just stop mucking about with the weapon systems for five f'n minutes, so that I could come up with and play some enjoyable builds.
Posted 31 July 2018 - 07:32 PM
Solaris had me interested, got old really really fast.
Uninstalled MWO after spending a week in Solaris, haven't bothered since, only keeping an eye open on the forum.
For instance glad to see PGI still thinks they know better than Taro (or the community attempt) when it comes to balance. /S
Ultimately it's a culmination of many small things and a handful of big issues.
But the most obvious things that pop into my mind:
- found good friends to play with, good group(s), gone and disbanded; guess making it expensive for groups to have high numbers of players (including inactive members) payed off like PGI wanted.
Groups were the boogeyman after all.
- FP, kinda ruined
Ever since someone thought nuking players from orbit would be fun it steadily declined.
Now it's basically dead and robbed of any pretention of having any meaning/lore
Hell I bought 3 top dogs to complement my Phoenix thunderbolt, bought clan heroes to go along with my invasion models, bought the drop decks and had drop decks fitting for the maps
Too bad the mode is robbed of player numbers (that never recovered, no matter how stubbornly PGI defended orbital bombardment) , friends quit and playing the mode has no meaning
- lack of vision
I have no idea what MWO is supposed to be exactly, except a sandbox team deathmatch game
I'm not sure PGI knows what to do with it either
I mean quickplay and Solaris (which is just QP 1vs1 and 2vs2 which supposedly is already dead), that's it?
And the quality of the maps in Solaris, ugh
I remember when PGI promised that QP is just a placeholder
- nothing to do, and everything you do has no meaning
You play the game to grind for new mechs
Well I have plenty of mechs and enough money to buy me mechs if I really want them.
Which leaves playing for fun, which it became less and less, thx Chris n Russ.
- skilltree is bland, not convinced any more it's better than the old one (friend of dropping the 3 rule though)
- everything takes forever, features, maps, bug fixes, balance, just plain everything
Hell the dev post about optimizing scale form as it's a resource hog; saying it would help a lot but takes away too many resources to bother updating, especially as newer versions of CryEngine come with a better version anyway, is like 3 years old now
- balance as a whole seems to be making it's way to make everything more samey and less fun, on top of some strange decisions
I'm not sure MWO can recover from so much complacency.
There seems to be no vision beyond mech packs and bolt ons, so as soon as MW5 drops, what will the people that worked on it do?
Will escort be made good?
Will FP get serious dev time?
The only thing on the horizon seems to be more balance attempts.
That seems to be the only thing PGI can do besides mechs, twiddle with XML values.
Looking forward to MW5.
The last times I played the MM, which supposedly does exactly what it's supposed to do according to Paul, made me belive that playing with and against an AI can't possible be less fun.
And the maps don't look ugly and don't have terrain that pops up as you move forward.
Hope it'll be good, not holding my breath though.
In all the years PGI has failed (practically not even tried) to incorporate the lore and meaning.
To think that they can come up with an interesting stories seems unlikely.
Edited by Peter2k, 31 July 2018 - 07:36 PM.
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