iLLcapitan, on 09 August 2018 - 11:49 PM, said:
Sorry I noticed others, who have already made their viewpoint, are continuing to shut down anyone else who states anything other than "this game,mode is for the top 5% of the playerbase only and PGi should continue to create content solely for this minority, anyone else, no matter how much money or time they have invested in MWO is irrelevant unless they want to git gud"
So I will continue counterpoints to represent the casual playerbase who do not have time to assert the countering view on the forums to the good players with too much time and not enough games launching.
You have a very simple statement to make 1 of 2 options.
I want to wait 2 hours for a FP game (which is what it will return to soon enough, even with increased numbers of events, and minor changes to walls etc..) And it be over in 15 minutes in a 48 - 13 result. And watch as the playerbase continues to dwindle and finally completely dies when MW5, a single player game launches.
I would like to have shorter queue times with closer matches. where KAI STRAY and some average to good players and 2 stock mech / joystick warriors form 1 team and PROMOWAR and some average to good players and 2 stock mech / joystick warriors form the other team and this game continues on and possibly even increase's in popularity as the multiplayer part of MW5, at which point it could Flourish.
How many "Team's" are there left ? 12 People with the same unit tag dropping together ?
How many of those Teams would have the MAJORITY of their matches end in results Closer than 36-48 ?
Your team game is dead unless you help rebuild the playerbase in solo ssr queue, In which learning to work with others would be more difficult and more rewarding than your current "find 11 other meta players who listen to comm's" system.
I often play in Big groups, I often queue solo, both have their benefits and rewards, I usually play Meta builds, many people do not.
"The lone starrs tho quickly realized they were the minority and sadly the queues were merged again" The lonestars realized all the casual players were busy testing out the brand new game that had just been added called scouting, before they got bored with that queue's were remerged, the lonestars also were either trying the brand new game mode, or had to join unit queue to play 12 man queue. (I was not a "lonestar") I think I was still a decent not amazing pilot in a large unit.
How will sticking a joystick OR stock team OR low mechanical skill team in group only queue vs Evil/Kcom bring units back ?
Edited by Cadoazreal, 10 August 2018 - 12:33 AM.