Kroete, on 09 August 2018 - 07:02 AM, said:
Logically would be to play solo in the soloqueue if you like fairplay, sportsmanship and fun and even matches,
but its also logically that you will syncdrop with thirdparty coms to fight against solos if you dont want even matches and needs every little advantage or like to win without much effort.
Do you realy saying that most streamers and most groupplayers are cheaters?
No, we just like playing with teammates who know what they're doing, and don't need to be babied about how to play.
The game has a finite amount of maps and game modes. Those each have a small set of "good" strategies that are common. All players in a good premade group will know these ahead of time and have mechs that suit it.
You can't really call strategies when new solo players take random mismatched mechs, because any strategy will rely on team cohesion of everyone doing the same thing, or at least doing things that support other things. For example, on Polar Highlands, you'll have 1-2 NARC lights, 5-8 LRM boats, and the rest ER Laser snipers. If you had some brawlers mixed in there, they will be completely useless. There's no "strategy" you can call that will make them useful, unless the enemy team is significantly worse than yours.
Then you have people constantly asking things over comms that shouldn't need clarification... "do we reinforce?", "where's the rally point", etc. These are questions that experienced players will not need to ask, because the answers never change. Do not reinforce unless it's a rout in our favor and you need to get back in time to get more kills (never happens in PUG games). Do not rally too close to the enemy if you're the first to die, and go towards your teammates who are regrouping if you're not the first to die.
It's just stressful having to explain basic concepts to newbs over and over again. Being in a group of experienced players is a lot more fun because you can just focus on playing your role, instead of worrying about if your team is going to do something stupid and leave you to die.