Chris Lowrey, on 10 August 2018 - 02:40 PM, said:
The core gameplay in MWO is always going to revolve around 'Mech combat first. So as a generality, Lights and Mediums still have to be able to actively contribute to the fight and be able to stand toe to toe against heavier 'Mechs in direct combat situations in their own way. Otherwise we simply run into the problem where they do a neat little trick, but it doesn't actively contribute to your team actually winning the match. Which in turn feeds into a notion that if your team is in a skirmish match and each team is at 11, 11, the team with the heavier 'Mech is the instant favorite to win the match so why play lighter 'Mechs at all?
Bravo sir, I appreciate reading this from someone at PGI.
There is an oft touted belief in the MWO Forums that Light Mechs are only to serve as cannon fodder and cap grabbers that I have always strongly disagreed with. After all MWO is about combat; leaving an entire class of combat vehicles incapable of performing said role in a combat game does not make any sense to me and I'm glad to see it doesn't make sense to PGI either.
That said, I would like to ask what is your sense of the current state of balance around Streak SRMs and also Light Mechs? From my own perspective, SSRMs seem to be laughably useless against heavier chassis like Med to Assault Mechs (even when boated) and devastatingly punitive to light mechs (especially when boated). SSRM's also appear to me to be suffering from the same "it's easy just point and click" mentality/mechanic that is so loathed on LRMS BUT doesn't inspire the same rage against SSRMs because:
a) The players using them stick with and move up with the group
b ) Most people don't run lights and Streaks only matter to lights everyone else doesn't care.
Chris Lowrey, on 10 August 2018 - 02:40 PM, said:
if a full class of 'Mechs cannot be an active participant towards tangibly winning the match compared to heavier options, then it becomes an issue for us, because then you run into that age old problem of "no one likes to play support."
Well Chris, Isn't that effectively what happens to Light Mechs when they see there are multiple SSRM boats nearby? Don't they more or less get taken out of active participation since they cannot actively participate in combat against Streak Boats without being 1 (maybe 2) shot to death with no effective means of retaliating?
Btw I would argue ECM is not an effective counter when 90% of the light chassis available to play in game can't equip it and BAP neutralizes it anyway.
So again, I would ask where do you see streaks? Would you be willing to buff streaks to be more effective against Assault chassis with the current game mechanic in place (i.e. LRM like easy lock and shoot) or is this something you think could be looked into?
Oh and before anyone tells me to "Git Gud" note that I am asking about a Buff to this weapon class and check my Jar List rating (I'm not terrible
