As of now, my earlier Rating of "7.5/10" is absolute junk. Why?
- My earlier point about needing 48-Hour Minimums for each and every Challenge Set Phase has been made far too clear to me. How? My family has been constantly sabotaging my time out from under me repeatedly during the course of this Event so far. I am simply not getting enough time to participate properly in this "Jade Falcon vs. Clan Wolf" Event during each Challenge Set Phase.
- Worse, in regard to lack of time... If this is happening to me, I then have to consider and wonder how many newbies to Faction Warfare are not getting enough time to honestly understand how to play these Game Modes with a 4 Mech DropDeck and opponents that can come back a few times. I would like to have thought that this Event was meant to get people involved, and NOT just set them up to be 'clubbed seals' for others to pound upon. People who don't get time to understand will NEVER stick around.
- On top of it, the MWO Community in general is failing to communicate. Those willing to communicate (myself, for example) are being actively focused by the Enemy, because the Enemy can shoot past all of the non-communicators at those that do speak up. Without communication, Teamwork fails to happen, and thus matches are lost.
- Further, it is taking me more than just "2 to 4 Matches" to get through any Challenge Set directly due to the above problems, creating a 'snowball effect. This tells me that some reasonable chunk of the Player Base is suffering the same issues. That's just NOT funny.
...and one can hope that PGI's Event Handlers will learn to stop abusing everyone who isn't a 'Top-Tier Competitive'-type Player. A whole lot of hell could have been alleviated just by making all the Event Challenge Set Phases have a 48-Hour Minimum of time allocated to each of them.

As for this...
James Argent, on 11 August 2018 - 10:42 AM, said:
Re: 'autistic screeching about LRMs.' Did you bring AMS? Did you skill for Radar Deprivation? Did you shoot the UAV or the NARCer/spotter? Did you...oh, I don't know...find a rock, building, or depression and keep it close enough to walk casually over to it? The tools are there, it's all on you if you don't use them. For people who constantly complain about the lack of skill required to use LRMs, your own skills certainly don't seem up to the challenge of a playstyle that takes you out of your established comfort zone. Yes, I died to LRMs a few times last night. You know what, though? Almost everybody dies a few times in every Invasion match no matter what weapon is used against them...that's why you're required to bring four mechs in your dropdeck. If it wasn't for the LRMs, you'd die to something else and it would change nothing except for checking some box in your head you've worked up as being somehow more acceptable.
James, well said! It seems like there are too many people who haven't learned to adapt. Worse, MWO's Community needs to tell PGI to AVOID NERFING LRMs in the upcoming August Monthly Patch. It takes one hell of a lot more skill to position properly to avoid hitting your Team in their collective backs while still helping them pound the Enemy to dust.

It makes me wonder if these people are mindless enough to prefer that you bring Direct Fire Weapons, even though those people are facehugging the enemy to the point that you'll end up constantly hitting them instead of the Enemy? It makes LRMs the only usable choice after that, otherwise you basically have to let them die because they were facehugging the Enemy.

And then this...
Cadoazreal, on 11 August 2018 - 03:18 PM, said:
If you get a reasonable team, it will actually be the farthest Drop Zone from the battle area that becomes cumbersome. Being able to get to the battle in the first place is a healthy part of actually helping a team do well. But yeah, if you're getting pugstomped to death, then your words about River City's Domination Game Mode stand perfectly true.

And now, everyone, pardon me. I've got to scram again. So much to do, so little time... and I need to get some food or I'll croak. My brain has just run out of fuel, preventing me from being able to post my thoughts more clearly than this.

~Mr. D. V. "Not enough time, not enough chances to people to adapt and learn... It's hurting the Event!" Devnull