Between the long EU queue times, the increased ping, the power creep and the burnout after 12 years of playing MWO. I think its time to quit. At this point its an exercise in frustration more than anything else.
It's still one of my favorite online games and one of the most fun games I've every played. And it was free, and the nice kind of free to play too, not the draconian type where you're more or less forced to pay at some point.
I don't know how long the game will run, but I don't think it'll be around for 2 more years. I hope so, but I doubt it, what with the layoffs and the slow but steady bleed of players I think we're close to the end.
Thanks PGI. Great game. Great run!
Edited by RockmachinE, 28 January 2025 - 11:44 AM.