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Patch Notes - - 21-Aug-2018

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#401 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 03:25 AM

View PostToxicresidue, on 23 August 2018 - 03:00 AM, said:

I guess pgi wants a core of get gud players good luck. this missile nerf thing is BS! two nerfs in a row (that's right 2 nerfs this last one that is a buff WAS NOT) how many of you folks know that I do a lot of rocket whoring? it was harder to kill someone after that BS buff!
a few loudmouths/crybabies that got their butts nuked by lrms went and kissed up to someone now ya got this. kinda like that Solaris that only 30 people play. well kiss my *** im glad I haven't spent any money on your game in 2 years except for them sad *** blood asp. that's cool you socialist SOB's

Posted Image

#402 Thorqemada


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 03:58 AM

And thx for the Save/Load Options in the Mechbay and Skilltree - i know its not this Patch but i really like that Options.

#403 Lawrence Elsa


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 05:03 AM

View PostvonJerg, on 23 August 2018 - 01:04 AM, said:

At the moment i think the major problem in MWO is lack of performance separation as everyone ended up in tier 1. I think the only true cure is to reset PSR, and within a week we will have tear separation again, the games will again become more enjoyable for all parties.

I can agree with that. There has been a desperate need of PSR reset and an actual progression/regression system. Doing 5 damage and 12 assists should not be a positive increase just because the team won.

#404 Bwah Ha Ha


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 05:25 AM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 22 August 2018 - 06:28 AM, said:

Snipers may not do a lot of damage but I think damage is overrated.

Kills is the real measure of effectiveness.

Posted Image

Notice the Supernova A Lermer on my team got more damage but no kills.
Where as the guys with kills did less damage
Damage isnt everything

Krills is and no I did not steal da krills

Posted Image

Doh Krills and damage make CB stash bigga

Posted Image

Couldn't help moi self

Disagree, the stat that does not get shown in that end game page is KMDD.

#405 vonJerg


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 05:34 AM

I'm sure those Sleipnirs were using LRM10s, each!

EDIT: typo

Edited by vonJerg, 23 August 2018 - 05:34 AM.

#406 Bwah Ha Ha


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 05:40 AM

View PostEisenhorne, on 22 August 2018 - 11:15 AM, said:

None of the things you listed are realistically feasible. If you get within 100-150 meters of a streak boat, you cannot dodge the missiles with cover or magically outrun them. They're gonna hit you and kill you. So if you have small pulse lasers and machine guns, you cannot "git gud" to beat a streak user, they will just flat out win regardless of skill.

Really? Well then I formally apologize to all the terrain and team mechs that I hit when locked into an enemy mech with SSRM who accidentally countered them, I guess the light mech were lucky vice gud.

#407 Reposter


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 06:12 AM

Smart fix, make Targeting Computers give bonuses to Missile weapons as well? Really like the idea of making targeting computers more useful to all weapon systems.

#408 Arkhangel


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 07:52 AM

View PostReposter, on 23 August 2018 - 06:12 AM, said:

Smart fix, make Targeting Computers give bonuses to Missile weapons as well? Really like the idea of making targeting computers more useful to all weapon systems.

No. that said, could add some kinda TTS system for Missiles like Battletech has.

thing is, you make TComps affect missiles, and MRM40s'd essentially become the most powerful weapon in the game. ever seen what a decent-sized Tcomp combined with a pair of RACs is like? You make a Tcomp affect missiles and MRMs essentially turn into HAGs.

Edited by Arkhangel, 23 August 2018 - 07:57 AM.

#409 Brain Cancer


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 07:57 AM

View PostStory Time, on 22 August 2018 - 08:28 PM, said:

Don't know how C3 works eh? Tell that to my 200 ton tanks with 10 tubes of Arrow 4 homing ammo and oscouts with C3 master and tag. Trust me, if I wanted my aim to be determined by dice rolls I'd only play Megamek.

I find it funny you think that the people who play this game and don't want certain lore elements aren't Loretards. I bet it would blow your mind if I told you that at least 4 members of EmP play Tabletop and would probably wreck you at it, since I know for a fact I've been steamrolled a good number of times by them with things like tank spam, artillery, Aerospace Thunder Mine FASCAM, and weapons specialists with Clan Large Pulse that need a 2 or better to hit from max range.

I was mid-Atlantic regionals champ at one point and still have the prize from FASA sitting on my desk. And yes, I keep up just fine with the rules. I know how to break tabletop like a boss, and that's why I called out your whinging on "free C3".


We know just how BAD this game would be if we put lore into everything, we know that skill would be DEAD if we made this game require a point system, or had random hit requirements, or didn't make people WORK for their pinpoint accuracy.

Don't even try that "WAAAAAH YOU WANT EVERYTHING LIKE TABLETOP" bulldada. You know as well as I do that's not what I'm going at here.

Annnnnnnd lock on missiles are literally the exact opposite of pinpoint accuracy. Even a fricking LB-X is capable of more directed damage than missiles that auto-miss targets or randomly seek locations in a procedure that is only marginally less random than tabletop- because there's fewer possible locations, Streaks can't hit the head.


Making LRMs delete enemy mechs without needing to expose for direct fire is not a fun game mechanic. Making Lasers do full damage to one component would make them better than ballistics in every way, and if we wanna be lore accurate, streaks still hit no matter what if you aquire lock, even to the point where host-state-rewind will let them pass through terrain on occasion, and quite frankly clan weapons would just be straight up better in every single way (range, heat, tonnage, accuracy at different ranges)

Someone's gotta expose themselves for that lock. The number of times I've sat there and laughed as people ignored the spotters is uncountable- there's no magical method where we can spot targets through blocked LOS like C3 does in tabletop. Someone has to be exposed. People fail at situational awareness, friendly lights and interceptor (Streakboats, etc) mediums don't look for and engage their counterparts and before you know it, the salt rains down with the lurms.

Lights being dangerous. You'd think that might have sunk in sometime into MWO's collective consciousness, what with the PIR-1, every NARC Raven video made ever, and so forth. Nope.


if you really want all of the above, dust off your Ral Partha miniatures.

I still play monthly. Not a grognard, though.


it should be needed to counter ECM which costs 1.5 or 1 ton + nodes in the skill tree. Whats that, like a little bit of ammo to make sure you can one-shot a light mech?

Your intelligent missile boat already had to go down the Sensor tree for target decay anyway, so the nodes bit isn't saying much. ECM should never have been extending sensor lock time to begin with. Shutting down Artemis? Absolutely. Having an effect on a weapon system that should be ignoring it completely? Not at all.

And again, this isn't just about indirect fire LRMs. The Artemis change actually hurts ATMs and Streaks the most, neither of which are sitting there going "hold locks PLS" anyway.

#410 Brain Cancer


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 08:03 AM

View PostLawrence Elsa, on 22 August 2018 - 08:48 PM, said:

You mean you can't?

not sure if sarcasm
Generally not with low velocity weapons, no. If it's a high velocity one? Heck, my best aimed headshot kill was BRRRRTing a Battlemaster to death with UAC/2 fire at about 800m or so. But most people focus damage better up close than at near-nothing ranges. A bigger target (and of course slower) is an easier target, after all.

#411 Arkhangel


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 08:07 AM

View PostVlad Striker, on 21 August 2018 - 11:30 AM, said:

They remove the only useful features of Artemis. 90% of all missiles launching by indirect fire. No sense of using Artemis system now.

actually, only about 20% of all missiles in MWO are indirect fired. since you're forgetting a large amount of missile wepaons in the game are unguided or short range. newsflash, LRMs are actually a minority. even ATMs work better when direct-fired, especially close enough to do their full damage.

fact is, if you wanna be a lurmer, you need to learn to grow a pair and stick with the team, not hide way in the back and promptly get your butt handed to you when a flanking light eats your only-LRM mech.

#412 Jonathan8883


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 08:17 AM

The new lock window is smaller than the targeting bracket for mechs like the Assassin and Wolfhound. Can't get locks on a moving one at 400m unless I can see it to predict which way it'll go (and why would I go direct fire with LRMs now? Need to stay far off to maintain locks).

Since ATMs got the same 64% nerf-bludgeon, I don't see a need to even try those. Laser vomit and ballistics are now king and everything else is wasting my time.

#413 Tiy0s


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 09:37 AM

View PostJonathan8883, on 23 August 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:

The new lock window is smaller than the targeting bracket for mechs like the Assassin and Wolfhound. Can't get locks on a moving one at 400m unless I can see it to predict which way it'll go (and why would I go direct fire with LRMs now? Need to stay far off to maintain locks).

Since ATMs got the same 64% nerf-bludgeon, I don't see a need to even try those. Laser vomit and ballistics are now king and everything else is wasting my time.

As God intended.

#414 x Deathstrike x


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 09:46 AM

View PostJonathan8883, on 23 August 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:

The new lock window is smaller than the targeting bracket for mechs like the Assassin and Wolfhound. Can't get locks on a moving one at 400m unless I can see it to predict which way it'll go (and why would I go direct fire with LRMs now? Need to stay far off to maintain locks).

If you have such a hard time with LRMs now one simple question:
Have you ever tried direct fire weapons?

I mean those weapons that require you to always see your target and predict its movement?
In addition to the prediction you also have to predict the flytime of your bullets if they arent lasers which gets increasingly difficult to at longer ranges. Then add your own movement on top of that and THEN i call that hard to do.
If aiming was that hard I think I am cheating somehow when hitting stuff with dual UAC10 at 500+ meters.
Wow if this is the mindset of a typical LRM player it makes me want to get back into my Piranha and waste a dozen more of them.

Edited by x Deathstrike x, 23 August 2018 - 09:50 AM.

#415 Thorqemada


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 10:00 AM

Which Laserweapon or Gauss actually need you to predict movement?
Lasers (+MG) are Hitscan and you simply Point - Click - Hold and Gauss have such a high Velocity that you usually also Charge - Point - Click - Boom (i know when you fire them at almost triple range they have a small travel time bcs that was how i killed mechs in CW).

Some slow velocity Weapons need advanced movement prediction but usually the bigger the Weaponrange is the higher is the Velocity which helps quite a bit so mostly close range weapons have a slow Velocity as have Lurms and alike.

Generally slow velocity weapons are more difficult to use!

Edited by Thorqemada, 23 August 2018 - 10:00 AM.

#416 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 10:00 AM

View PostJonathan8883, on 23 August 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:

The new lock window is smaller than the targeting bracket for mechs like the Assassin and Wolfhound. Can't get locks on a moving one at 400m unless I can see it to predict which way it'll go (and why would I go direct fire with LRMs now? Need to stay far off to maintain locks).

Since ATMs got the same 64% nerf-bludgeon, I don't see a need to even try those. Laser vomit and ballistics are now king and everything else is wasting my time.

Are you aiming with foot?

#417 Eisenhorne


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 10:02 AM

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 23 August 2018 - 10:00 AM, said:

Are you aiming with foot?

This is common problem.

#418 Chados


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 12:41 PM

View PostBrain Cancer, on 23 August 2018 - 08:03 AM, said:

not sure if sarcasm
Generally not with low velocity weapons, no. If it's a high velocity one? Heck, my best aimed headshot kill was BRRRRTing a Battlemaster to death with UAC/2 fire at about 800m or so. But most people focus damage better up close than at near-nothing ranges. A bigger target (and of course slower) is an easier target, after all.

I had a guy one shot me in a Flea from 700m away while I was moving at 137.7 kph. He got me between two buildings in Solaris City and I was visible for less than one tick on the clock. Best shot I ever saw.

#419 Kubernetes


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 12:50 PM

View PostJonathan8883, on 23 August 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:

The new lock window is smaller than the targeting bracket for mechs like the Assassin and Wolfhound. Can't get locks on a moving one at 400m unless I can see it to predict which way it'll go (and why would I go direct fire with LRMs now? Need to stay far off to maintain locks).

Since ATMs got the same 64% nerf-bludgeon, I don't see a need to even try those. Laser vomit and ballistics are now king and everything else is wasting my time.

You can't keep your reticle on a huge red square 400m away? Laser boats have to keep their beam on one leg for more than a second. Ballistics and peep users have to lead and anticipate. All you have to do is get the reticle in the box. Cmon man.

#420 HammerMaster


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Posted 23 August 2018 - 01:48 PM

View PostTiy0s, on 23 August 2018 - 09:37 AM, said:

As God intended.

Not my god.

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 23 August 2018 - 10:00 AM, said:

Are you aiming with foot?

1 guy does this and you tubes it.
So you do it. Come on. Do it!
Just like you see people solve Rubic's cube in 5 seconds. Well that means EVERYONE can now ya?
Stop using bad examples.

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